Smorgasbord Book Reviews 2022 – January Round Up – #Children’s Bette A. Stevens, #Supernatural Yvette Calliero, #Thriller Jack Talbot, #Romance Jacquie Biggar, #Romance Harmony Kent, #Ireland Claire Fullerton,#Family Allan Hudson

Welcome to the round up of my book reviews in January 2022

I was delighted to share my review for Amazing Matilda: A Monarch’s Tale by award winning children’s author is Bette A. Stevens definitely a book for young nature lovers

My review for the book January 1st 2022

As an adult reading a children’s book, I look for and enjoy how an author shares life lessons embedded within the story. Bette A. Stevens does this very well using animals that a child would be familiar with, as the bearer of these inspiring but simple encouragements to be kind, to be patient and to perservere with life and tasks we are faced with.

Matilda goes through the complex phases in the life of a butterfly and the author shares these not just in the words of the story, but lovely illustrations which would catch a child’s attention and prompt a discussion between child and the storyteller An opportunity to emphasise elements of the tale and explore in more detail the creatures met during Matilda’s transformation.

Bette Stevens has created a lovely book that any child would treasure and also would engage older members of the family too. Highly recommended.

Read the reviews and buy the book : Amazon US – And : Amazon UK

Also by Bette A. Stevens for Children and adults

51jdrgaOEaL._UY250_Read the reviews and buy the books:Amazon US – and : Amazon UK – Follow Bette:Goodreads – Blog:4 Writers and ReadersTwitter:@BetteAStevens

Next my review for the short story Breathlessby Yvette Calleiro… a great introduction to the author’s full length novels which I look forward to reading soon.

My review for the story January 8th 2022

As a lover of fairy tales from childhood, I appreciate that there is often a sinister element to the stories, even if they do eventually end with everyone living ‘happily ever after’.

This story by Yvette Calleiro takes that disquieting element to a new level by focusing on the cursing abilities bestowed on certain beings living amongst us. The trouble with special powers is that they are not so easily controlled, especially when emotions are high and expectations are not met.

It would take a saintly kind of person not to occasionally wish to visit misfortune upon certain people we come across, however, as is often the case revenge takes its toll on both parties.

The author has created an interesting storyline with great characters who come together for one brief moment, impacting the rest of their lives and those around them.

An intriguing short story and an excellent introduction to the author’s full length books which Iook forward to reading soon.

Books by Yvette Calleiro

Read the reviews and buy the books:Amazon US And:Amazon UK – Read more reviews: GoodreadsAuthor Blog: Yvette M. Calleiro Blogspot – Twitter:@YvetteMCalleiro – Facebook: Yvette M. Calleiro

Delighted to share my review for the tense and compelling thriller The Hurler by Jack Talbot

My review for the book January 15th 2022

I enjoyed this thriller very much. Hurling is at the heart of Irish sport at both amateur and professional level, and there are not many families whose children have not played the game during school and beyond. Like any sport there are opportunities for manipulation and corruption, and when combined with a thirst for revenge, the door is opened to violent retribution.
As a young police sergeant discovers, solving the mystery of a missing local man and connecting the links in a nation wide serial murder case, is going to be difficult and dangerous when hampered by obstructive senior detectives and those with links to criminal enterprises.
When you don’t know who to believe, trust or respect and the investigation is blocked at every turn, all you have is your own commitment and drive to succeed at whatever the cost. Including the impact on a new and exciting relationship that offers an unexpected chance of a promising future.
The author has created characters that are richly drawn and in some cases downright despicable. As the various threads of institutional corruption within the police, sports officials and the escalating violence of the serial killer knit together, cleverly inserted red herrings have the reader eagerly turning the pages to find the answers.
The momentum was maintained throughout the book and the reader is kept guessing right to the last chapter. There are surprises in store and revelations that will shock and satisfy.
I recommend this to lovers of fast paced thrillers and look forward to reading more books by this author.

Head over to buy the book: Amazon UKAnd: Amazon US

Connect to Jack Talbot: Amazon UKAnd:Amazon US – Website: Jack TalbotFacebook: Jack Talbot – Facebook Author Page:The Hurler – Follow Jack: Goodreads – LinkedIn: Jack Talbot

I caught up over Christmas with some reading and selected books that were likely to be heartwarming and in the festive spirit.. and Love Me by Jacquie Biggarticked all the boxes.

My review for the book January 22nd 2022

Having read other books by the author I fully expected that this story would be heartwarming and in keeping with the spirit of Christmas. The characters are always relateable and being a romance they also tend to have attractive personalities which makes them likeable too.

The interactions between those falling for each other are subtle, and much is left to your imagination, which is something I prefer when reading about love. In this particular case you are left with the wonderful feeling that love is alive and well despite the global troubles impacting us all at this time.

