Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Christmas Archives – Christmas at the House of 1,000 Santas by Marcia Meara

Over the last seven years there have been some amazing guests in the run up to Christmas who have shared stories about their own memories of this time of year or their festive fiction. In the next four weeks I will be repeating some of those posts, updated with the authors recent books and reviews.

You might be surprised to know that Marcia Meara is a Christmas fanatic… especially when it comes to trees and her collection of Santas.. some of which are 70 years old.. But, seeing is believing and here is just a handful of photos in evidence.

More Christmas at the House of 1,000 Santas by Marcia Meara

Okay, for those of you interested in such things…few though you may be…here’s another peek at what a 50-year collection of Santas looks like. Because I didn’t get everything put out this year, thanks to an unrelenting editing deadline, these pictures were taken 3 Christmases (and a dozen or so Santas) ago. Things are pretty much the same, except for a bit less this year, because…as I mentioned…deadline! Hope this puts you in the holiday spirit…or makes you want to avert your eyes. Whichever makes you happier.

A full-length photo of my six-foot tall Santa, with no lights out on the tree this time.


My library tree, with St. Nicholas on top.


The Pass through from the library to the kitchen and the Holly Jolly Santa shelf.


On the kitchen side, my collection of miniature Santas, one of which is over 70 years old.


And last, a blurry overview of the family room. If you prefer warm, traditional, and cozy, this is the spot. (Over 50 Santas on that mantel, btw.) If you like frosty snowmen and icicles, the living room’s where you’d want to hang out. Me, I love both, and have room for both now, so, what the heck. I’m not a less is more kinda person. In fact, I’m pretty sure more is more, especially at Christmas!

And speaking of Christmas, my sincere and happiest wishes to all of you. May you have the best one, EVER!


©Marcia Meara 2014

Marcia has selected this piece of festive music to share with you. George Winston with Carol of the Bells

I have been enjoying the Wake-Robin Ridge series by Marcia this last few months and I am sharing my review from October for book three – Harbinger

About the book

Continuing in the tradition of Wake-Robin Ridge and A Boy Named Rabbit, Marcia Meara’s North Carolina mountain series takes a shivery turn with the Appalachian Legend of Ol’ Shuck, the Harbinger of Death.

“. . . he felt the wet slide of the dog’s burning hot tongue on his face, and the scrape of its razor sharp teeth against the top of his head. A white-hot agony of crushing pain followed, as the jaws began to close.”

The wine-red trillium that carpets the forests of the North Carolina Mountains is considered a welcome harbinger of spring—but not all such omens are happy ones. An Appalachian legend claims the Black Dog, or Ol’ Shuck, as he’s often called, is a harbinger of death. If you see him, you or someone you know is going to die.

But what happens when Ol’ Shuck starts coming for you in your dreams? Nightmares of epic proportions haunt the deacon of the Light of Grace Baptist Church, and bring terror into the lives of everyone around him. Even MacKenzie Cole and his adopted son, Rabbit, find themselves pulled into danger.

When Sheriff Raleigh Wardell asks Mac and Rabbit to help him solve a twenty-year-old cold case, Rabbit’s visions of a little girl lost set them on a path that soon collides with that of a desperate man being slowly driven mad by guilt.

As Rabbit’s gift of the Sight grows ever more powerful, his commitment to those who seek justice grows as well, even when their pleas come from beyond the grave.

My 5 star review for the book October 20th 2020

Another lovely chapter in the life of Rabbit as he adapts to life as the adopted son of Mac and Sarah and brother to baby Branna. This magical little boy is an old soul with a special gift that sometimes shakes him to the core. He feels and sees people and events that others cannot even conceive of, and it is a heavy burden at times. But Rabbit feels obligated to do what he can to help other people.

In this new case that the local sheriff has had on his desk for twenty years, Rabbit and Mac partner up to make the best use of modern technology and the boy’s unique gift. The mystery that surrounds the disappearance of a young girl twenty years before haunts both the sheriff and her family, and they are all looking for closure.

