Smorgasbord Free Book Promotions 2023- Share an Excerpt from one of your published books – #SocialMedia #Cyberbullying – The Bubble Reputation – Alex Craigie

In this series beginning in August 2023, you are invited to share an excerpt of 500 words from any of your published books .

This feature is for any author who has been promoted on Smorgasbord previously.

Please read full details of how to participate at the end of the post.

The aim of the series

    1. To showcase your book and sell some more copies.
    2. Gain more reviews for the book.
    3. Promote a selection of your other books that are available

The featured author today is Alex Craigie – with an excerpt from a book that is a must read for all of us on social media – The Bubble Reputation – it is also a recent recipient of a Premier Chill Award.

About the book

If you want to destroy someone’s reputation, social media provides the perfect tool.

Emmie Hobson, children’s author and TV presenter, is riding high on a wave of popularity when an unscrupulous newspaper editor, desperate for a scoop, brings Emmie’s world crashing down.

Social media picks up the baton and a terrifying backlash of hate and abuse is unleashed. Threats are made and there are those, inflamed by the rhetoric, prepared to take the law into their own hands.

An excerpt from The Bubble Reputation – Summoned by the publishers

’My books speak for themselves.’

The eyes are mere slits now as he tilts his chin at her.

‘Our books.’

‘Your books?’ She’s puzzled.

‘The books they are burning are our books. They are books that we have published.’
She’s struggling to control her temper now.

‘The Petra and Peter series are mine. They are the books that saved your company from going into the red.’ Her chin rises, too.

‘The back story is immaterial.’ He speaks with crisp precision. ‘What concerns us are the repercussions from parents.’

‘Parents love the stories. I’ve had sackloads of grateful letters from them.’

‘Had, Ms Hobson. Had.’ His mouth curves in an unpleasant sneer. ‘We’re under siege from parents who are disgusted by this situation.’ He leans forward. ‘They say that authors have a public duty to set a good, moral example for their innocent children. They are demanding that we take a stand and that you be fired with immediate effect.’

There’s total silence as Emmie makes sense of what he’s saying. Gerald Cantus clarifies the situation.

‘Cantus & Guile Press will release you from your contract and, of course, give you a handsome severance package.

It’s a smooth display of corporate efficiency.

‘I’m innocent in all of this. You releasing me from my contract will only give credence to the rumours.’

Gerald Cantus fixes her with a cold stare.

‘Regardless of the truth of the matter, our reputation is trusted by our readership and we will do whatever is necessary to maintain that trust.’

Emmie folds her arms and stares back.

‘I’ve signed a contract for two more books in the series. You are committed to honouring that.’

The comeback is as swift and sleek as a poisoned arrow.

‘If you insist. However, we have taken on several new authors and it may be quite a while before we’ll be able to get around to your manuscripts.’

‘Are you threatening me?’

‘Not at all. Just explaining the situation.’

He presents an open palm to the man on his left who places a document in it written on expensive, water-marked notepaper. Gerald lowers his elbow to the shiny mahogany surface of the table and holds the paper aloft.

‘This is the offer to terminate our contract. Of course,’ he places it in front of him, ‘if you don’t wish to avail yourself of it, may I remind you that you are contracted to us as your sole publishers for the next six years.’

A sardonic smile surfaces that makes her stomach lurch.

‘You can stay with us and, possibly, have nothing new published in that time, or,’ he gives a careless shrug, ‘you can take our offer and find another publisher.’

His very implacability raises her hackles. Her brain is skimming through the possibilities and comes to the bitter realisation that she’s been outmanoeuvred. She has no legitimate moves left. The figures on the board have won.


She stands.

‘I’d like to thank you for your support and loyalty. Clearly, I can’t.’

Gerald Cantus skims the document across the divide. She snatches it up.

Then she’s gone.

©Alex Craigie

One of the  reviews for the book

Lauren Scott  5.0 out of 5 stars A social media eye-opener!  Reviewed in the United States

Connecting with friends and family, and posting about hobbies and travels is the allure of social media, right? While reading The Bubble Reputation by Alex Craigie I was reminded of the disturbing side. Social media is the ideal platform for mean-spirited people who intend to destroy others.

