Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Book Reviews – #Paranormal #Historical #BoerWar A Ghost and his Gold by Roberta Eaton Cheadle.

This week my review for the recent release A Ghost and His Gold by Roberta Eaton Cheadle

robbie a ghost and his goldAbout the book

After Tom and Michelle Cleveland move into their recently built, modern townhouse, their housewarming party is disrupted when a drunken game with an Ouija board goes wrong and summonses a sinister poltergeist, Estelle, who died in 1904. Estelle makes her presence known in a series of terrifying events, culminating in her attacking Tom in his sleep with a knife. But, Estelle isn’t alone. Who are the shadows lurking in the background – one in an old-fashioned slouch hat and the other, a soldier, carrying a rifle?

After discovering their house has been built on the site of one of the original farms in Irene, Michelle becomes convinced that the answer to her horrifying visions lie in the past. She must unravel the stories of the three phantoms’ lives, and the circumstances surrounding their untimely deaths during the Second Anglo Boer War, in order to understand how they are tied together and why they are trapped in the world of ghosts between life and death.

As the reasons behind Estelle’s malevolent behaviour towards Tom unfold, Michelle’s marriage comes under severe pressure and both their lives are threatened.

My review for the book June 5th 2021

This was certainly an ambitious project from a number of perspectives. The fusion of paranormal and history with two stories running in parallel is a challenge, but the author has succeeded in writing a flowing saga spanning 130 years. All the characters are excellently crafted and are memorable..

Usually it is left to the victors to write the history of wars, but that means you get the abridged truth and their own atrocities and failures tend to be skirted over. In this account of the Second Boer War between 1899 and 1902, both sides of the conflict are represented by two soldiers, enemies, but united in death by a need for resolution and forgiveness. They share the unabridged truth from their individual perspectives of the military and civilian devastation that occurs during this period, and it makes for sombre reading.

Their accounts of the conflict have been meticulously researched and provide a compelling behind the scenes background, not just to the military victories and defeats, but the appalling impact on whole families, the Boer way of life and Africa’s future.  Those who worked the land with their native farm workers saw treasure in the earth and in the animals that grazed the grasslands, and fought for the right to retain their rights. The British Army was sent into battle to secure what lay beneath the ground for politicians who wanted gold and to remove the right to autonomy.

Men on the front line from both sides suffered from ineffective leadership and devastating losses but the conflict spread uncontained across the veld due to the scorched earth policy which destroyed farms and livestock, leaving nothing for the Boers to return to. Families were incarcerated in concentration camps lacking the basic human needs leading to the deaths of thousands of women and children from starvation and disease..

Running parallel to this personal account of two men caught up in this vortex, is the story of a modern day couple living on the land once a thriving Boer farm. The earth holds secrets and the house, now built over the rubble of its troubled past, also contains an unresolved mystery.  One that has attracted the attention of another ghost who is not seeking forgiveness but revenge.

The author manages the various threads of the story with skill, weaving them back and forth across the loom of time.  She brings them together for a dramatic climax which will shake the foundations of the future, as the dead and living claim their right to be heard.

Head over to buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

A small selection of other books by Robbie and Michael Cheadle and as Roberta Eaton Cheadle.


Read the reviews and Buy the books :Amazon US And:Amazon UK – Follow Robbie : Goodreads – blog: Robbie’s Inspiration- Twitter: @bakeandwrite

robbie new profileAbout Robbie Cheadle

I am a South African writer specialising in historical, paranormal and horror novels and short stories. I am an avid reader in these genres and my writing has been influenced by famous authors including Bram Stoker, the Bronte sisters, Amor Towles, Stephen Crane, Enrich Maria Remarque, George Orwell, Stephen King, and Colleen McCullough.

I was educated at the University of South Africa where I achieved a Bachelor of Accounting Science in 1996 and a Honours Bachelor of Accounting Science in 1997. I was admitted as a member of The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants in 2000.

I have worked in corporate finance from 2001 until the present date and have written seven publications relating to investing in Africa. I have won several awards over my twenty year career in the category of Transactional Support Services.

I have been published a number of anthologies and have two published YA books, While the Bombs Fell and Through the Nethergate. I have recently published my first adult novel called A Ghost and His Gold which is partly set in South Africa during the Second Anglo Boer War.


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will head over to buy Robbie’s latest book.. thanks Sally


116 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Book Reviews – #Paranormal #Historical #BoerWar A Ghost and his Gold by Roberta Eaton Cheadle.

  1. Great review, Sally. I’ve just been reading a book about abuses of power and the nature of rulers and empires, and it mentioned the Boer War and its atrocities, and it was harrowing. I know Robbie excels at research, so thank you for the recommendation.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Olga, I have been reading a lot of books about war and its consequences lately too. I have been on a bit of a run with three books about WW1 and now Gone with the Wind which is about the American Civil war although more from a civilian POV. These are part of my research for one of my current WIPs about America’s role in WW1. Thank you for your kind comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Very much looking forward to reading this one. I know it’s going to be great based on other books that I’ve read from Robbie.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Excellent review Sally. I love your comment about the victors writing the history, so true. I also enjoyed this book very much and learned a lot as well. Robbie did an amazing job with this story.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow! What an excellent review! I know little of the history of Africa or the Boer Wars, but I’m intrigued by this story. I’ve got this book on my TBR pile! I might have to move it up! Congratulations, Robbie. This sounds amazing! ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Book Reviews – #Paranormal #Historical #BoerWar The Ghost and his Gold by Roberta Eaton Chea dle. #Tip #ReadingWithTheAuthors – PattysWorld

  6. What a fantastic in-depth review for Robbie’s book. This surely looks an amazing read and I certainly look forward to reading it, when I get ‘there’. Congrats to Robbie on this fab review! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – May 30th – June 5th 2021 – 1970s chart hits, PR for authors, short stories, book reviews, Health and Humour | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  8. Congratulations, Robbie. Wonderful feature and review. Thank you, Sally, for sharing A Ghost and His Gold with readers. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

  9. A fantastic review, Sally. I am reading this book right now. It is a book one needs to read slowly otherwise things can be missed. Excellent attention to detail.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Darlene, I hope you are enjoying the book. I always find historical books require a bit of extra attention while reading too. That is one of the reasons I like to listen to historical books as audio books. The narrators always read slower than I would and I pick up more. Have a wonderful evening.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Sally Cronin has written a most compelling and wonderful review of A Ghost and His Gold. I am completely delighted by her complete understanding of this story and my writing goals and intentions. Thank you, Sally.

    Liked by 4 people

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