Smorgasbord Coffee Time Haiku – #Spain – Fish hide in branches by Sally Cronin

Another photo of Parquelagos lake which was in the middle of the urbanisation we lived in about 30 kilometers from the centre of Madrid.. Which is the highest capital in Europe. Our house was at 900 mts and only 30 minutes from the ski slopes. Very cold at night in the winter although like in the alps you could sit out in the sunshine and top up your tan.

This lake was full of fish some of them very large and crayfish which was one of the favourite foods of the ducks on the lake… We would feed them unsalted popcorn freshly made in the winter months and they would come to my call… I have included some photos of my duck friends and also of the goose that adopted me after his mate died.

My friends…

Sometimes I would tell them fairy stories…..

I hope you have enjoyed today’s photos and meeting my feathered friends in Spain… I did also have some fun with about 100 swans in Bray on our return to Ireland that made me less homesick for their company.

Enjoy your week… thanks for dropping by.. Sally.