Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Human in Every Sense of the Word – My Sixth Sense – IAS (Inner Alert System) D.G. Kaye

Welcome to the Sunday Interview- Human in every sense of the word.

As humans there are five main senses that we rely on to navigate through this world.  And there is one that we all possess but do not necessarily use all the time…

Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, Smell….Sixth Sense.

You can choose to write about one sense or all of them, including that elusive sixth sense we have clung on to from the early days of man. 

If you would like to participate then here are the details along with my take on senses:

This week’s guest is no stranger to most of you joining us this morning. Non-Fiction author D.G. Kaye (Debby Gies) has been writing the Travel Column on Smorgasbord for the last year, enticing us to travel to wonderful destinations, to be safe and to get the best from our vacations… She has also become the Comedian in Residence, joining me a couple of times a week in a quest to bring a smile to your faces.


My Sixth Sense – IAS (Inner Alert System) D.G. Kaye

My sixth sense superpower is my inner warning signal, urging me to take a pause and pay immediate attention to an occurrence. The delivery method to this sense is through my stomach. When something isn’t right, this messaging system is almost always never wrong, the knots within, feeling like twisted intestines, take hold.

I do believe many of us have an inner alert system, flagging us to pay extra attention to a wrong-doing or danger. We have only to recognize these inner warnings so we may act on them. It’s important though to assess what we are feeling to help identify what exactly isn’t sitting right with us. Is it a feeling of unease or just plain fear? If you aren’t well versed on being able to decode these warning issues, then perhaps this isn’t your superpower. But for me, I’ve never been led astray when my twisted insides are trying to get my attention.
Now, truth be told, my radar alerts are almost always warnings portending to something bad coming. It’s quite possible my intuition knows I don’t require a happiness warning, as pure joy is what comes naturally when elated. With me, it’s a message of doom that stirs within. My intestines are like my Achille’s heel.

Through the years and decades, I’ve sadly had too many of these awakening moments, and I’ll share here just one incident to demonstrate how this feeling transpires. This IAS (inner alert system) is something I can’t really explain, but I know its presence well.
This incident stays with me till this day and was a confirmation to myself for the first time that I was able to receive premonitions.

I was twenty-five and living in my same cozy apartment I’d lived in for some 7 years by this point. I sat in front of my vanity table putting on the finishing touches of my makeup to get ready for work when I felt a sharp pull on my heartstrings and an uncomfortable twisting of my insides. I put down the lipstick and leaned back in my chair as unexplained tears began spilling down from my freshly mascaraed eyes. I didn’t question what I was feeling. I knew instinctively the weird feelings I was experiencing had nothing to do with my own health. I knew something was wrong with my father.

I darted out of my chair, heading to the phone to call my father, and before I could pick up the receiver I was startled by the ringing of the phone. I made note of the time – half past 7, and everyone knows calls coming in at that time of the morning aren’t usually good news.

My sister’s voice greeted me when I picked up. Before she got past saying hello, I interrupted her with panic in my voice, asking her what’s wrong with Daddy? She didn’t even bother asking me how I knew, but replied by telling me our father was rushed to hospital after having a massive heart attack – the first one before the one that would eventually take his life at age 55, and second health scare after having a stroke 10 years prior.

My intuition (sixth sense) has never lied to me. I sometimes feel as though I’m a receiver for gloomy warnings. But then I sometimes wonder if I didn’t receive these messages, would I be better off with the element of surprise? It doesn’t make me a winner either way I suppose, but if I had my choice, and as it seems the way this works with me, forewarned is forearmed.

©D.G. Kaye 2019

My thanks to Debby for sharing her sixth sense with us. I believe we all possess this ability to lesser or greater extent, and it is a very powerful and sometimes life saving gift..

About D.G. Kaye

Debby Gies is a Canadian nonfiction/memoir author who writes under the pen name of D.G. Kaye. She was born, raised, and resides in Toronto, Canada. Kaye writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart and women’s issues.

D.G. writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and she shares the lessons taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcome challenges in her life, and finding the upside from those situations, while practicing gratitude for all the positives.

When Kaye isn’t writing intimate memoirs, she brings her natural sense of humor into her other works. She loves to laugh and self- medicate with a daily dose of humor.
I love to tell stories that have lessons in them, and hope to empower others by sharing my own experiences. I write raw and honest about my own experiences, hoping through my writing, that others can relate and find that there is always a choice to move from a negative space, and look for the positive.

“Live Laugh Love . . . And Don’t Forget to Breathe!”

                 “For every kindness, there should be kindness in return. Wouldn’t that just make the world right?”

When I’m not writing, I’m reading or quite possibly looking after some mundane thing in life. It’s also possible I may be on a secret getaway trip, as that is my passion—traveling.

Books by D.G. Kaye

One of the recent reviews for P.S. I Forgive You on Goodreads

Jul 05, 2019 James rated it it was amazing

My month of memoirs continues with an autobiography by D. G. Kaye — ‘P.S. I Forgive You: A Broken Legacy.’ Although not quite a series, this is the second book by the author as she explores the impact of a narcissistic mother on her daily life. I read this before bed last night, and all I can say is that some people are dealt a very unfair hand in life. That said, it’s amazing to see how wonderful Kaye is handling all that she went through in the last ~50 years. What a great (but painful) read!

