Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 14th -20th August 2023 – Big Band Era, The Boss, Mushrooms, Gluten, Book Reviews, Book Excerpts, Bloggers, Humour

Welcome to the round up of posts that you might have missed this week on Smorgasbord.

I hope wherever you are you have had a great week. We were graced with the presence of Storm Betty (I don’t know why they choose such benign names for such vicious visitations...)over the last two days with very high winds gusting at 130k per hour that knocked out power for many thousands people here in Ireland including us. The west coast, particularly Cork got it far worse with flooding devastating the county with streets in villages and towns awash with fast flowing water.

We were much luckier than many as we got the wind and rain but being rural the water was absorbed into the ground better. Our power went out at 3 a.m. according to the timings on equipment and we only got it back at 7 p.m. last night.

A day without internet is actually not dire, and as I schedule posts ahead the blog carried on as normal. We have two camping stoves as we have had a number of power outages of varying lengths over the last 7 years. Being rural with overhead cables and quite a few trees around, high winds play havoc.

I always have two or three days worth of batch cooked vegetables and rice in the fridge and so easy to reheat with a tin of tuna thrown in and to make cups of coffee and tea during the day. I caught up on reading and managed to get my usual walks in once the rain stopped and the winds died down a little.

We are back to normal but our hearts go out to those now trying to salvage homes that were inundated by the water.

Nancy Klein invited me to share a poem on her eclectic blog and I chose one from Life is Like a Mosaic. A lovely showcase, thank you Nancy.

Head over to the post: Life’s Progression Poem

My thanks to Patricia Furstenberg who very kindly created a promo for Variety is the Spice of Life for me to use on social media.. a lovely thought.

As always my thanks to my friends who contribute to the blog…

William Price King joined me this week for the Big Band Era with Harry James, Helen Forrest, Charlie Bennett and Dean Collins On Friday the third post in the icon series The Boss… Bruce Springsteen . William is back from his summer break at the end of the month. You can also find William Blog– IMPROVISATIONWilliam Price King on Tumblr

Debby Gies​ was next be here on Monday 28th August exploring our Spiritual awareness.  Debby also shared some funnies she had found for us on Tuesday.. On her own blog Debby shares her recommendation for Debby Gies​ shares her Sunday Book Review for The Widow by Kaira Rouda...”This book kept me turning the pages in this clever political thriller, and despite so many nasty characters, I couldn’t stop reading!” Earlier in the week a post on customer service and a tip about not buying from external sellers on Amazon, particularly if you are trying to get a refund. Head over toD.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor will be here on Wednesday 3oth August with her next post in the Green Kitchen series. . On her own blog on Monday Musings Food Swaps to ease the water shortages and reduce our carbon footprint,Around the world temperatures are rising how we can keep our homes and workplaces cool. In Thursday thoughts a look at contamination in our food and salmonella.. Romaine lettuce was contaminated in one instance because of a meat processing plant next door for exampl..Also an eye opener on Data Centres and their massive water consumption for cooling. And on Saturday Snippets rewind..some oven woes that were eventually sorted according to Carol’s weekly update, a recipe for fudge and some alternatives to use when making cakes.. and some vegan cheese. Catch up with this post and the rest of the week Carol Taylor’s Weekly Round Up

Toni Pike will be here on Wednesday with the final post in her series on Personal Power and this week Self Awareness and our own opinions and feelings. It has been wonderful having Toni here for the last 3 months and I can’t thank her enough for letting me share her informative and helpful series. Please head over to follow Toni on her blog and also on social media and check out Toni Pike’s Books

Thank you too for all the visits, comments and shares to your own social media.. ♥

On with the show….

The Big Band Era with William Price King and Sally Cronin – 1940s – Harry James with Helen Forrest, Charlie Barnet, Dean Collins

#Rock – The Boss Bruce Springsteen – Part Three – Born in the USA and the 1980s

Podcast Rewind- Tales from the Irish Garden – A Place of Sanctuary by Sally Cronin

Recipes that Pack a Punch – #Mushroom Soup and Mushroom Chilli Carbonara

Some interesting information about #Gluten and #Milk to consider by Sally Cronin

New Book on the Shelves – #Memoir #Travel – Volcanic Adventures in Tonga – Species Conservation on Tin Can Island by Ann Göth

#Family #Love #Horses #Wales Her Nanny’s Secret by Jan Baynham

Previous Reviews from 2022 – #WWII #Family – Leora’s Letters by Joy Neal Kidney

#Cancer – The Winding Road: A Journey of Survival by Miriam Hurdle

#Memoir – Fifteen First Times: Beginnings: A Collection of Indelible Firsts by D. G. Kaye

#Adventure #Children’s #YA – Gateway to Magic by Annabelle Franklin

#Psychological #Thriller Dead Dry Heart by Toni Pike

#Western – Redemption: The Further Adventures of Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer: 10th Anniversary Revised Edition by Andrew Joyce

Blogger Spotlight – 17th August 2023 – #RetroInventions Beetley Pete, #TerracottaWarriors Darlene Foster, #ChildrensReviews Robbie Cheadle, #Spiritual Stevie Turner, #Inspiration Harmony Kent, #8bookseries Jan Sikes

Hosts Sally Cronin and Debby Gies – Pure Bred and more Bad Dad Jokes


Thanks very much for dropping in today and I hope you will join me again next week.. stay safe..Sally ♥

31 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Weekly Round Up – 14th -20th August 2023 – Big Band Era, The Boss, Mushrooms, Gluten, Book Reviews, Book Excerpts, Bloggers, Humour

  1. A great week, Sally. I have a very busy week ahead, with festivals and radio business, but I should have a bit more time next week. Enjoy your week and thanks for everything.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A wonderful week of posts, Sally. I’m glad storm Betty wasn’t too hard on you, but my heart goes out to all those who are dealing with horrible flooding, fires, or heat this summer. What a dangerous year. Thanks for the links to a bunch of wonderful books, blogs, and bloggers. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks again for another fantastically entertaining and informative week Sal. I’m always thrilled to be part of it. As for your storms, madness! I’m glad you are okay and are well supplied for when they hit. We are still dealing with huge fires here in Canada – Northern Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and our North West Territories are burning. Mother Nature’s wrath is surely not missing out on much of the world. 😦 ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sally, I am glad to hear that all is well right now. Storms can cause such havoc, it can be hard to imagine if you haven’t lived through one (and I haven’t).
    The book promo was a great pleasure and great fun. I am so happy you like it. I wanted to show what a treasure your book is.
    Best wishes for the week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Another full week overflowing with information and knowledge.
    Glad you managed to weather storm, storm Betty indeed.
    My mum was known as Betty, although she prefers to use her full name, Elizabeth, these days.
    But she could probably bring up a storm ☔️ 😂 or at least weather one too.

    Glad you managed without the internet, that’s certainly a bonus sometimes.
    Great week again, as always

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Thank you, Sally, for sharing the week’s highlights. I was away for the week and returning to your Round-Up was a delight. 🤗

    Liked by 2 people

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