At the heart of this story is also the issue of childhood leukemia which the author adds details of at the end of the book. A difficult subject to cover, particularly in a feel good romance novel, but Jacquie Biggar handles it very sensitively.

A book to curl up in front of a roaring fire, with a large mug of hot chocolate and a couple of hours free for some lovely escapism. Recommended for lovers of romance and those who enjoy a heartwarming reminder that there are good things in the world.

Read the reviews and buy the books:Amazon USand: Amazon UK

A small selection of Jacquie’s books

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And: Amazon UK – Follow Jacquie : Goodreads – website: Jacquie Biggar – Twitter: @jacqbiggar

Another lovely Christmas read that would be feel good all year around is Oh Baubles by Harmony Kent

My review for the novella January 18th 2022

The aftermath of a devastating tragedy leaves body, mind and emotional well-being in jeopardy, particularly when there are permanent physical reminders of the event. For a young woman in her mid-twenties, scarring and the loss of her leg, have understandably stripped Charlene of her self-confidence and self-belief.

How could anyone be attracted to the person she has become? Who could possibly look passed the visible scars of the accident that also broke her heart?

Thankfully the author created someone who might, because of his profession be sympathetic to Charlene’s circumstances and see her as a beautiful and vibrant young woman.

The challenge then of course is for both these star-crossed lovers to put aside their personal misgivings and realise that they have to take matters in to their own hands if they are to achieve happiness.

Harmony Kent was adept at bringing this story to a satisfactory conclusion, having steered the reader through the rollercoaster ride of emotions and challenges facing these two deserving characters.

A lovely lighthearted read.

Read the reviews and buy the book : Amazon US – And : Amazon UK

A small selection of other books by Harmony Kent

Read the reviews and buy the books:Amazon UK – And : Amazon US – Follow Harmony:Goodreads – Website:Harmony KentTwitter: @Harmony_Kent

Having read and enjoyed two more recent books by Claire Fullerton, I am now exploring her earlier books and here is my review is for a delightful book set in Ireland, Dancing to an Irish Reel.

Dancing to an Irish Reel by [Claire Fullerton]

My review for the book January 25th 2022

This is a love story. Not just between a man and a woman. It is also the slow falling in love with a culture rich in history, language and music, which can be confusing to the uninitiated who arrive expecting only to be there for a short visit.

The Irish have a way of embracing and drawing you into their way of life, and the author clearly absorbed all this richness during her time in the country in her twenties.

Traditional music is at the heart of communities throughout Ireland and Galway is the perfect setting. Nothing quite like dark smoky bars late on in the evening, when the musicians pick up their instruments and the magic begins.

The characters are beautifullly embellished with little details that immediately bring them into focus. Handsome enigmatic musicians, dapper elderly gentlemen imparting wisdom, free spirited craftsmen who have poetic souls, family dynasties where music runs in the blood.

Add in a young American conscious of being an outsider, trying to find her way through the complexity of adapting to the ebb and flow of this cultural colour, and you have a delightful reading experience.

The pace of the story is not rushed, for you would lose much of the detail and richness of the descriptions in the book. Life in Ireland is meant to be savoured. That can be an interesting and sometimes disconcerting concept for those who arrive for a quick holiday.

Expect to make some assumptions of how the relationship between Hailey and Liam will evolve through the story, but according to the cards all will be well, someday.

Other books by Claire Fullerton

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – Follow Claire : Goodreads – website: Claire Fullerton – Twitter: @Cfullerton3

Delighted to share the news of the latest release by Allan Hudson… a novella set in World War Two that has at its heart family and its complex relationships – Father.

My review for Father January 29th 2022

At the heart of this story is family and its complex relationships. To set the scene the author shares the arrival and progress of the Hill brothers from new immigrants to an established clan of descendents settled into a variety of occupations in the early 1940s Canada.

Times are tough for many and making a little extra cash, even if it is on the illegal side, makes all the difference to a growing family. Many are in the know… but it only takes one disgruntled customer to cause a life changing showdown.

With war waging in Europe, and for more reasons than just patriotism, Tanner and his brothers enlist and find themselves caught up in the campaigns to take strategic targets such as Sicily and the rest of Italy. Tanner’s story is shared in detail as he spends three years moving across Europe as part of the invasion force, facing danger and losses of those close to him. The detail included by the author creates an authentic and compelling coverage of the events during those campaigns, bringing home the effect on the men and women physically and mentally.

Contact with home is rare and a return at the end of the conflict comes with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety about what has changed in the years apart. Tanner has some truths to face that will force him to look at his own actions to enable him to move forward with acceptance and for the future of his family.

A recommended read.

Head over to buy the book:Amazon CAAnd: Amazon US And: Amazon UK

A selection of books by Allan Hudson

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And: Amazon UK – Follow Allan:Goodreads – Website: South Branch Scribbler – Twitter: @hudson_allan


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books… thanks Sally.