Imagine growing up with a mother who seems to intentionally cause pain for her children. The oldest of four, Kaye spent years letting the woman treat her horribly. In this introspective and emotional autobiography, we learn how and why she tolerated it. The memoir kicks off by letting readers know that the author’s mother has passed away, and this is the story of how she handled the decision whether to be there when the woman crossed over. Sick for many years, touch and go at times, it seems like every possible painful opportunity was taken to cause trouble for this family. It was heartbreaking not just because of what they went through but because you really want this to turn out to be a positive story.

In some ways, it does turn out that way… in death, you are often released from the troubles of the past. Not quickly. Not immediately. Not entirely. Kaye suffers to this day because of the trauma she went through. Emotional pain can be far worse and impacting that physical pain. Seeing how the author connects with her siblings and her aunt helps provide a sense of love and hope for her future. Kaye has a phenomenal way of sharing her past with readers… we feel as if we are there, but one thing is for sure — we were not. That… is fantastic writing.

There is a cathartic honesty in her writing style as well as how she processes the events of her life. On the outskirts, it might seem simple: (A) She’s your mother, you should stay and respect her, or (B) She’s been evil and nasty, you need to run away and forget her. Nope… Kaye fully provides the wide spectrum of all the scenarios that ran through her head, some positive and some not-so-positive. How do you make such a decision? Only a strong person can thoroughly see through the minutia to determine what’s best for both the victim and the victimizer (I might’ve made that word up).

If I could reach through a book to hug someone, this would be the prime one for it to happen. I’ve felt these emotions tons of times before when an author creates a character who suffers… but when a real-life woman shares the truth and the pain she’s gone through, it’s a whole different ball game. If you have a high threshold for reading about someone’s emotional suffering, I suggest you take this book on… it might give you the perspective you need to help others.

Read all the reviews and buy the books:

and Amazon UK:

More reviews and follow Debby on Goodreads:

Connect to Debby Gies

About me:
Twitter: (yes there’s a story)

Thank you for dropping in today and Debby would love your feedback… and if you feel that you are in touch with your human senses, why not share them with us in your own Sunday Interview


115 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Human in Every Sense of the Word – My Sixth Sense – IAS (Inner Alert System) D.G. Kaye

  1. Pingback: Author Friday, #BookReviews for D.G. Kaye Books #Amazon reviews

  2. Ignorance is bliss, apparently. Sometimes I agree with that adage – it’s how a lot of people apparently live, without even knowing, caring, or worrying. Aaaah. Yet, being forewarned, as you say, gives us a step ahead in the game. I’m all for that!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pingback: My Sixth Sense – IAS (Inner Alert System) D.G. Kaye is Sally Cronin’s guest | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  4. I enjoyed reading your story, Debby, as I can well relate to it. It’s a blessing and a curse. Even in the days before caller ID, I knew before the phone rang that my mom was calling. I’d answer, “Hi, Mom” and it drove her crazy wondering how I knew. That was the fun part. I don’t like when I know someone is going to call with the sad news of a death in the family or of a good friend. That is unnerving. Thanks for sharing Deb’s story, Sally. Love and hugs to both of you.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I find this type of discussion so interesting, Deb. I know you’ve got the special intuition. I have often ignored my gut feelings and that did not serve me well at all. I’ve now learned to listen to my IAS. I often will receive messages in my dreams.
    Hello to Sally! Thanks for sharing your story, Deb.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I read Debbie’s book, Conflicted Hearts, several years ago and I was awed by the authencity, and the heart rendering story. It is very difficult to be a child with an narrcisstic parent, especially a mother who also appeared to have other problems emotionally as well. I really related to her story in her book, Conflicted Hearts, as my father was also a narrcisstic person and as a child, it was very difficult to understand and heartbreaking as well. I have always kept Debbie’s book in mind when I think about what she endured as I related to it so much in her book Conflicted Hearts. Her title really says it all, because that is what you really feel, so conflicted. It is truly a wonderful book to read and I highly recommend it whether or not you have experienced a parent with that emotional disorder. I learned so much and gathered in myself a greater and more forgiving feeling toward my father, whom I loved anyway and I give that credit and understanding of my father to Debbie and her so insightful and actually healing book, Conflicted Hearts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Karen, I can’t convey how elating your comment is for me. What more could we want as writers than to connect with our readers. It makes me so happy to know that my words helped you figure out things in some way. Best compliment ever. I’m going to copy your comment to my blog, Thank you. ❤ xx

      Liked by 2 people

      • Sally, it is never easy to share family problems, but in this instance, it was a must. Debbie’s book, as I wrote in your comment section, did help me to understand in a more positive way, that life with a parent who is narcisstic can be understond and forgiveness given. Although, I loved my Dad and took care of him during his long illness. Many Hugs to you too*****!