There is also a dark soul who is haunted by the mythical Ol’ Shuck, a large black dog that prowls the outer edges of sanity looking for an opportunity to pounce. Secrets are about to be exposed and lives torn apart by the actions of the past and Rabbit and Mac are caught right in the middle of the events.

Beautifully written as always; the author draws us in and reinforces the connection readers have made to Rabbit and his family in the previous two books. New characters expand the circle of family and friends, and others involved in the life and death struggle in this particular book, are interesting and stand both sides of good and evil.

I suggest you read books one and two of the series and I can recommend the series to readers who enjoy paranormal, supernatural mysteries and thrillers.

Read the other reviews and buy the book: Amazon US – And: Amazon UK

A selection of books by Marcia Meara

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon USAnd : Amazon UK – Marcia Meara on: Goodreads – Blog:Marcia Meara WritesTwitter: @MarciaMeara

Marcia Meara lives in central Florida, just north of Orlando, with her husband of over thirty years, four big cats, and one small dachshund.

When not writing or blogging, she spends her time gardening, and enjoying the surprising amount of wildlife that manages to make a home in her suburban yard. She enjoys nature. Really, really enjoys it. All of it! Well, almost all of it, anyway. From birds, to furry critters, to her very favorites, snakes. The exception would be spiders, which she truly loathes, convinced that anything with eight hairy legs is surely up to no good. She does not, however, kill spiders anymore, since she knows they have their place in the world. Besides, her husband now handles her Arachnid Catch and Release Program, and she’s good with that.

Spiders aside, the one thing Marcia would like to tell each of her readers is that it’s never too late to make your dreams come true. If, at the age of 69, she could write and publish a book (and thus fulfill 64 years of longing to do that very thing), you can make your own dreams a reality, too. Go for it! What have you got to lose?


Thank you for dropping by today and I know that Marcia would love your feedback.. thanks Sally.

101 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Christmas Archives – Christmas at the House of 1,000 Santas by Marcia Meara

  1. Wow! My mother and I live in a small apartment, so we’d never be able to fit all of that in (unless we moved out ourselves and I’m not sure even then). Amazing! Thanks for sharing “some” of Marcia’s Santas, Sally!

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of these days, I may have to scale down a bit, too, Olga, so I know what you mean. But for now, we’re still in our house, and I have plenty of room to indulge my Santa obsession. (And as obsessions go, I think it’s relatively harmless and a lot of fun.) 😀 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to comment! And Merry Christmas! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Round Up – November 28th – December 5th 2020 -Partying, Aretha, Book Reviews, Aromatherapy and Funnies | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  3. Wow, this is incredible. Visiting your home is better than a kid in a candy store, Marcia. I bet everyone, young and old with different favorites will find some Santa they like. I think Santa is the best collection. I started but didn’t get too far. Thanks, Sally. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Miriam! I think Santa embodies such a beautiful, generous, giving spirit, and I’ve loved collecting all sorts of Santa figurines and pictures and ornaments over the years. I’m trying not to buy new ones now, and have even started letting folks pick one they really like to begin their own collections, but it’s hard to resist some of the wonderful ones I see online. And I’ve saved 50+ years worth of Christmas cards that feature Santas on them. I put them out every year, too, usually covering the walls in the entryway on each side of my welcome wreath.

      Being surrounded by Santa and Christmas lights makes me happy from Thanksgiving until early January every year, and I hope I’ll always be able to continue the tradition!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to comment! And Merry Christmas to you and yours! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! That’s an amazing collection of Santas! I guess you still believe in him!! Thanks for sharing your lovely home and collection with us! I have Harbinger on my Kindle to read. Loved the first one! Thank you, Sal, for featuring this talented author! Hugs to you both! 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

