Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Italy #Mystery #Romance – Letter from a Cave: The Mystery of a Letter found in a Cave in the Swiss Mountains Uncovers a Heartbreaking Love Story during World War II by Christa Polkinhorn

Delighted to share my review for  Letter from a Cave: The Mystery of a Letter found in a Cave in the Swiss Mountains Uncovers a Heartbreaking Love Story during World War II by Christa Polkinhorn

About the book

With a captivating mystery at its core, Letter from a Cave is a suspenseful journey through Switzerland and Italy that will make readers feel a gamut of powerful emotions. Fans of Christa Polkinhorn’s other novels will be delighted to meet a few familiar characters. Don’t miss your chance to get lost in this unforgettable story!

Andreas, a Swiss sculptor and stonemason, grieving the loss of his wife from three years ago, discovers an old, abandoned backpack in a cave during his hike in the Swiss mountains. What he finds within the backpack—a letter written by a young Jewish refugee during the Second World War to his pregnant wife in Italy—sets him on a quest with his friend, Luisa, to find out what happened to the man, to his wife, Bella, and her family in Italy. During their search, they meet both helpful people and those who try to prevent them, even by force, from digging into a past filled with heroism but also with cruelty and betrayal. Will the outcome of the quest bring closure and peace, or will it cause turmoil and heartache?

My review for the book October 14th 2023

This is a delightful book with several elements that add interest and colour, along with stunning descriptions of the majestic mountains and lakes of Italy and Switzerland.
The characters in this story have appeared over the years in the author’s other books, but there is enough back story for the book to be a standalone read. It was the first time I had met them but they are so well rounded and engaging that you feel you have known them for years.
A tragedy towards the end of the war prompts a journey through Italy an Switzerland to unravel the mystery, but it is also a journey of discovery for the main characters as they come to terms with the past, loss and uncertainty about love and the future.
With two romances developing for the younger and older generation there is plenty of light hearted chapters as well as the unfolding discoveries about the letter in the cave to keep the reader engaged.. The fact there is a cute dog in the mix will also make readers very happy and entertained.

There are reminders of a darker past and also that there are still those who bear grudges and guilt about their own actions during a time of repression and fear. There are also wonderful moments where there is an opportunity to celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of others.

I highly recommend this lovely and well-written book to romance and mystery fans of any age.

Read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

Also by Christa Polkinhorn

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK – Follow Christa: Goodreads Website: Christa Polkinhorn – Facebook: Christa Polkinhorn – Twitter: @ChristaPolkinh1

About Christa Polkinhorn

Born and raised in Switzerland, Christa Polkinhorn has always had the desire to explore the world outside of her beautiful but tiny country. She traveled in Europe, China, Japan as well as South America. Now, she lives and works as writer and translator in southern California. Her interest in foreign cultures informs her work and her novels take place in several countries. She published a volume of poetry (The Path of Fire). Now, she writes and publishes contemporary fiction with a focus on family drama/love stories (The Family Portrait trilogy) and family drama/suspense (The Wine Lover’s Daughter series). Aside from writing and traveling, she is an avid reader and a lover of the arts, dark chocolate, and red wine.


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books.. Sally

52 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Italy #Mystery #Romance – Letter from a Cave: The Mystery of a Letter found in a Cave in the Swiss Mountains Uncovers a Heartbreaking Love Story during World War II by Christa Polkinhorn

  1. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up -9th – 15th October – Chat Eau, Big Band, Barbra Streisand, Spirits, Green Kitchen, Fairy Stories, Book Reviews, Aromatherapy, Funnies- | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  2. Thank you, Sally, for sharing your wonderful review. Letter from a Cave sounds like a book I’d love. Congratulations to Christa. 😊

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