Smorgasbord Medicine Woman’s Treasure Chest Rewind– #Aromatherapy, #Frankincense – Immune, reproductive systems, Anti-aging, Antiseptic by Sally Cronin

Welcome to the repeat of the 2018 series about essential oils and aromatherapy and I hope those new to the blog will enjoy.

Twenty-four years ago I ran a health food shop and diet advisory centre here in Ireland and we sold essential oils for aromatherapy. I thought that I should learn more about it and took a course on the subject. I am looking forward to sharing this relaxing therapy with you.

What is Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy uses essential oils which have been extracted from specific sweet smelling plants for therapeutic massage. They are blended with specialised carrier oils to ensure that they are used in a diluted form and are easily absorbed by the skin. The oils can also be used to add these therapeutic aromas to our environment as well with the use of burners.

Last time  I looked at the uses for Eucalyptus for health and around the house, and this week one of my favourite oils that I use regularly, Frankincense.

Frankincense from Somalia and Oman is extracted from the resin.

  • Scent: Incense, warm, spicy, with a hint of citrus.
  • Usage: Inhalation, Bath, Skin Care, Massage
  • Note: Middle, Base
  • Mood: Calming
  • Safety: None indicated.

A brief history of Frankincense.

Originally this essential oil would have been known as olibanum in Hebrew and al-luban (that which results from milking) in Arabic. It is obtained from the resin (known as the tears) of the Boswellia genus of trees (sapindales), particularly the Bosewellia sacra and more recently the Indian B. thurifera.

It was only when the Frankish Crusaders reintroduced the oil to Europe that it became known by the French name derived from Francencens (high quality incense).

There is evidence that Frankincense was traded as a valuable commodity in Arabia over 5000 years ago with paintings depicting sacks of the resin on the walls of the tomb of the Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut. Clearly something she wanted to take with her. The resin was traded mainly from Southern Arabia at the time and was exported as far as China.

It was mentioned in Ancient Greece and Herodotus mentioned that it was dangerous to extract due to the venomous snakes who also enjoyed being in close proximity to the boswellia trees.

Frankincense was a consecrated incense and has numerous mentions in the Hebrew Bible, Talmud and used in the Ketoret (burnt incense offering ceremonies), blended to a secret recipe. The essence is also mentioned in the New Testament and was offered together with gold and myrrh to the infant Jesus. It is known as a symbol of not just holiness but righteousness and symbolic of the sacrifice as in the burnt offerings in the Ketoret.

There are four main species of boswellia that produce the true, high quality frankincense and the resin comes in various grades that depends on the time of harvesting. It is then hand sorted for quality

The resin from the boswellia genus of trees is used extensively in the pharmaceutical industry particularly in anti-inflammatories and traditionally has been used for skin complaints. For use in the perfumery and skincare industry, the essential oil is extracted by steam distillation.

Although there are no indications of danger in using frankincense topically, I do recommend a skin test at least 24 hours before using.

Health benefits of Frankincense essential oils.

As an antiseptic it may be used on wounds to prevent infection and stop bleeding and the smoke from a diffuser can also help eliminate germs in the immediate vicinity.

It is an astringent which is why it is used in facial skincare. Used diluted in a base cream or lotion it may help prevent acne or to clear the spots effectively. It helps to constrict the skin smoothing out wrinkles.

As an inhalent that helps maintain a healthy hormonal balance it may prevent acne associated with monthly periods.

It also is used in body lotions for stretch marks and cellulite with the bonus of making you smell very good.

If rubbed into the lower abdomen it may also help with cramps and other PMS symptoms, and is particularly useful during the menopause.

Because it is calming.. a regular massage using the oil, in combination with others can alleviate mood swings and stress.

When inhaled the oil may:

  • Regulate hormone production helping maintain a healthy reproductive system
  • Boost the immune system
  • Improve digestion
  • Improve inflammatory related health issues
  • Help stop diarrhea 
  • Help internal wound healing.
  • Promote urination and reduce water retention eliminating toxins from the body,
  • Reduce blood pressure 
  • Help to maintain a healthy weight.

