Guest Author: Sally Cronin: The Sewing Gene

Perhaps if you have time to sit down with a cup of coffee or tea for five minutes, you might head over to Sue Vincents where I am a guest today. I am sharing memories and photos of the sewing of dresses and tapestries in the family which go back to my grandmother Georgina in the early 1900s with the love of dressmaking passing down from generation to generation… see you there…Sally

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

It is lovely to have Sally Cronin as my guest today to bring back memories. As I have, like my grandmother, always ‘sewn with burnt thread’ as the saying goes, my dressmaking skills are minimal… although I always loved embroidery which I learned from my great grandmother.

Thanks Sue for your kind invitation to share some family history and also news of my latest collection of stories.

The Sewing Gene

My Grandmother – Georgina

They say that certain talents run in families, and whilst perhaps not genetically passed on through the generations, there is certainly reason to believe that skills passed from parent to child across hundreds of years will be carried forward.

In our family there definitely seems to be a tendency towards sewing crafts, in particular dressmaking, and it was this family trait that I used to embroider the story The Wedding Day in my new collection.


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