Smorgasbord Posts from My Archives – Past Book Reviews 2020 – #Adventure #Canada- Northern Survival: Surviving the plane crash was the easy part by Diane McGyver

I read some amazing books in 2020 and I would like to share them again with you, updated with the authors most recent releases and their biography.

This was my book review from November last year for Northern Survival: Surviving the plane crash was the easy part by Diane McGyver

Northern Survival by [Diane McGyver]

About the book

Olive Tweed planned her trip for two years. She’d vacation at Summer Beaver, gather the research material needed to write the next book and spend a few days hiking the vast wilderness. When she is called home unexpectedly and boards a chartered plane, she never dreamt it would crash, leaving her alone with a man who knew nothing about survival or the woods. If they don’t put aside their differences and work together, they’ll never escape alive.

Northern Survival was inspired by a video created by a pilot who recorded the crash of his small plane in Northern Quebec. The only reason he survived was because the plane had a parachute.

If you love stories of adventure, survival challenges and characters who test each others ability to endure, you’ll love Northern Survival.

My review for the book 5th November 2020

What a fantastic read. I found it difficult to book the book down and got fully immersed in this survival adventure featuring two people who in so many ways are poles apart. Olive and John do not have a great start to their relationship, and as a disaster throws their lives into free fall, there seems to be little chance it will warm up anytime soon.

Clearly the author has experience in the backwoods of Canada, and as the days pass and the weather and nature do everything in their power to stop these two strong characters from getting to safety, she throws setback after setback in their path. Not to mention several predators.

With only two characters it might have been challenging to keep the pace of the story moving but Diane McGyver does this expertly. We discover their back stories which reveal vulnerabilities and losses that have led them to this wilderness. We also witness their growth as individuals as they learn from each other and find strength in their partnership.

It is not all hardship as moments of humour and a thawing of hostilities bring out the best in both Olive and John, and it might be a good thing to make a note of all the survival skills and strategies in case you every find yourselves lost in the woods with winter imminent and several weeks hiking in front of you. Highly recommended.

Read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon UK – And: Amazon US

A small selection of Diane McGyver’s other books

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And: Amazon UK

About Diane McGyver

Diane McGyver

Diane McGyver writes stories, some long, some short. Regardless of genre, each story contains a bit of adventure, romance, survival and humour. She loves writing stories with a fantastical theme, but her current release “Northern Survival” is all about surviving in the wilderness after a plane crash. She’s been writing a long time, and the journey has taught her to not squander words. Each new story is more concise with less clutter than the previous.

To learn more about Diane’s books and future adventures, visit her website Diane Lynn McGyver

McGyver: “Writing feeds my soul, fills my heart, keeps me wild and gives me freedom few other occupations can give. Why would I do anything else?”

Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you have enjoyed the review.. You might like to head over to D.G. Kaye to meet Diane who was a guest on Debby’s Q & A a few weeks ago. D.G. Kaye Q&A with Diane McGyver


30 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Posts from My Archives – Past Book Reviews 2020 – #Adventure #Canada- Northern Survival: Surviving the plane crash was the easy part by Diane McGyver

  1. Sounds like this should be made into a movie, think too expensive for a made-for-TV movie, unless Netflix, but it would make an epic visually. Fab story. Great review. Congrats and good luck. x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing my interview with Diane Sal. Wonderful review and looking forward to getting back to reading one day so I can get to this book. (Stolen moment) ❤ xx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A brilliant idea for a story, though not many of us would have the experience to write it! The most likely outcome of a plane crashing is to get killed, but how many of us think about what terrain lies below if we survive; going from our suburban lives and unreal airports to REAL life…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up 28th March – April 3rd 2021 – Absent Friends, 1960s Music, Communication, | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

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