Significant to Me.

Time for your Saturday walk down memory lane with David Prosser and music that holds significance for him personally.. Including tracks from the Marbles with Graham Bonnet, The Byrds, Country Joe and the Fish, Johnny Nash, Greyhound and Judy Clay and William Bell.. all iconic songs of their time and will take you right back there in style.. thanks David..


Each one of us has songs that are significant to us for one reason or another and that when played can transport us to the where and when they first wove their magic or recorded the tragic. If you know exactly what I’m talking about it would be great to know what music does this for you whether or not you want to share the reasons why. This first one is from 1994 and is a classic track from the Stax label.

William Bell and Judy Clay. Private Number.

From 1971 we see what might have been the start of my Reggae period because of the wording of this particular song.

Greyhound Black and White

On the same lines, from 1972 a giant of the Reggae scene who unfortunately passed away in 2020. Amazingly, Nash was born in Texas and started his life singing in a Baptist choir. Jamaica’s loss…

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14 thoughts on “Significant to Me.

  1. I can’t believe some of those early British songs never made it to North America. The Byrds, I know Mr. Tamborine but not much else from them. Only recognized Nash and I Can See Clearly. Lol. Thanks to David for the post and for sharing here Sally. Hugs ❤ xxx

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  2. You’ve a beautiful generous spirit Sally. I was thinkin today and tried to associate you witha song from when I first became aware of you. I think I’d have to settle on Diamonds by Rihanna back in 2012.
    Huge Hugs

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