Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Malcolm Allen Entertains – Irony and Final Preparations

Time for some humour from Malcolm Allen to keep your spirits up….

 Delighted that Malcolm will be entertaining us throughout 2024

About Malcolm Allen

The author was born in London UK and experienced a challenging childhood, leaving school with no academic qualifications at the age of 15. He had mixed fortunes in his early working days but managed to secure a job in the banking industry at the age of 19. During a period of 32 years he enjoyed a demanding and successful career in London, the pinnacle of which was becoming a Company Director at the age of 37. Following a life changing experience in November 1998 he emigrated to Perth, Western Australia in September 2001, relocating to his current home in Melbourne, Australia in November 2015.

Malcolm will be back each month with more of his humour.