It can be used in homemade toothpaste along with baking soda and peppermint oil to help prevent cavities, improve gum health and you can use in water as a mouthwash. From time to time I will put a drop on my toothbrush and use instead of toothpaste and also after brushing, wash the brush head thoroughly in very hot water and then rub in a drop of frankincense as an antiseptic cleaner.

Here are some of the many other essential oils that Frankincense blends well with. When combined with their health benefits, you have a powerful arsenal in your natural medicine cabinet.

Geranium from Egypt, Madagascar, China is made from the whole plant.

  • Scent: Floral
  • Usage: Skin Care, Massage, Baths
  • Note: Middle
  • Mood: Harmonising
  • Safety: None Indicated.

Mandarin is made from the peel of the fruit and comes from Brazil, Algeria and Argentina.

  • Scent: Citrus
  • Usage: Bath, massage, skin care
  • Note: Top
  • Mood: Soothing
  • Safety: Avoid exposure to sunlight.

Neroli is made from the flowers and comes from Morocco, Tunisia and France.

  • Scent: Floral
  • Usage: Skin care, massage, baths
  • Note: Top
  • Mood: Calming
  • Safety: None indicated

Patchouli is made from the leaves and comes from India, Malaysia and Indonesia.

  • Scent: Musky
  • Usage: Burners, massage, baths
  • Note: Base
  • Mood: Calming
  • Safetly: None indicated.

Rose Otto is made from the flowers and comes from Bulgaria and Turkey.

  • Scent: Floral
  • Usage: massage, skin care and baths.
  • Note: Middle/Top
  • Mood: Balancing
  • Safety: None indicated.

Sandalwood is made from the wood of the tree and comes from India.

  • Scent: Woody
  • Usage: Massage, inhalation, skin care, baths.
  • Note: Base
  • Mood: Balancing
  • Safety: None indicated.

Ylang Ylang is made from the flowers and comes from Madagascar.

  • Scent: Floral
  • Usage: massage, baths, skin care
  • Note: Middle
  • Mood: Seductive
  • Safety: None indicated.

N.B:  It is not advisable to take essential oils internally especially in their concentrated form. However, I have used peppermint oil … just one drop to a large glass of water for IBS. Do ask an expert before experimenting.

Thanks for dropping in today and next week I will be covering the versatile and popular Lavender essential oil.

 ©Sally Cronin Just Food for Health 1998 – 2023

A little bit about me nutritionally. .

About Sally Cronin

I am a qualified nutritional therapist with twenty-four years experience working with clients in Ireland and the UK as well as being a health consultant on radio in Spain.

Although I write a lot of fiction, I actually wrote my first two books on health, the first one, Size Matters, a weight loss programme 21 years ago, based on my own weight loss of 154lbs. My first clinic was in Ireland, the Cronin Diet Advisory Centre and my second book, Just Food for Health was written as my client’s workbook. Since then I have written a men’s health manual, and anti-aging programme, articles for magazines, radio programmes and posts here on Smorgasbord.

You can buy my books from: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – Follow me :Goodreads – Twitter: @sgc58 – Facebook: Sally Cronin – LinkedIn: Sally Cronin


20 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Medicine Woman’s Treasure Chest Rewind– #Aromatherapy, #Frankincense – Immune, reproductive systems, Anti-aging, Antiseptic by Sally Cronin

  1. Smells have a strong effect on my mood and often evoke memories. I have psoriasis and I’m always looking for relief. This is interesting how these essential oils can be used. Thanks so much for sharing Sally! Hugs, C

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Cheryl and I agree about smells and mood.. ancient wisdom about healing plants came after much trial and error and probably not without incident, but as far as human trials go… hundreds if not thousands of years instead of just 5….I have used for years and as long as you follow the guidelines and appreciate how potent they can be it is amazing. ❤


  2. Fascinating learning all about these natural oils and the plants they come from.
    Foil, Frankincense and Myrrh? Now I know a bit more than a gift for baby Jesus 😆
    An illuminating series
    Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fascinating learning all about these natural oils and the plants they come from.
    Foil, Frankincense and Myrrh? Now I know a bit more than a gift for baby Jesus 😆
    An illuminating series
    Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

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