Smorgasbord Book Promotions – Author News and Reviews – Annette Rochelle Aben, Dan Antion, Sue Bavey

Welcome to the new series of author news and reviews, where I will share updates on the authors who have been promoted on the blog and whose books I have read and can recommend.

The first author and poet today is Annette Rochelle Aben’s with one of the recent reviews for Son of BOOKU Returns : with more Halloween haiku

One of the reviews for the collection

D.L. Finn  5.0 out of 5 stars Add a poetic sparkle to your Halloween  Reviewed in the United States

“Son of BOOKU Returns” is another great addition to the BOOKU family. I loved all the pictures from Lorraine Parent’s Halloween display included with the short poems. It’s a fun way to celebrate Halloween, any time of the year. Each poem left me smiling. Here are lines from some favorites: “I feel accepted/They’re not spooked by my colors…”, “Wishing on the moon/We hope that when we grow up…”, “Merry pole dancers/Nightly shows through Halloween…”, and “The trees are alive/But we’re not! Get it?….” A whimsical poetry collection to add a sparkle to the Halloween season for all who love or need the lighter side of spooky. 

Head over to read the reviews and buy the collection: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

A small selection of other books by Annette Rochelle Aben

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – And : Amazon UK – Follow Annette: Goodreads – Blog: Annette Rochelle Aben WordPress – Twitter:@YouAreTheExpert

The next book is another I can recommend and the fourth in a compelling series by Dan Antion – Secrets Held Against Evil: Book Four in the Dreamer’s Alliance Series 

One of the reviews for the book

Dweezer 5.0 out of 5 stars Reading is Believing  Reviewed in the United States

This series has more than its share of mystery, intrigue and humor. Dan has a way of making his characters as real as if they were your own father, mother, best friend, minister or teacher. The bad guys are not fantastical which makes them all the more intimidating. I recommend starting with Book One. It’s hard not to become attached to the boys with special gifts who manage to get into tricky situations, even after they’re grown. You’ll enjoy the new characters that join the cast in Book Four, a fitting way to complete this fun series. Nice job, Dan!

Head over to read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon CA – And: Amazon UK

Also by Dan Antion

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US –  And:Amazon CA –  And:Amazon UK – More reviews: GoodreadsBlog: Dan Antion – Facebook: D. AntionTwitter: @DAntion –  Instagram: Dan Antion –  Bookbub: Dan Antion – LinkedIn: Dan Antion – Youtube: Dan Antion

The final book today, another I can highly recommend is by Sue Bavey… A biography Kookaburras, Cuppas & Kangaroos: Adventures of a Yorkshire Lass Down Under in the ’60s

One of the reviews for the book

Melissa A. Bartell 5.0 out of 5 stars Delightful Travel Memoir-Once-Removed  Reviewed in the United States

This memoir-once-removed tells the story of the author’s mother, Elizabeth Isle who participated in the Assisted Passenger Program which encouraged emigration to Australia in the 1960s.

Told mainly in epistolary format, the writing of which were sustained by endless cups of tea, it’s a delightful tale of a wide-eyed young woman on her first travel adventures, from innocence to awareness personally and culturally.

I enjoyed reading about the universal experiences that Elizabeth had – driving her (affectionate) uncle’s car, searching for a job that would be fulfilling but also allow time and money for explorations, and making new friends.

I also appreciated the glimpses of what life was like in the Australia of the 1960s. As someone from a similarly “young” country, the parallels and differences between the United States and Australia have always fascinated me, and seeing the latter through Elizabeth’s eyes was particularly rewarding.

Author Sue Bavey (writing as S. Bavey) has done an admirable job capturing both the excitement and the challenges of moving half a world away from home. I liked that she kept the language period appropriate. It’s slightly more sophisticated than the way young women speak and write today, and the difference really added to the feeling of immersion in Elizabeth’s adventures.

If you, like me, love memoirs in general, and travel memoirs specifically, you will love this book.

Goes well with hot tea and ribbon sandwiches. 

Head over to buy the book: Amazon UK –  And: Amazon US

Also by S. Bavey

Read the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US And: Amazon UK – More reviews: Goodreads Website: Sue Bavey WordPress – Facebook: Sue BaveyTwitter: @SueBavey


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books.. Sally.