Smorgasbord Health Column 2024 – Family Health A-Z – #Acne – Teenage and Adults by Sally Cronin

This series originally ran in 2021 and I have updated with any recent research into the conditions I am featuring and hope that you will find helpful.

Many common health issues are improved with simple treatments and dietary changes and in this series I am going to look at some those health conditions in more detail.

Family Health A-Z – Acne – Teenage and Adults

Acne is the curse of the teen years and also as we go through hormonal changes later in life.. There is also a strong link to diet, especially the the over indulgence in sugars.

Some organs play a major role in our survival and others can be removed without impacting our general health in any significant way. As we have evolved, so an organ’s function may have changed to accommodate our modern environment, especially if their role is protective as in the case of the liver and the elimination of toxins. In this polluted world our body is under increasing stress and keeping the individual organs healthy ensures the general well-being of the entire body.

The skin

The skin in in fact our largest organ and weighs 12% to 15% of our body weight and has three vital roles to play. It protects us from external contaminants, acts as a temperature and moisture controller and is essential in the elimination of waste products.

There is a complex structure to our skin that is invisible to the naked eye and apart from slapping a bit of moisturiser on last thing at night; most of us are unaware of the crucial role that it plays in our general health.

Because of the skin’s role in the elimination of waste products and as a barrier to external contaminants it comes under increasing stress as we get older. Free radicals attack it from the outside from chemicals in household cleaners, cigarette smoke, pollution and ultra-violet light. From the inside it is the victim of a poor diet low in essential fatty acids, processed foods, food intolerances and toxins produced from an inefficient and under nourished operating system.

Some of the signs of skin under stress are acne, cold sores, eczema, psoriasis, hives, impetigo, shingles, warts and of course wrinkles. Today I am going to be covering acne, a bane for teenagers but can also come back to haunt us in our middle years as we go through another hormonal change.


I remember as a teenager getting a few spots at certain times of the month but was thankfully clear of major acne outbreaks. I did have a friend at school that was devastatingly affected by the condition and when you are a 16 year old girl or boy it can have a detrimental impact on not just your physical appearance but also your mental and emotional health.

Let’s face it, spots that are on your back and covered up on your arms are unsightly and irritating but if your face is covered in blackheads, whiteheads and scarring then it can result in lack of self-esteem that can last for years afterwards. In severe cases acne can lead to severe depression, withdrawal from both school and social activities and suicide.
Unfortunately even when the acne has departed in can leave scarring which varies in severity and often because it is deep and pitted it remains for a lifetime. The reason that it is so deep is because of the inflammation in the dermal layer of the skin which heals abnormally leaving the pitted surface.

The numbers across the western world when added together make acne the 8th common disease in the world. It is estimated that it affects over 80% of teenagers adding up to a huge 600 million people worldwide.

There are a number of suspected causes and I will take a brief look at these.


Most of us will associate spots that appeared during our teen years with hormonal changes after puberty. Sex hormones called androgens result in several changes within the body but also in the skin. The trillions of pores on the surface of our skin are really minute openings into canals called follicles. In each follicle you will find a hair and a sebaceous (oil) gland. This helps keep our skin supple and hydrated and also assists in the disposal of old skin cells that we are shedding continuously.

At puberty and for girls each month the surge of hormones results in a change in the follicle causing them to grow larger and produce more oil. Whilst this affects both sexes in the teen years it also affects women who become pregnant at any age or who suffer from PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). PCOS is caused by a woman producing too many of the male androgens affecting her menstrual cycle and ability to become pregnant.

With teenagers it is not just the increase in androgens such as testosterone which can cause acne. At that age there is a growth spurt particularly in boys that can take place between the ages of 16 and 24 and the hormone responsible for this is GH or HGH.

Additionally IGF-1 is a hormone that is similar in structure to Insulin and plays a role in growth in both teenagers and later with a different affect in adults can result in a similar response.

It is unusual for acne to develop after the body has completed its growth cycle in the early to mid-twenties.


It is believed that around 75% of acne could be genetic which is supported by studies with twins and also with immediate family members. Polygenic inheritance pattern controls our height, skin colour, eye colour and also it is believed our weight. Rather than just one gene being involved it requires a combination of two or more genes to affect these characteristics. Certain genes have now been identified that could be related to acne and that is an ongoing study.

This genetic link is reinforced by the incidences of severe acne associated with a dysfunctional immune system. This is not lifestyle related but an inherent over sensitivity to bacteria that results in an unusually aggressive immune system response. When bacteria are detected by the body the immune system produces large amounts of inflammatory cytokines. These induce white blood cells to unleash destructive enzymes and free radicals into the site of infection. Because this response is unusually aggressive it can cause damage to the surrounding tissue. This in turn results in another release of cytokines and it becomes a perpetual cycle resulting in long term inflammation and of course the associated acne. In this type of environment bacteria thrive rather than be killed off.

