Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Memoir #Humour Live and Let:Tales of a Pembrokeshire Holiday Let by Judith Barrow

Delighted to share my review of the latest release by Judith Barrow... a memoir with stories about a holiday let business filled with surprises….Live and Let: Tales of a Pembrokeshire Holiday Let

About the book

Author Judith Barrow gives a lively account of her experiences moving to Pembrokshire in the 1970s and managing a holiday let with some interesting visitors, sometimes amusing and sometimes rather challenging.

My review for the book May 15th 2024

I have read all the other books by this author and knew that this short book would not only be beautifully written but filled with treasures.

Judith Barrow takes us on a poignant journey through her teen years, marriage and growing family to set the scene for the highly entertaining stories of taking paying guests.

Having lovingly restored a neglected house in Pembrokeshire and wanting to add to the family income, a flat is created on the side of their home and over a number of years an assortment of guests take up residence during the summer season.

Some are clearly remembered with fondness, but others stand out for a variety of reasons and not always in the best light. Whilst laughing at the accounts of the antics these visitors got up to, it must have been extremely stressful to have to deal with them in person. The author has a lovely way of bringing these episodes to life and I would love to have been a fly on the wall.

These temporary lettings gave way to the arrival of a beloved aunt whose declining memory made from some heartwarming and also heartbreaking moments.

To round off a very satisfactory read, there is a short story about another house, another family facing challenges which ends with a twist.

I read Live and Let in one sitting and I am sure that anyone picking up the book will do the same. Highly recommended.

Head over read the reviews and the book: Amazon UKAnd: Amazon US – And: Universal Link

Also by Judith Barrow

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – Follow Judith: Goodreads – blog: Judith Barrow – Twitter: @judithbarrow77

About Judith Barrow

Judith Barrow,originally from Saddleworth, a group of villages on the edge of the Pennines,has lived in Pembrokeshire, Wales, for over forty years.

She has an MA in Creative Writing with the University of Wales Trinity St David’s College, Carmarthen. BA (Hons) in Literature with the Open University, a Diploma in Drama from Swansea University. She is a Creative Writing tutor for Pembrokeshire County Council and holds private one to one workshops on all genres.


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books.

35 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Memoir #Humour Live and Let:Tales of a Pembrokeshire Holiday Let by Judith Barrow

  1. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 13th – 19th May 2024 – Cars, Music, Bulgarian Cuisine, Heart Health, Book Reviews, Bloggers | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  2. A well written review for Judith’s new book, Sal. You touched on all of it. I recently finished the book too and will be sharing my review soon. I always enjoy Judith’s stories whether fiction or nonfiction. Congrats to Judith!! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved this book as well! Most of it was deliciously funny, but there were a few tears for me amongst the laughter in the accounts of living with someone with dementia. A perfect, satisfying and quick read that ticked all my boxes! ♥♥

    Liked by 3 people

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