        Liked by 2 people

  7. Intuition comes with the positive as well as the negative. Yes, I get a gut reaction (but as I explained on your blog, more of a heart-twisting) when things aren’t right. But I also get this heart “reaching” or “blossoming” when I meet someone who somehow connects with me, and I know that person is somehow part of me. Again don’t know how to describe. 36 years ago I was going up the stairs at a church building I’d never been in before and a man was standing at the top, holding some papers (turned out to be his sermon for the next Sunday). We began to talk and I got that tingling heart feeling and immediately in my mind thought “I’ve known him forever.” I just met the man, truly. He ended up marrying my husband and me, then years later marrying my daughter and her husband, baptizing our grandchildren, but even more than that, he became a lifelong close, dear friend. But. you see, I think we were even before we met. (!!) 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. That’s an intense warning system to let Debby know something is going so wrong. I have an IAS and woe is me when I ignore it. Fascinating to read through the comments and hear that this is so common. Great post, Debby, and thanks for sharing, Sally.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. People try to make intuition and sixth sense out to be magic but I don’t think it is. It’s based on our primal roots. I think you are tuned into this so much more than most, Deb.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I can relate to having a sixth sense, a kind of intuition, a warning system too. Sometimes I experience it at as sensing a person’s aura, either positive or negative. Twice before a death in the family, I felt an itch on my right arm. Now the itch has come back: nerves about publishing my book?

    Our bodies “know” even before the brain can process it. Thanks, Sally, for being a channel of blessing, and you, Debby, for our candor and wisdom always!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Hello! My mom has the same superpowers, Debby. She has always been able to sense when something was wrong with me or one of my siblings. She’s still closely attuned to what’s going on with us. Interesting read. Thank you, Debby and Sally! ❤ xo

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Hi Debby and Sally – I’m definitely not that aware … but sometimes ‘know’ something’s not quite right … then I have to sort that out later on – such is life – but nothing like this. We do know things though … fascinating post from Debby – and I can believe it – cheers Hilary

    Liked by 2 people

  13. This is an incredible story, Debby. My daughter and I have these same feelings and we have discussed it. I believe my mom did too. When my brother died in an industrial accident, she knew before the authorities came to tell her. I think perhaps many people have this sixth sense but not everyone recognizes it or responds to it. It also seems stronger in women for some reason, or maybe we are just more willing to talk about it. xo

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  14. Pingback: CarolCooks2…Weekly roundup…Recipes, Steak & Kidney pie, sea caviar, sixth sense and so much more… | Retired? No one told me!

  15. It’s a family joke that I am a witch…But many a time I get that stomach flip and just know…Sometimes even with luck, I have just said the words and it has happened and left people open-mouthed…I was advised to develop those intuitions many years ago and never did..too scared to unleash what is within I guess….Can definitely relate to your feelings…A gift ❤ xxx

    Liked by 4 people

  16. Although I think most of us might get similar feelings of foreboding every so often, there are people who are particularly attuned and sensitive, like Debby explains. Thanks for sharing, Sally.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. This is incredible, Debby! It’s a wonderful share, thank you. Yes, forewarned is forearmed.

    My sixth sense is the connection with family members. The minute my daughter was pregnant, I could feel it. I couldn’t hold back the overwhelming feeling so I asked her in the middle of the phone conversation if she was pregnant. Well, she wanted to surprise me and also wanted to show, not just tell. In the following Face time, she showed the ultrasound film of my granddaughter. When I calculated the time, it was when I first sensed it.

    Thank you for this post, Sally. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  18. DG is always a ray of sunshine and so I am not surprised at all that she would have a strong intuition about life events close to her and no doubt for her friends and even distant relatives. I do love the way she presented it and added a great example as painful as that is when losing somebody you dearly love especially a parent .

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Reblogged this on Campbells World and commented:
    I can so relate to this post. I too have warnings of this nature and since I began to listen to them I’ve never been wrong. I agree with the author here, fore warned is fore armed.

    Liked by 3 people

  20. I can connect with that intuitive story you have shared Deb. My intuition gives me many messages, most important is the negative vibe that reaches me in a second. Most of the times whatever I feel turns out to be true. I must write about it but my muse has been gallavinating with her best mate these days and that is poetry! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  21. I’m also intuitive. One time I was walking back from a night out in Edinburgh and I had this bad feeling that I was in danger. A car cruised by with a bunch of guys who eyed me up and crawled along beside me making me more anxious. My husband phoned me to say he was driving back right then and did I need a lift. Turned out he was seconds away from me. He picked me up in his car before anything bad could happen. I just knew they were up to no good. God knows what might have happened if he hadn’t come home at the same time as me.

    Liked by 5 people

  22. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – Cruise ships, Italian Cookery, Weights and Measures and a Badger in the Rose Garden! | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  23. I also get these strange feelings of foreboding, Debby. Not as strongly as you do, but I also get an unsettled feeling in my stomach when bad news is coming. I tell Terence it is my witch blood because my family hails from East Anglia. An interesting read.

    Liked by 7 people

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