Smorgasbord Health Column – Top to Toe – The Brain – The Brain – Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease by Sally Cronin

It is two years since I posted this series on the major organs of the body and how they work and I am always looking for research updates to share with you. Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and other related conditions are rarely out of the headlines and it is probably everyone’s worst fear. There is a genetic link to some forms of dementia,but it is not as common as lifestyle related deterioration of the brain.  Even though we are living longer, dementia is not an automatic progression and understanding how this amazing organ works and what it requires to be health, is vital.

Part Two: Development of the brain from conception through life

The Brain – Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Some links to the latest research on dementia..

Magnetic stimulation of the brain improves working memory, offering a new potential avenue of therapy for individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, according to new research from the Duke University School of Medicine: : Science Daily

In a records review of 290 people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, scientists at Johns Hopkins say they have identified an average level of biological and anatomical brain changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease that occur three to 10 years — some even more than 30 years — before the disease’s first recognizable symptoms appear. Science Daily

High blood levels of primary fatty acid amides (PFAMS), a class of fatty molecules involved in sleep and movement control, are associated with increased accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer’s disease, a study finds. Researchers believe that this class of fatty molecules may represent a new blood biomarker that can help physicians diagnose Alzheimer’s earlier. Alzheimer’s News Today

Dementia is actually a collective name for progressive degenerative brain diseases, which affect our memory, thought, behaviour and emotions. It is not a normal result of ageing and it does not seem to have any specific social, economic, ethnic or geographical links. It can effect different people in different ways, which makes it difficult sometimes to diagnose and to treat

Certain dementia, such as vascular dementia, where plaque is blocking the blood vessels in the brain are linked to lifestyle related causes such as heavy alcohol consumption. Most dementia is likely to have an element of environmental, diet or lifestyle involved in its development.

There is no known cure, but there are ways that we can modify our lifestyle to reduce our risks of brain degeneration and to slow down any process that has already begun.

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and accounts for around 60% of all cases. The disease is degenerative over a period of years and destroys brain cells and nerve cells causing a disruption to the transmitters, which carry messages in the brain, particularly those that are responsible for our memories.

As the disease progresses, the brain shrinks and gaps develop in the temporal lobe and hippocampus. These areas are responsible for storing and retrieving new information. The damage results in a reduction in a person’s ability to remember events that happened in the short term, to speak, think and to make decisions. All this is both frightening and confusing, as a person will be aware of these lapses in the early stages of the condition.

What are the symptoms of Alzheimer’s

In the beginning, there may be infrequent lapses in memory, forgetting where keys have been left or perhaps failing to switch off electric cookers or other equipment. A person will start to forget the names of everyday objects or people that they are usually very familiar with. They can also suffer from mood swings and panic attacks.

As the disease progresses these symptoms worsen and there is an element of confusion over completing every day tasks such as shopping, cooking and more dangerously driving.
The changes in personality are often attributable to fear and the awareness that something is very wrong. In the earlier stages people tend to try and hide the symptoms. This happens because, much of the time, they will be aware that there is a problem and will not want to accept that this could be as serious a condition as dementia.

In the advanced stages it is not only extremely stressful for the person concerned but also very distressing for their immediate family. We have experience of the problem with a close family friend who was in his 80’s and was looking after his wife who had Alzheimer’s for two years before she went into a home. At that point he was no longer able to cope. She was in danger of hurting herself as she was wandering off in the middle of the night, falling over and hurting herself as well as becoming terrified and disorientated. My own mother in the last two years of her life became increasingly confused but she was nearly 95 when she died. She had family and remained in her own home but for future millions who perhaps have not surviving family it will be a challenge for them and the care services.

What are the risk factors?

It is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of dementia, but there are several probable links that have been the subject of research in recent years.

There is some evidence of a genetic link to the disease, but that is not proven. Lifestyle most definitely will have played a contributory role as exposure to toxins from smoking, excessive alcohol consumption or work environment will cause damage to the body as a whole and certainly to the brain. There is obviously natural age related degeneration of the entire body and its systems to take into account and any previous head trauma may be part of the problem. There are links to chemical contamination including poisoning from mercury – which can be found in some of the fish that we eat – and also from aluminum, which is most commonly linked to the metal in some of our cooking utensils.

Some recent statistics suggest that at least 10% of those over 65 and 50% of those over 85 years old will be suffering from varying degrees of dementia. We unfortunately have no control over natural ageing, or our genetic background, which means that we should be looking at ways to prevent or minimise the risk of us developing the disease from a much earlier age than our 60’s.

What preventative measures can we take – starting today?

  1. The key factors to reducing your risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in particular are very simple and effective.
  2. Your brain is a major organ of the body that requires nutrients to function efficiently and to repair and protect itself. There are specific foods that provide those nutrients and including them in your diet on a very regular basis will be effective.
  3. You need to keep your heart and arterial system clear of oxidised LDL cholesterol and working efficiently to enable vital nutrients and oxygen to reach the brain. However, cholesterol is essential for the body and is involved in many processes including the production of hormones and therefore brain function. Reducing total cholesterol can therefore impact your brain health. Healthy fats are essential in various forms.
  4. You must work the brain as you would any muscle in your body. Stimulating activities strengthen brain cells and the connections between them and may even create new nerve cells.
  5. We all need people around us and it is even better if we involve ourselves in activity that requires mental and physical co-ordination.
  6. Physical exercise maintains healthy blood flow to all our organs including the brain where it will prolong the health of existing brain cells by preventing any further damage.

The one way to deal with an overwhelming fear is to face it and take control of it. For me that has meant a radical change in lifestyle. At one time I smoked over 40 cigarettes a day and drank more than was good for me. My diet was atrocious and I was morbidly obese. I was certainly in a high-risk category for declining brain health, if I had lived long enough to develop the disease.