With the other form of genetic dysfunctional immune response the white cells themselves are under powered and do not have the ability to deal with any harmful bacteria that they encounter. Usually white blood cells work on the principal of divide and conquer, they are designed to ingest any bacteria they come across, isolating the bacteria in a special casing called a phagosome and then pumping toxic enzymes inside to kill it. It is then broken up into small particles that are absorbed back into the immune system. The system then takes these particles and designs anti-bodies that will be able to fight future infections of this bacteria.

In a faulty immune system the white cell takes in the bacteria but is not equipped to kill them adequately. They keep trying however, exhausting themselves in the process and dying. This releases the bacteria still alive and allows it to thrive. It also means that the immune system does not get the chance to develop anti-bodies to fight that particular strain of bacteria leading to long term infections.

The most common of the bacterial infections associated with acne is Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is a bacteria that grows deep inside of pores where it obtains its energy from the oil in the follicle canal. It is anaerobic which means that unlike most bacteria it is tolerant to oxygen so the low oxygen, oil rich environment of the follicle is perfect for its growth. Because it forms clumps of bacteria it can block and protect itself within the canal leading to persistent infections into the 20s and beyond. Unfortunately the bacteria have become resistant to a number of the anti-biotics used to treat acne including Penicillin.


There have been many assumptions made over the years about acne and its causes. Including the fact that some teenagers do not have a close relationship with cleanliness, that poor diet full of fats and sugars is to blame and the habit of the young today to spend more time indoors rather than out in the fresh air. In reality I believe there is an element of all of these factors involved. And in particular the increase in the use of both male and female facial and body beauty products.

Today we are spoiled for choice when we buy skin products in the pharmacies, supermarkets and online. The prices also vary from very cheap to extremely expensive but unfortunately whilst simple is better, cheap may not be so. Many cheap skin products have ingredients that could irritate skin further. This also applies for make-up that teenage girls are going to use to cover up spots and scars.

Most acne prescribed medication is designed to dry up the oil that feed the bacteria and may be causing the outbreak in the first place. This can result in dry and flaky skin and irritated patches.

The temptation is to buy moisturisers that are heavy and greasy to counteract the dryness but it is better when suffering from acne to use a light weight moisturiser with ingredients such as glycerine that will not clog your pores with more grease. Avoid those that have ingredients such as cocoa butter for example.

Use clean towels every day and dab your face rather than rub to dry.

Change your pillow case every two days.. turning it over in the night between so that it is fresh.

The one lifestyle activity which is definitely implicated in causing skin irritation and increasing the chances of acne is smoking.

You might find the following daily cleansing ritual helpful.

A mild cleanser for the face (ask advice on your skin type) Using your fingers gently massage the skin for a few minutes. Wipe off the excess with a clean cotton wool wipe. Then rinse your face in lukewarm warm water to remove all the lotion. Pat the skin dry and then apply the light moisturiser. You can use a mild exfoliant (and I mean mild) once or twice a week which can be helpful in cleaning the skin slightly more thoroughly.

These days there are a lot of products on the market but do be careful about just buying off the shelf. Ask advice from a pharmacist and check for side effects.


There are a number of prescribed medications available now to treat acne including topical creams. Antibiotics are also prescribed but there is a danger that this will then create a resistance to future antibiotics if over used. For girls sometimes being prescribed birth control pills can regulate hormone levels reducing the surge of hormones each month. I do advice however that you do not self-medicate by buying products online. Get professional guidance and if you add to your acne scarring by using the wrong product it will stay with you for life.

Alternative therapies.

My go to essential oil for skincare across all ages is Frankincense and I covered its benefits in the series on herbal remedies Frankincense – Immune System, Reproductive System, Antiseptic

You must be extremely careful with your skin as whilst it does a very tough job it is also very delicate. I have found that taking Echinacea for six weeks at a time may help boost immune system function Natural Health Insurance with Echinacea

Also you may find taking Grapefruit seed extract to help control an overgrowth of Candida Albicans which as a fungal infection of the intestines, does impact the efficiency of the immune system. The extract is prepared by grinding the grapefruit seed and juiceless pulp, then mixing with glycerin

Topically, apart from the cleansing regime I have already mentioned, you may find that a couple of drops of tea tree oil mixed with your morning and night time moisturiser may also help kill off the bacteria. Tea tree oil comes from steam distillation of the leaves of the tea tree. The tea tree grows on the swampy southeast coast of Australia and has been used traditionally by the aboriginal as an antiseptic (germ killer) and herbal medicine. Do monitor and if it causes any irritation or redness of the skin stop using. I personally have it on hand always and never travel without it. I have used to repel mosquitos for example and treat bites… also for cuts and scratches after cleaning thoroughly…

Black seed oil is made from the Nigella sativa plant native to Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe. It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties associated with black seed oil. Available as an oil for topical application or in a measured dose for internal use in capsules which can be punctured to apply the oil as well. One study found that using a topical gel made with black seed extract twice daily for 60 days reduced acne severity by 78%  Healthline

In addition to echinacea other herbal remedies can be useful for skin complaints including Saw Palmetto and Agnus Castus to help normalise hormonal levels. If you are considering taking any herbal remedy I do suggest that you talk to a qualified assistant in your local health food shop.. They should have received training in the uses for any of their products but do ask first.


