Smorgasbord Blogger Weekly – 22nd July 2022 – #Newcharacter Richard Dee, #Guest Valerie Ormond with Marcia Meara, #Reviews Diana Peach, #Dogfashion Carol Taylor, #Recipe #Grouper New Vintage Kitchen

A small selection of posts I have enjoyed this week and I hope you will head over to enjoy in full.

Richard Dee introduces us to a new character Kalyn Deere, who will be headlining in her own series in the future in a short story that sets out her credentials..

Head over to read this short story introducing Kalyn Deere:Short Story – Meet Kalyn Deere

Another wonderful Top Ten Things you May Not Know About Me from the series by Marcia Meara.  Her guest this week Valerie Ormond has led an amazing life in the military with some interesting adventures along the way. Now as an author she shares her love of horses in YA fiction.

Head over to discover more about the incredible career and adventures of Valerie Ormond: Marcia Meara – Ten Things with Valerie Ormond

Diana Peach is off hiking in the Canadian Rockies but is leaving us a fantastic selection of reviews for books by Marlena Smith, Yvette Calleiro, Chris Hall, John Howell, Dan Antion, Shehanne Moore, Gwen Plano and Sandra Cox.

Head over to enjoy all of these amazing reviews: Myths of the Mirror Diana Peach reviews July

Carol Taylor shares news of a unique fashion brand coming to the UK next year…Doggy Parton.. and yes there might be a little something country going on for the canine members of the family also junk food month… And what exercise you might consider doing at 90 + …. More on Monday musings… head over to enjoy.


Find out which fast foods will be celebrated this month and a lovely French Bull Dog: Carol Cooks Monday Musings 18th July

And to finish off a recipe that sounds delicious and Dorothy of The New Vintage Kitchen has a foolproof recipe to guide you through making it. If you cannot find grouper in your local fish shop or supermarket you can substitute with any firm white fleshed fish. Baked Grouper with Herbs over Polenta 

Head over for the recipe: Baked Grouper with Herbs over Polenta

Thanks for dropping by today and I hope you will head over to enjoy the posts in full.. Sally.