Smorgasbord Posts from My Archives – Letters from America 1985-1987 – June 1985 – Photos from Disney Adventure, Alone in America, Television Fitness Classes by Sally Cronin

Welcome to the next post in the series Letters from America 1985 -1987 that I wrote home to my parents in the UK. My father kept them all in a folder and on his death they came back to me with a note to publish them.

June 1985 – Photos from Disney Adventure, Alone in America, Television Fitness Classes

We were now into June of 1985 and getting the hang of things. We had met more people in the apartments and were planning our next trip later in the summer.

23rd June 1985

Dear M & D,

Thank you for your letter, and by the time you get this you will probably have spoken to David. He left yesterday for a very hectic nine days to try and get things tied up over there. It feels a little stranger than normal. Although I am used to him being gone at least a couple of days a week for work, he was at least still in the US and could be home in a few hours if needed. I almost don’t want to go out in the car in case something happens which is silly, but Vicki, who is nearly due, has said she will come out with me to the shop as she would like the company too in case she goes into labour!

She and her mother are coming here for fajitas tomorrow night and a movie. She is trying to stay occupied as she is of course very nervous. Her mother is great and she is minding us both. I had better not make the fajitas too spicy otherwise there might be a quick dash to the hospital at midnight!

No doubt you will have noticed the envelope was a little thicker than usual and discovered the photographs of our Disney adventure when we were in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. They don’t capture the atmosphere but gives you an idea of how vast it is.  I took one of an Indian chief for you Daddy.. but could not find any cowboys.. sorry.

The last two days we have had thunder and torrential rain and there have been flash flood warnings. Another reason not to venture out. I am missing my daily swim and have been doing a daily workout to a television fitness instructor who is crackers. She must have rubber legs because there is no way I can get myself in to most of the positions that she does. I was chatting to the apartment complex manager who is about my age, and she has suggested that I go to aerobics with her at the local gym three times a week. That would suit me as I want to shift another 30lbs in the next few months. I am starting next week and looking forward to it.. I think!  If the mad woman on the television is anything to go by it is not for the fainthearted.

Anyway, I am sure the sun will be out tomorrow and back to swimming in the meantime.

Once David gets back we should have a better idea of whether we will be moving from here or not. The advantage of Houston is that it is a huge hub for internal airlines, and we usually fly Continental. It is easier to get to other parts of the country, and since David can visit several states in a month, we do need to be close to a major airport as we are here.

And apart from the occasional thunderstorm.. well at this time of year frequent ones, I like it here and we are beginning to meet more really interesting people.  I will be sorry when Vicki leaves in a month or so when the baby is born but she is so excited to be able to join Kelly and their new apartment.

Another thing that I miss is M&S and David has promised to go and pick up one or two things for me. Not sure what the customs are going to say this end when David arrives back with several pairs of ladies knickers and bras!

You mentioned that you have started to make plans for your trip and once David gets back we will have a firm decision of when or where we are going to move to. Once we have that we can finalise your travel arrangements. They might even send us back to the UK in the New Year so it is great that you are thinking of coming over in October/November time frame.We would like to stay another year if we can and the work supports that. There is so much of America we have not seen yet and being such a vast country we need as long as possible.

Anyway, off to write to David’s parents and keep them up to date. Love to you both and will call you next week once David arrives back with the plan for the rest of our stay.

Sally and David.

©Sally Cronin

Thank you for dropping in today and I hope you will join me next week for another of our American adventures.  Thanks Sally