Emmie Hobson enjoys the exciting ride as a popular children’s book author and TV personality. She has a fabulous partner in life, Luke, who will support her to the end of time. Her relationship with her sister may be rocky, but she loves her parents dearly. What could go wrong? Her life seems picture-perfect. But Craigie introduces Ursula, a ruthless editor, who is searching for a juicy scoop. She zeroes in on Emmie to publicly mortify. The higher reader ratings are well worth the underhanded behavior. Emmie’s world is shaken, stirred, and turned upside down. The readers choose what they want to believe, whether the words speak the truth or whether they imply false information. And then social media is the ideal mode to spew the vitriol that spreads like wildfire.

I sympathized with Emmie and Luke, but Emmie’s relationship with her parents was heartwarming. Feeling a strong dislike for Ursula who caused Emmie’s life to crumble was effortless. I wished this story was pure fiction, but we all know these horrific situations headline the news, and some stories conclude with tragic outcomes. I was thoroughly engaged in Emmie’s dilemma, where I couldn’t put the book down. I had to find out how she would survive and come up for air.

The story is compelling from start to finish and enlightens the reader about the misuse of social media. You’ll have to read the book to find out if Emmie comes up for air!
Highly recommended! 

Head over to read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon UK And: Amazon US

Also by Alex Craigie

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon UK – And: Amazon US – Follow Alex: Goodreads – Alex Craigie via: Facebook

About Alex Craigie

Alex Craigie is the pen name of Trish Power.

Trish was ten when her first play was performed at school. It was in rhyming couplets and written in pencil in a book with imperial weights and measures printed on the back.

When her children were young, she wrote short stories for magazines before returning to the teaching job that she loved.

Trish has had three books published under the pen name of Alex Craigie. The first two books cross genre boundaries and feature elements of romance, thriller and suspense against a backdrop of social issues. Someone Close to Home highlights the problems affecting care homes while Acts of Convenience has issues concerning the health service at its heart. Her third book. Means to Deceive, is a psychological thriller.

Someone Close to Home has won a Chill with a Book award and a Chill with the Book of the Month award. In 2019 it was one of the top ten bestsellers in its category on Amazon.

What will be in the post and how to get in touch

        • I will top and tail the post in the usual way with your other books and links, bio, photo and social media.
        • I will also select a review from Amazon or Goodreads that I feel has the best selling pitch for the book.
        • Please share a book that has reviews to select from.
        • This series is open to all authors who have previously been featured in the promotions on Smorgasbord.
        • I do have a younger readership for the book posts so please consider that when selecting your excerpt.
        • I suggest an excerpt of 500 words that you feel would encourage a reader to buy the book, or a poem that you feel best reflects the theme of your collection.
        • No need to send the cover as I will have that or will access from Amazon.
        • Please send your excerpt to
        • I only ask that authors share the link to their social media and respond to each comment individually as a matter of courtesy.


Thank you for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books.. Sally.




Smorgasbord Christmas Book Fair – Book Review – #SocialMedia #Cyberbullying – The Bubble Reputation – Alex Craigie

Very pleased to share my review for the latest release by Alex Craigie – a must read for all of us on social media – The Bubble Reputation

About the book

If you want to destroy someone’s reputation, social media provides the perfect tool.

Emmie Hobson, children’s author and TV presenter, is riding high on a wave of popularity when an unscrupulous newspaper editor, desperate for a scoop, brings Emmie’s world crashing down.

Social media picks up the baton and a terrifying backlash of hate and abuse is unleashed. Threats are made and there are those, inflamed by the rhetoric, prepared to take the law into their own hands.

My review for the book December 3rd 2022

A suspense novella that hits close to home for anyone who shares their life online, particularly if they have celebrity status.

For Emmie Hobson the nightmare has just become a reality. Her reputation as an  author and presenter has taken years to establish, and she is much loved by both parents and the children who read her books and watch her television programme.

The unscrupulous editor of a celebrity focused magazine, works on the principle of not letting the facts get in the way of a good story. Manipulation of events, photographs and hearsay are the weapons of choice, and a total disregard for the devastating consequences of the vitreol, are the spoils of this vicious campaign.

Unfortunately fame is not admired by everyone. There are those whose lives are not as fortunate, who see the glitter, but not the hard work required to reach this level of success, and take great pleasure in bringing that person down.

