Smorgasbord Book Promotions – Author News and Reviews – #Memoir Judith Barrow, #Fantasy C. S. Boyack, #Thriller Lisette Brodey

Welcome to the new series of author news and reviews, where I will share updates on the authors who have been promoted on the blog and whose books I have read and can recommend.

The first book update today is for the personally recommended memoir which is Judith Barrow’s latest release – Live and Let

My review for the book May 15th 2024

I have read all the other books by this author and knew that this short book would not only be beautifully written but filled with treasures.

Judith Barrow takes us on a poignant journey through her teen years, marriage and growing family to set the scene for the highly entertaining stories of taking paying guests.

Having lovingly restored a neglected house in Pembrokeshire and wanting to add to the family income, a flat is created on the side of their home and over a number of years an assortment of guests take up residence during the summer season.

Some are clearly remembered with fondness, but others stand out for a variety of reasons and not always in the best light. Whilst laughing at the accounts of the antics these visitors got up to, it must have been extremely stressful to have to deal with them in person. The author has a lovely way of bringing these episodes to life and I would love to have been a fly on the wall.

These temporary lettings gave way to the arrival of a beloved aunt whose declining memory made from some heartwarming and also heartbreaking moments.

To round off a very satisfactory read, there is a short story about another house, another family facing challenges which ends with a twist.

I read Live and Let in one sitting and I am sure that anyone picking up the book will do the same. Highly recommended.

Head over read the reviews and the book: Amazon UKAnd: Amazon US – And: Universal Link

A selection of books by Judith Barrow

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – Follow Judith: Goodreads – blog: Judith Barrow – Twitter: @judithbarrow77

The next author is C.S. Boyack with a review for Goodbye Old Paint (The Hat Book 7)

One of the reviews for the book

Mae Clair 5.0 out of 5 stars Break out the popcorn!  Reviewed in the United States

Boyack’s latest outing of Lizzie and the Hat takes a different turn from the type of monster-hunting the two normally engage in. This time, the federal government employs the duo to eliminate an infestation of gremlins who’ve taken up residence in their server farm. These are nasty critters, gifted with both magic and staying power. It’s not an easy case, but the two get a hand from the witches’ community. If you’re a faithful follower of the series, some familiar faces pop up (Cyrus, Dash, and Destiny among others), but if you’re brand new to these clever and imaginative books—no worries. You’ll be gob smacked by the creativity Boyack paints his cast and surroundings with.

Two of my favorites get to make an appearance—Night Bump Radio, and Noodles, Cyrus’s erm… “pet.” I also enjoyed seeing some of the running gags (the Hat is still pushing for fog machines), and, as always, the humor, is snarky and sharp (such as the Hat calling the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency everything under the sun, but the actual name).

I also liked this little exchange, with Lizzie speaking first:

“I’ve been hanging around you too long. I sound like you, and you sound like me.”

“That is kind of revolting.”

Speaking of Lizzie, she encounters a situation halfway through the story that is … highly unique, and played brilliantly for laughs, but not without sympathy tossed in. Apparently, there are more than a few downsides to monster hunting and Boyack made this one a gem. He clearly knows these characters well and flexes his writing muscles to make for an entertaining tale. There are also a few cartoon illustrations peppered throughout that add to the fun of the story. These stories just keep getting better an better! Break out the popcorn and enjoy! 

Head over to read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

A selection of books by C.S. Boyack

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and :Amazon UK – Follow Craig: Goodreads – blog:Cold Hand BoyackTwitter: @Virgilante

The final author today is Lisette Brodey – with a review for the suspense thriller Twice a Broken Breath.

One of the reviews for the book

D.L. Finn 5.0 out of 5 stars Fast-paced excitement!  Reviewed in the United States

Liam stops at the bank only to find out all his money is gone, and accounts are closed. In a panic, he rushes home to find his wife had left him for her first love and taken their daughter with them. There is a note explaining they are leaving the country within twenty-four hours with a powerful threat he’d never see his daughter again if he followed her or called the authorities. Knowing time is of the essence, he goes where he thinks his wife and child will be in New York. He hops on a train in this fast-paced chase that doesn’t slow down until almost the very end.

Liam is a multi-layered character who not only has forgotten the first fourteen years of his life because of an accident, but his wife has deceived him, and he now only has a limited time to find the daughter he cherishes. It’s a heavy load, but he finds help in unexpected places along the way, along with people who don’t want him looking. There were many unexpected twists, a couple I had a hunch about, but it all added to Liam’s confusion and determination.

I finally got to catch my breath close to the end as it all came together. An exciting page-turner for those who like a thriller with heart and one I can easily recommend. 

Read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK – Universal link:

A small selection of other books by Lisette Brodey

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And: Amazon UK – Follow Lisette: Goodreads – Website/blog: Lisette Brodey – Twitter: @LisetteBrodey – Facebook: Brodey Author – Instagram: ca_lisette


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books…Sally

64 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Book Promotions – Author News and Reviews – #Memoir Judith Barrow, #Fantasy C. S. Boyack, #Thriller Lisette Brodey

  1. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 20th – 26th May 2024 – Meet and Greet, 1970s Hits, Iconic Duets, Health, Reviews, Bloggers and Funnies | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  2. Of these, I was only familiar with Boyack’s work and I agree – he’s amazingly creative in his world-building, while somehow managing to make it all sound totally believable! Thanks for the reviews and recommendations 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you SO much, Sally! Your support is amazing and so appreciated.

    I’ve read two of Judith’s books, and she’s an amazing writer. This new book looks wonderful and heartfelt. Goodbye Old Paint sounds terrific!

    Again, can’t thank you enough for your kindness!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m eager to read Judith Barrow’s memoir. I bought a copy.

    My husband built some small apartments in the back of our house, so I want to read Judith’s stories about her tenants! 😊 Thanks Sally

    I added the other books to my TBR.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Great promos today Sal. I loved Judith’s book too. Lisette’s book is inching up my Kindle, and I have a lot of catching up to do with Craig’s fun Lizzie series. Congrats to all for fab reviews! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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