That is not to say that you have to totally abstain from everything that gives you pleasure. We only have one life and whilst I am totally anti smoking these days, I do believe that we should balance our lifestyle with our pleasures factored in. You will often find me quoting my 80/20 rule. If you follow a healthy lifestyle 80% of the time and the other 20% indulge yourself a little then you will be on the right track.

Reduce the Risk

  • Good Nutrition and hydration.
  • Low levels of plaque in our arteries so that oxygen can get to the brain
  • Exercise your brain as well as your body
  • Social interaction

©Sally Cronin Just Food for Health 1998 – 2019

My nutritional background

I am a qualified nutritional therapist with twenty years experience working with clients in Ireland and the UK as well as being a health consultant on radio in Spain. Although I write a lot of fiction, I actually wrote my first two books on health, the first one, Size Matters, a weight loss programme 20 years ago, based on my own weight loss of 154lbs. My first clinic was in Ireland, the Cronin Diet Advisory Centre and my second book, Just Food for Health was written as my client’s workbook. Since then I have written a men’s health manual, and anti-aging programme, articles for magazines and posts here on Smorgasbord.

If you would like to browse by health books and fiction you can find them here:

Next week the shopping list for optimum brain health, and it is never too late to start.

30 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Health Column – Top to Toe – The Brain – The Brain – Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease by Sally Cronin

  1. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – The Weekly Round Up – Are you making the most of this watering hole? Guests, stories, health, humour and other stuff | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  2. Pingback: Smorgasbord Health Column – Top to Toe – The Brain – The Brain – Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease by Sally Cronin | Campbells World

  3. Well done you!
    I’m with you on the ‘no diets’. Been there, done that, screwed up the metabolism. You’re on your own with the green tea though…
    It’s feeding other people that seems to kybosh my eating plan. I lost weight easily when I was living alone and learned to plan my shopping for one with no leftovers. Then my youngest daughter came home from Uni and that was that. I met my present husband soon after and that was even more that. A couple of pounds goes on every Christmas (leftovers again) and doesn’t seem to ever come off 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for this post, Sally. My mom passed last year (at age 92) after battling dementia for the past five years. She was the healthiest person I ever knew. She was a healthy eater, never smoked or drank, and walked nearly everyday until her last couple of years.

    Since people are living longer, it is crucial that we learn how to battle this progressive condition.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry that you mom faced that after what was a healthy and active life. Mine was the same but there is a combination of many factors including lack of appetite when exercise slows down, reduction in nutrients, particularly healthy fats, and dehydration. I will be looking at those in the next post…x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Eat Smart, Eat Healthy…No More Diets…I did it! | Retired? No one told me!

  6. Pingback: Eat Smart, Eat Healthy…No More Diets…I did it! | Retired? No one told me!

  7. Like you, Sally I gave up smoking early my other half has smoked since he was 9 so he tells me, eats more bacon and roast potatoes than I think he should ..has always been active both in mind and body fingers crossed apart from being a little hard of hearing…which could be selective… a fit as the proverbial fiddle ..Fingers crossed..Great informative article as always Hugs xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for that digest. We kind of live with our fingers crossed these days – my husband smoked heavily until his first hip replacement in 2015 and since then his triple bypass has got the blood flowing again but.. The worst thing we can envisage is dementia and surviving physically without the ability to live independently – do our puzzles, read, look after our dogs properly…
    I’ve been fishing for the words I want since my thirties (it’s the reason I began writing in my sixties). It doesn’t SEEM to be getting worse as I approach seventy, but who am I to judge? I’ve even started exercising more (well, a little) and that REALLY isn’t me.
    But my favourite, wise and funny author, whose brain was constantly active, died too soon from Alzheimers, so I’m not uncrossing my fingers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for sharing that Cathy. There is an element of luck in this too.. good genes and a healthy childhood. we are of the generation who were sugarless compared to today’s consumption.. My mother was 92 before she developed dementia and she was on a great deal of medication. Healthy fats, plenty of fluids, gentle exercise, good fresh vegetables and fruit cooked from scratch and plenty of laughter… xx

      Liked by 1 person

    • I stopped just in time Robbie.. 39.. apparently if you stop before you are 40 it makes a difference. Smoke from cigarettes is full of toxins and you have seen the result of biltong that has been dryed in the sun.. and it is the same effect. Smoking also decreases the blood flow to the lower dermis which results in lack of cell renewal and skin that is less able to cope with external contaminants and sunshine. It takes a while to recover but under 40 you don’t have the combined effect of hormone reduction which also dries out the skin.. It helps to keep the face cleansed every day and a good quality conditioner as well as healthy diet with healthy fats.. but I am very glad I gave up when I did… x

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Always interesting, Sally. Luckily – ‘im indoors, bless ‘im – although nearly 91, hardly smoked years ago, and hasn’t at all for many decades, drank in the Army (conscription ) but hardly at all thereafter – maybe one pint here and there. He loves food but in moderation (especially now)and we eat quite healthily (minimal sugar, nuts, berries, cereal, veg. etc., very little red meat) and he does around ten Crosswords per day/newspaper and books, and I’m always either reading or writing….His memory is phenomenal (better than mine!), But I think his sense of humour (sharp and corny…) helps enormously. You should definitely reach 90, Sally, with the workout you give your brain! Hugs xx (PS And he still drives like Stirling Moss!)

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Good writing! Physical exercise increases blood flow in brain circuits. It’s a remarkable point because cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry is activated to regulate motor functions in the working mechanism of brain. Motor knowledge is essential to memory formation and it is projected throughout central nervous system. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  11. These conditions are really bad. You think these are new. But they result from the increasingly higher age that people can reach today. Thank you for the update, and lets hope we are speared it. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 2 people

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