Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Update – August 15th – 21st 2022 – Chart hits 2001, #Pavarotti, #Food, #Waterford 1940s, Podcast, Weight Loss, Stories, Reviews, Health and Humour

Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed this week on Smorgasbord.

I hope the week going well so far for you. Nothing much to report on the home front as we continue to do our tidy up to sell.. it is the small fiddly jobs that seem to take the longest.

I continue with the online shopping for both location and properties that tick the boxes for what we hope is our last move. Whilst we are still hale and hearty, there may come a time in years ahead when we cannot drive and whilst we love being in a more rural environment, if there is no public transport close to hand it makes life a little more difficult. Also we are 40 minutes away from the nearest emergency department. Touch wood that has not been an issue and we do have a very good out of hours clinic. But I do think there would be some comfort in knowing you are not too far from emergency help should you need it.

Of course as the media is keen to point out in the UK, the wait for an ambulance in some areas is the issue not the distance. Being close to an ER certainly offers some options in many circumstances with taxis being one of them.

If you have to give up your car it is also good to have a decent size supermarket close by and again you can get taxis and to be honest with the cost of insurance, petrol, servicing and other car expenses you can get an awful lot of taxis in a year for a lot less.

Anyway, I have expanded our search to along the south coast of Ireland but we are not dismissing a return to the UK.

Stay tuned lol for the adventures to come.

As always my thanks to my friends who take time to share their expertise with us….

This week William Price King joined me for The Breakfast Show and shared the first in the classical music genre with the life and music of the great Pavarotti. William is returning from his summer break at the end of August and we are going to be busy preparing next year’s Breakfast Shows which will cover the Big Band Era. Music I grew up with and looking forward to sharing some more great music with you.

You can also find William Blog– IMPROVISATIONWilliam Price King on Tumblr

Debby Gies will be here on Monday the next post exploring our spiritual well being.. How Empaths Can Shield Negative Energies. Over on her blog you will find her posts including her Sunday Book Review – Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton and a promotion for fellow author M.J. Mallon and her new delightful collection. Head over to D.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor  was here on Wednesday with an exploration of foods and culinary terms in her terrific series A-Z of foods with the letter E. On Carol’s own blog you will find Monday Musings a recipe for Pulled chicken and Coleslaw Rolls, an exploration of the wonderful potato...And her Saturday Snippets which is all about the word ‘Circus’. You can find the links in her CarolCooks2 Weekly Round Up.

Thanks too for all your visits, comments and shares this week… they mean a great deal..♥

The Breakfast Show with William Price King and Sally Cronin – Chart Hits 2001 Part Two – Train, Usher, Geri Hellewell, Depeche Mode

William Price King meets the Music Legends – #Classical – Luciano Pavarotti – The Early Years

Carol Taylor’s – Culinary A – Z Rewind – ‘E’ for Egg Plant, Escargot, Elephant Ears and many more Eezee recipes and foods

The Fair, Ballybricken – before the tractor! From a photo by A. H. Poole, Waterford

A fishing story – Cattle Dealing and The Ferguson Tractor 1948 by Geoff Cronin

#Waterford #Ireland #History – The Colour of Life – The Dance Scene 1950 by Geoff Cronin

Size Matters: The Sequel – #Morbid Obesity – #CandidaAlbicans – Starving the fungus and feeding the body by Sally Cronin

What’s In a Name? Brian the Birthright

#Cancer – The Winding Road: A Journey of Survival by Miriam Hurdle

#Comingofage #Fantasy – Knuckleheads: Dreamer’s Alliance Book 1, by Dan Antion

#Crime #Thriller #Preorder – Haloed: Grafton County Series, #5 by Sue Coletta

Guest Round Up – Final Part – Richard Dee, John W. Howell, Staci Troilo, Annette Rochelle Aben, Hugh Roberts, M. J. Mallon, Judith Barrow

Posts from Your Archives 2022 – ‘Potluck’ – #Endofyear #Letter by Jennie Fitzkee

#Scammers #SocialMedia by D.G. Kaye

I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now! – Guest Round Up – Part Three – Jacquie Biggar, Harmony Kent, Jan Sikes, Gwen M. Plano, Darlene Foster, William Price King, Toni Pike, The Story Reading Ape, Jennie Fitzkee

#Children’s #Jungle Joyce Murphy, #Mystery Elizabeth Merry

#Crimethriller Carol Balawyder, #Thriller #Haiti Mark Bierman

#Romance Ritu Bhathal, #Mystery Lisette Brodey

Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Dolly Parton and Chain Letter


34 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Update – August 15th – 21st 2022 – Chart hits 2001, #Pavarotti, #Food, #Waterford 1940s, Podcast, Weight Loss, Stories, Reviews, Health and Humour

  1. Glad things are moving along for you and I hope you find that perfect house and location! Thanks for another great week xo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So many great pieces in one week. The blogging community is such a supportive place. Thanks for being that home where all the kids can drop by and feel comfortable at.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sal, thanks again for another wonderful week, and for mentioning my next post in the series. I know you’ve been a busy bee, I’ve noticed your lack of presense on social media, lol. But I am glad to hear you and D are making good considerations for your next move. As time passes and as we age, we definitely have to adjust our sails. Go you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: #ReblogAlert- #TwoFer #ThisWeekOnStoryEmpire & #SmorgasbordBlogMagazineWeeklyRoundup | The Write Stuff

  5. Good luck with your house hunt! My husband keeps making noises about living in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road. I say no. We need to be close to good medical care and emergency services.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As always, a great week. The picture of the bear made me burst out laughing. A nice start of the day. Thank you, Sally.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bravo on all the house work preparation for the sale, Sally. I sure know how difficult all of this is. One reason we moved to this area of Michigan was the location to stores and medical facilities. The cost of living played a huge part in our choices as well. I wish you all the best and can’t wait to see what you finally find for your forever home. 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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