Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives 2022- ‘Lucky Dip’ – #WednesdayWonders – Lapis Lazuli by Jan Sikes

Since this series began in January 2018 there have been over 1000 Posts from Your Archives where bloggers have taken the opportunity to share posts to a new audience… mine.

The topics have ranged from travel, childhood, recipes, history, family and the most recent series was #PotLuck where I shared a random selection of different topics. This series is along the same lines… but is a ‘Lucky Dip’. I have posts scheduled for another few weeks but that will bring this current series to an end. Another series will begin in the new year.

In this series I will be sharing posts from the half of 2022

Author Jan Sikes provides motivation and a fascinating exploration of the power of tarot cards and crystals and in this second of her two archive posts I am sharing an introduction to the healing power of one of my favourite stones Lapis Lazuli.

#WednesdayWonders – Lapis Lazuli 

Created in Canva

I’ve had a couple of small pieces of Lapis Lazuli for years, but on my recent trip to Missouri, I picked up two new ones, and I’m just loving them!

Photo by Jan Sikes

Lapis Lazuli stone meaning came from the Latin word Lapis means stone, and from the Persian word, Lazhward, meaning blue. It was used as the finest art through the ages, especially when it was used in ancient Egypt, beloved by the Babylonians, Minoans, Chinese, Greeks, and up to the Romans. It was historically used in the death mask of King Tutankhamen, where they inlaid it with turquoise and carnelian in bright gold. It was also a subject from a well-known writer Marco Polo way back in 1271. Michelangelo grounds up this stone to create blue paint called ultramarine that brings color and brings the robes of Mary of Nazareth painted on church walls.

Lapis Lazuli’s benefits consist of a powerful, intense royal blue stone used to open minds and give enlightenment. It is used to encourage self-awareness, self-confidence, self-knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion, and morality, putting the wearer in a good mood throughout the day.

Lapis Lazuli’s healing crystal was discovered to relieve anger and negative thoughts. It is a useful tool for those who suffer emotional breakdowns. It calms the senses and opens up the mind to produce knowledge and self-awareness. It is a stone of protection against anxiety and psychic attacks, allowing clearer thinking and enhancing the ability to be more creative. it stimulates clarity and objectivity and speaks one’s truth and emotions. It also brings to balance the male and female aspects of your personality, which vibrates with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty.

Lapis Lazuli’s emotional healing is not just with the inner issues, but it can help to generate goals and determination. It strengthens the mind to influence your body for being active at work, career, and in life, in general.

This stone can connect your heart and mind forcing it to create a good flow of blood and calms your emotions. It aids in the treatment of skin issues and respiratory ailments. It is good for the nervous system that controls brain disorders. It is also believed to boost the immune system, help the blood circulate normally, and soothe the areas of inflammation. Because of its intense blue color, it is related to the throat chakra, therefore being beneficial in helping regulate the thyroid gland.

This stone has a way of making you fearless with your choices or decisions throughout your journey, which lifts your spirit to become more motivated every day. It’s a highly spiritual crystal that expands your thinking, gives deeper connections to the spiritual world, and promotes awareness.

**It is not uncommon to find Sodalite in stores being sold as Lapis Lazuli. The best way to tell the difference is the intense royal blue color and the specks of gold and pyrite found in Lapis, whereas Sodalite will have some gray and white, but not the other reflective minerals.**

I hope you enjoyed this!!

©Jan Sikes 2022

My thanks to Jan for her motivational posts that get out week started and I know she would love to hear from you.

About Jan Sikes

I’ve been an avid reader all my life. I can still remember the excitement that surged through me the first time I realized I could decipher words. Many summers, I won the highest award possible from the Hobbs, NM Public Library for reading the most books.

There’s nothing I love more than losing myself in a story.

Oddly enough, I never had any ambition to be a writer. But I wound up in mid-life with a story that begged to be told. Not just any story, but a true story that rivaled any fiction creation. Through fictitious characters, the tale came to life in an intricately woven tale that encompasses four books. Not satisfied to stop with the books, I released music CDs of original music to match the time period of each story segment.

In conclusion, to bring the story full circle, I published a book of poetry and art. I was done.


The story ideas keep coming, and I don’t intend to turn off the creative fountain.

I am a member of the Author’s Marketing Guild, The Writer’s League of Texas, Romance Writers of America, and the Paranormal Writer’s Guild. I am an avid fan of Texas music and grandmother of five beautiful souls. I reside in North Texas.

A small selection of books by Jan Sikes

My review for Flowers and Stone July 9th 2022

This is the first chapter in the passionate love story of a young woman enjoying the freedom of having left a restrictive upbringing with a bad boy of country music.

Although Darlina has tasted the joys of a more liberated lifestyle dancing for extra cash in a nightclub, there is still an air of innocence about her that attracts the much older and charasmatic Luke Stone. Wiser heads warn her of the dangers of becoming involved with a man who has long history of playing fast and loose in relationships, but she is in love.

That love will be tested in several ways over the following months and yet through it all Darlina is totally committed to being there for Luke in every way possible. His demons become hers as she watches him battle through a physical and mental crisis and yet there are still secrets that have the potential to rip them apart.

Despite his approach to women and previous relationships, Luke finds himself deeply connected to this young girl and her convictions. Secrets have a habit of being exposed to the light and in a desperate attempt to protect Darlina, Luke may have to make a major sacrifice.

You can tell that this story is written from the heart and is deeply personal. Even fictionalised the strength of the love and commitment to the relationship shines through and as the onlooker you find yourself hoping against hope things will work out. The love of a good woman can redeem a man who has fallen by the wayside, but the road is going to be long and hard.

The 70s and the setting for this story is also authentic and captures a time in music history that is legendary.

I look forward to reading the second book in this love saga soon.

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And : Amazon UK – Website: Jan SikesGoodreads: Jan on Goodreads – Twitter: @rijanjks


40 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives 2022- ‘Lucky Dip’ – #WednesdayWonders – Lapis Lazuli by Jan Sikes

  1. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 19th – 25th September 2022 – Hits 2004, Andrea Bocelli, Spiritual Awareness, Waterford Stories, Book reviews, Podcast, Health and Humour | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  2. I love Lapis and have a pair of great earrings with that stone. The history of the stone was very interesting. Thanks to Jan for sharing this info and for you finding the Lucky Dip Sal ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the history of this beautiful and unique stone, Jan, as well as its healing properties. I can see why it’s occasionally replaced by sodalite. Thanks for the tips on the difference. A great share, Sally. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved finding out about the Lapis Lazuli stone.
    My favourite colour is blue, I think I will look out for a suitable piece of jewellery now.

    Liked by 3 people

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