Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Blogger Weekly – Book Reviews Toni Pike, #Interview Marcia Meara and Darlene Foster, #Cosymysteries Carla Loves to Read, #Writerlinks D.G. Kaye, #Shakespeare Rebecca Budd, #Laughter Pete Springer

A small selection of posts I have enjoyed this week and I hope you will head over to read in full.. Sally.

Toni Pike shares her reviews for books 3 and 4 in the Harbor Pointe series… fantastic by the way…The Destination by D.L. Finn and The Seas of Time by D. Wallace Peach.

Head over to enjoy Toni’s reviews: Reviews for Harbor Pointe Series books 3 and 4

Marcia Meara hosted Darlene Foster who interviews Amanda, the heroine of the travel adventure series. They chat about the latest book Amanda in Scotland: The Standing Stones..

Discover more about Darlene’s new book: Amanda in Scotland – The Standing Stones

I you love cosy mysteries and audio books, Carla who loves to read, has four which would make great summer listening whilst enjoying the sunshine..

Head over to enjoy Carla’s recommendations for these audio books: Cosy Mystery Reviews

Debby Gies shares her writer’s links for April with help for authors and bloggers courtesy of Hugh Roberts, Anne R. Allen Anneli Purchase, and Dave Chesson The Kindlepreneur.

Head over to follow her recommended links: Copyright Laws, Editing, Writer Scams Blogging Tips

Rebecca Budd shares a wonderful tribute to William Shakespeare in her post with some wonderful examples of his mastery. What an incredible legacy he left with each successive generation still studying his work.

Head over to enjoy this feature on The Bard: Celebrating William Shakespeare

Laughter is the best medicine most of the time and Pete Springer celebrates this in his post and includes some of his more amusing encounters and escapades..

Head over to enjoy some smiles: Sometimes you just have to laugh


Thanks for dropping in today and enjoy exploring these exceptional bloggers and their posts.