The story explores the devastation this kind of onslought can bring to an individual, their families and those close to them. It highlights how difficult it is to counter the allegations, especially when those responsible keep throwing more fuel on the fire.

As always the author has a wonderful grasp of human nature and paints a graphic picture of how quickly this kind of online bullying can escalate. The characters are wonderful, and whilst feeling empathy for those being victimised, those who are behind the campaign will certainly infuriate and anger the reader.

It is a cautionary tale for all of us who share our lives online. Is this a sobering read? Absolutely. However, the author has one or two solutions up her sleeves and there are very satisfying moments that will have you cheering for the good guys. And they are out there, attempting to make themselves heard above the noise of the mob.

I can highly recommend to anyone who enjoys an emotion stirring story that carries you along to a well choreographed climax.

Head over to buy the book: Amazon UK And: Amazon US

Also by Alex Craigie

Alex Craigie, read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon UK – And: Amazon US – Follow Alex: Goodreads – Alex Craigie via: Facebook

About Alex Craigie

Alex Craigie is the pen name of Trish Power.

Trish was ten when her first play was performed at school. It was in rhyming couplets and written in pencil in a book with imperial weights and measures printed on the back.

When her children were young, she wrote short stories for magazines before returning to the teaching job that she loved.

Trish has had three books published under the pen name of Alex Craigie. The first two books cross genre boundaries and feature elements of romance, thriller and suspense against a backdrop of social issues. Someone Close to Home highlights the problems affecting care homes while Acts of Convenience has issues concerning the health service at its heart. Her third book. Means to Deceive, is a psychological thriller.

Someone Close to Home has won a Chill with a Book award and a Chill with the Book of the Month award. In 2019 it was one of the top ten bestsellers in its category on Amazon.

Thank you for dropping in today and I hope you are leaving with some books… Sally


Smorgasbord Bookshelf – New Book on the Shelves – #SocialMedia #Cyberbullying – The Bubble Reputation – Alex Craigie

Delighted to share the latest release by Alex Craigie – a must read for all of us on social media – The Bubble Reputation

About the book

If you want to destroy someone’s reputation, social media provides the perfect tool.

Emmie Hobson, children’s author and TV presenter, is riding high on a wave of popularity when an unscrupulous newspaper editor, desperate for a scoop, brings Emmie’s world crashing down.

Social media picks up the baton and a terrifying backlash of hate and abuse is unleashed. Threats are made and there are those, inflamed by the rhetoric, prepared to take the law into their own hands.

One of the early reviews for the book

SuzM 5.0 out of 5 stars A little gem that draws blood.  Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 17 October 2022

This is a little gem with very hard sharp edges. Emmie Hobson is everyone’s favourite children’s author and TV presenter, and apart from a troubled sister, her life is golden. Which of course makes her ideal fodder for a sleazy newspaper in search of a good smear. And then social media is unleashed. It’s one of those stories that leaves me grinding my teeth with frustration on behalf of the protagonist and the seeming impossibility of her being able to escape the tide of unjustified hate. A very satisfying ending saved me a trip to the dentist. It would be reassuring if this were all pure fiction, but it is so discomfortingly believable. 

Head over to buy the book: Amazon UK And: Amazon US

Also by Alex Craigie

Alex Craigie, read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon UK – And: Amazon US – Follow Alex: Goodreads – Alex Craigie via: Facebook

About Alex Craigie

Alex Craigie is the pen name of Trish Power.

Trish was ten when her first play was performed at school. It was in rhyming couplets and written in pencil in a book with imperial weights and measures printed on the back.

When her children were young, she wrote short stories for magazines before returning to the teaching job that she loved.

Trish has had three books published under the pen name of Alex Craigie. The first two books cross genre boundaries and feature elements of romance, thriller and suspense against a backdrop of social issues. Someone Close to Home highlights the problems affecting care homes while Acts of Convenience has issues concerning the health service at its heart. Her third book. Means to Deceive, is a psychological thriller.

Someone Close to Home has won a Chill with a Book award and a Chill with the Book of the Month award. In 2019 it was one of the top ten bestsellers in its category on Amazon.

Thank you for dropping in today and I hope you are leaving with some books… Sally