  5. All I can say is WOW. Marcia is a Christmas and Santa fanatic! LOL. But I love it. It’s so festive. I can’t imagine a cozier place to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate pr glass of wine. A great share, Sally. And a wonderful review of Harbinger (which I just finished). Gosh, I love those characters. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, thanks, Diana. (Guilty on both counts.) You simply cannot help but get in the Christmas mood at our house. (It’s not allowed. 😀 ) And if you ever get down here over the holidays, you’ll for sure be invited to have hot chocolate or wine. Or iced tea, because while it went down into the 30’s last night, it’s already back up to the 60’s and in a few more days will be 70 to 80 out there. But it’s still Christmas INSIDE, anyway. 😀

      And thanks so much for the kind comments about Harbinger and the characters. They have really become a part of my life, and I’m tickled pink (or Christmas red) that you enjoy them. Glad you stopped by and thanks for taking a moment to comment. Merry Christmas! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow! What a stunning collection of Santas! The 6 foot tall Santa is amazing. It must take a while to put them all out each year. Thank you for sharing Marcia’s collection, Sally!

    Liked by 2 people

      • I hope my grandkids will still be in the mood to enjoy it by the 27th, when they hope to arrive. I’ve left a lot of stuffed and/or unbreakable Santas down on lower shelves so my two-year old granddaughter can play with them. 😀 (I’m a good ol’ Granny! 😀 )

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    • Thanks, Jan. That Santa was acquired for me as a surprise from my daughter about 15 years ago. She’d flown home but hadn’t shopped when she spotted it in our local grocery store as part of a Coca-Cola display. She actually managed to sweet talk the store manager into GIVING it to her for “my mom, because I haven’t had a chance to buy her anything, and she collects Santas, and it will make her so happy she’ll cry,” etc, etc, etc. 😀 (I have a WONDERFUL daughter!) Anyway, he goes up every year, and spends the other 11 months lying beneath my bed, which my son says is creepy. Hahahaha. It takes me anywhere from ten days to 2 weeks to get it all done, but I enjoy every minute of it.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to comment. And Merry Christmas to you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Noelle. I went to artificial trees a few years ago because real ones are way too expensive down here, but Mark always visits the tree lots and brings me home lots of fresh, trimmed branches. I put them everywhere throughout the house just for the wonderful fragrance, and to your comment, I ALWAYS l keep a small wall hung container filled each year and left there until the next year. That way, every time I walk by it, I smell the balsam fir, and it brings Christmas rushing right back again. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to comment. And Merry Christmas! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What an amazing post. Marcia has her own Santa Town. ,-) Watching the images and reading the post is bringing wonderful positive mood. Thank you also for the review of Harbinger, Sally. Its on m TBR, i only have to start to read, soon. Michael

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much, Michael. I’m so happy taking a peek at all these Santas has brought you some happy holiday feelings! That’s the whole point behind it all, and especially this year when we really need all the positive, upbeat feelings we can get! And I’m happy you’re planning to read Harbinger, too. (I do suggest, like Sally, the books be read in order, if you haven’t already read the first 2. Harbinger is #3 in a series of 4.)

      Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and comment. Again, I’m really happy you enjoyed the post! Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 3 people

      • Thank you very much, for the suggestion, Marcia! Yes, i will read in order, to have the full experience. The Santas you’d collecting are amazing! Merry Christmas to you too. Enjoy the days, and please stay save! Michael

        Liked by 2 people

  8. In Stratford upon Avon, opposite William Shakespeare’s house, The Nutcracker Christmas shop is open all year round, but I don’t think it could compete with Marcia’s collection!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Wow, I’d love to see that, Janet! And I thank you for the compliment, too. We don’t actually entertain a whole lot over Christmas, but I do it as much for me as for anyone else. And usually, we at least have family and some close friends coming by. Not sure about this year, but my world wouldn’t feel right without putting it all up, anyway. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Merry Christmas! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

    • I’ll take festive any day. Of late, especially, Staci. And I’m glad your daughter would enjoy seeing my collection. I have four trees going up this year, or five if you count the white tiered “table tree” with the miniature Santas. Two full sized, three small, and all making me smile more than I have all year long. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment. Merry Christmas!

