Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives – Previous Reviews from 2022 – #Flashfiction – Tell Me A Story in 99 words by Annette Rochelle Aben

During this series I will be sharing my reviews for books I posted during 2022 

Good books deserve to be showcased on a regular basis and I hope that it might entice you to either move the books up your groaning TBR’s or add the books to its burden!

Delighted to share my review from May 2022 for  Annette Rochelle Aben and her collection of 75 flash fiction of 99 words. Tell Me A Story in 99 words.

About the collection

It has been a desire of mine since I was a young person to write stories. I had to start somewhere, so I chose to start by writing very short stories.That bring said, I welcome you to a collection of short stories, very short stories as each of the stories is only 99 words in length. Meet memorable characters. See something of yourself in many of the scenarios. Experience a wide range of emotions. Be inspired to write stories of your own. Return to your favorites and enjoy them again and again.

My review for the collection

Whether it is verse or prose, Annette Rochelle Aben creates stories that touch the heart. It takes skill to write a story in only 99 words and each of the 75 stories reflect that artistry beautifully.

The stories are a celebration of life, love and simple everyday events that remain in our memories through childhood and beyond. There are one or two that hint at the darker side of life, such as Bedfellows but most are heartwarming and thought provoking.

I enjoyed all the stories, but I would like to give a special mention to just some of the gems. Chocoholics, Daybreak, Determination, Giddy Up Go, Gnome More, Last Request and Somewhere Out There.

Some lines in the stories have also stayed in my thoughts about the collection.

‘Legs with the strength of over-cooked spaghetti’

‘Into the darkness of the cave of fear breaks the light of a new day’

This is a lovely read to in one sitting or enjoy dipping into, written by a wonderful storyteller with an eye for detail.. Highly recommended.

Read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

A selection of books by Annette Rochelle Aben

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And : Amazon UK – Follow Annette: Goodreads – Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben WordPress – Twitter:@YouAreTheExpert

About Annette Rochelle Aben

Words are like threads that when woven together with passion and purpose can create a tapestry in which you long to wander. That passion was ignited in me when I was a small child and continues to burn bright even today. I was encouraged by educators who challenged me to try and by career paths that demanded I become a proficient wordsmith. I would like to think I have done them proud.

Over the years, I have won awards, been nominated for an EMMY for television writing, and penned a #1 Best Selling book of poetry. My collection of books available here on Amazon include self-help, inspirational, and of course poetry. I have been invited to participate in anthologies and collections, several of which are here as well. Welcome to my world of words. Should you find something in which to lose yourself, I shall raise my glass in a toast to your happiness. Thank you for your kind attention.


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with Annette’s new collection and perhaps a few more of her wonderful books.. thanks Sally.

56 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Posts from my Archives – Previous Reviews from 2022 – #Flashfiction – Tell Me A Story in 99 words by Annette Rochelle Aben

  1. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up 12th – 18th June 2023 – Big Band Era, Personal Empowerment, Podcast, Health, Book Reviews, Bloggers and Humour. | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  2. Great review of a book I loved as well. I was going to pace myself but kept saying, ‘Just one more,’ until I’d finished the whole, satisfying collection. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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