The fact that the incidences of acne is certain cultures that are not exposed to the less healthy aspects of our western diet is virtually non-existent, leads to the assumption that sugars, trans fats and other additives in our food are contributing to acne. It also confirms of course the genetic link to the disease especially when those populations have remained isolated.

As you will have seen there is a genetic link to a dysfunctional immune system that results in persistent acne but there are also dietary and lifestyle related immune system issues that need to be addressed with a balanced diet and exercise.

It is tough when you are a teenager to stick to a really healthy diet when your friends are enjoying burgers, pizzas and other great tasting food. Nobody wants to be the odd person out but tough as it is, it is so important to eat a mainly fresh unprocessed diet with lots of vegetables and fruits with the antioxidants needed for a healthy immune system and of course skin health. Also lean protein and good fats and most importantly plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated.

It is more likely to be sugars rather than healthy fat that is causing food related outbreaks.

Foods that might be helpful in cleansing the body of toxins and therefore reducing the triggers for acne include the following: beetroot, artichoke, hot water and lemon juice first thing in the morning, beans such as chickpeas which helps moderate hormone excretion, fresh vegetables of any kind and fruits such as oranges which are high in Vitamin C. Dried apricots are a good snack as well as nuts and seeds containing zinc which is good for skin healing. Vitamin E is also essential for skin health and having half an avocado on a salad or on its own daily will provide you with that vitamin and healthy fat.

avocadoOne of the key factors of ridding the body of toxins is drinking water and this also helps prevent the skin from becoming dry and even more irritated. You can find out more about the health conditions caused by lack of fluids: Dehydration

I hope you have found useful and if you have any questions I am happy to answer here or by email.

©Sally Cronin Just Food for Health 1998 – 2024

I am a qualified nutritional therapist with twenty-five years experience working with clients in Ireland and the UK as well as being a health consultant on radio in Spain for four years and with my own weekly show in the UK on local radio for two years. Although I write a lot of fiction, I actually wrote my first two books on health, the first one, Size Matters, a weight loss programme 20 years ago, based on my own weight loss of 154lbs. My first clinic was in Ireland, the Cronin Diet Advisory Centre and my second book, Just Food for Health was written as my client’s workbook. Since then I have written a men’s health manual, and anti-aging programme, articles for magazines, radio programmes and posts here on Smorgasbord.

If you would like to browse my health books and fiction you can find them here Sally’s books and reviews 2024


Thanks for joining me for this series and as always delighted to receive your feedback… thanks Sally.


24 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Health Column 2024 – Family Health A-Z – #Acne – Teenage and Adults by Sally Cronin

  1. I can laugh now, but at the time acne was a disaster especially as Mum often recalled how she had had a perfect complexion! Our family diet was excellent and poor Mum couldn’t understand why friends that lived on fish and chips had perfect complexions. Dad used to get spots and his recommendation was liberal application of methylated spirits! Mum bought me a medicated cream that was supposed to cover up acne while clearing it up, so for a few years I went to school with an orange face. Some young girls these days plaster their faces with makeup, covering up their lovely clear complexions. I don’t think we see so many boys and girls with acne in recent times.

    PS One of the girls in our class had been to the doctors with her acne and was given ‘some tablets’ – she later saw a television item and realised she was on The Pill, so she decided to take advantage of that!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 20th – 26th May 2024 – Meet and Greet, 1970s Hits, Iconic Duets, Health, Reviews, Bloggers and Funnies | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  3. An informative post. I was lucky not to have suffered from acne, apart frm a few spot, but I do have Rosea (constant red cheeks), I’m not a wearer of make up and have got by on good old soap and water.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Luckily I have never suffered with acne however Aston does not badly but even one spot is a has been getting little clusters either side of his temple so I suggested he tied his hair..yes its longer at the moment of his face at night and when indoors and it has reduced the spots thank goodness…as always a helpful post fpr acne sufferers, Sally Hugs xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I was one of the unlucky ones, My friend noticed that all of us with blonde hair seemed to be especially prone to bad outbreaks. Really pleased to have left that part of my youth behind! Many thanks for the information – it’s good to keep up with surrent thinking. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Great information and post, Sally:) I didn’t have too many issues with this but my daughter did. We decided after many prescriptions the cure was worse than the acne. Now I’d do more natural treatments.

    Liked by 1 person

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