      Liked by 3 people

      • I used to do four trees (one in the family room, one in the dining room, and two in the living room) plus a bunch of decor everywhere. Now I just have the one in my living room. Well, I have a small tree in each window, but I don’t count those. And then the mantle and random stuff around the house. I cut way back since the move. Glad you’re getting joy out of your decorations.

        Liked by 3 people

      • I defer to Marcia’s expertise. (A friend of mine does her whole house. I think she said twelve trees, plus the outside and all the additional interior decor. If you’re near South Dakota, I can hook you up with her.)

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  9. Dear Sally, Special Friend, and all time Queen of Those Who Rock! Thank you so much for starting off your Christmas Archive posts with a peek into the House of 1,000 Santas. I fell in love with Christmas and Santa Claus as a child (of course), but I never outgrew it. It takes me about ten days to put everything out, but it’s more like greeting old friends as I unwrap each Santa and ornament, so I love the entire process. I have a blue, white, & silver theme in the living area, including the second of the large trees. Then I have a smaller tree devoted to the Wizard of Oz. (My other favorite guy in the world). And I have a miniature tree covered with 1″ tall Santas in the guest bath. I know, I know. Totally OCD about it all, but it does make me happy, and this year, I figured I’d take all the “happy” I can get. Plus, I think my daughter & family are going to be here right after Christmas, and I’m really looking forward to the kids. My granddaughter is just two and her big brother is seven, so I think they’ll have a lot of fun if they are able to make the trip.

    Thanks, too, for sharing your wonderful review of Harbinger. I’m so glad you have been enjoying the Wake-Robin Ridge series, and the Appalachian legend of Ol’ Shuck was fun to include in the adventures. (You’ll meet a couple more new characters in The Light, at least one of whom will be around for a while. 🙂

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and the same to all your followers! Thanks again for having me over today! 🎄🎁🎄🎀🎄🎇🎄

    Liked by 2 people

    • My pleasure Marcia and sorry to be so long to reply as I had some final edits to do today and spent six hours offline. I can now relax and enjoy reading the comments from all those you have filled with the Christmas spirit today.. So thank you for that. Your grandchildren will love seeing it virtually but will be thrilled to be there in person. .I hope they make the trip. Looking forward to The Light shining at me from my TBR which I will read soon…love and hugs Sally xx

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      • I’m looking forward to seeing them after more than a year now! And to them taking their kitties back to Denver with them, too. Adorable little furballs, for sure, but six cats is two cats too many, I think. 😀 I’ll be glad to be back to a mere four.

        And I’m also going to be looking forward to your thoughts on The Light. Hope you’ll enjoy it! Thanks again for having me jump start your Christmas Archive posts! So glad to be here! 🙂

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  10. That is the most fantastic Santa collection I’ve ever seen! Wonderful and magical. Your new nickname has to be Magical Marcia … but then, you always were magical. Hugs xx 🙂

    Sally, thanks so much for sharing this. It’s brightened up my cold winter morning. Hugs xx 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Pretty incredible decorations, Marcia. I like every room, but I LOVE that you have a library room devoted to books.

    Liked by 3 people

    • You and me, too, Pete!! This is the first house where I had room for one. The area was once a back porch, which someone enclosed over time, and as soon as I saw it, I thought, “Finally! My library!!” Mark built floor to ceiling, 12″ deep shelving units around all three walls, and a lower one under the pass through. Then he hung 6″ deep shelving on each side of the passthrough for paperbacks. Every shelf is full, though I do tuck some book-related memorabilia, etc, on the shelves here and there, too.

      Glad you enjoyed seeing the decorations! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to comment. Merry Christmas! 🙂

      Liked by 4 people

  12. How incredible, Marcia. Your beautiful home is transformed into the North Pole, with one of the largest Santa collections anywhere. I can hear the sleigh bells ringing – Merry Christmas!! 🎁🎅🤶🎁

    Liked by 4 people

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