Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Guest Post – I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now! #Pre-historic #Publishing by Sandra Cox

I am sure like me, there have been times when you have wondered what difference might have been made to your life, if your younger self had been gifted with the experience and knowledge you have accumulated over the years.

I invited several friends from the writing community to share their thoughts on this subject which I am sure you will enjoy as much as I did.

Today author Sandra Cox relives those days of manual typewriters and correction fluid that made creating a manuscript so interesting, especially when you needed to correct a paragraph halfway through the book!. Not to mention the snail mail approach to getting a publisher!

I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now! by Sandra Cox

This is a bit of a tough one because I began writing in pre-historic times, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and writers pecked on typewriters. I had no idea computers, software, hardware, printers and emails were waiting in the future.

One morning I woke to birds chirping and mammoths trumpeting and decided I wanted to be a writer. Except for a few well-received essays in high school and a handful of English courses in college, I had absolutely no background in writing. I didn’t even know what a thesaurus was. I just knew I enjoyed creating stories.

The one thing I did have in my empty toolbox was a knowledge of books. I loved reading. I was a voracious reader. And while voracious may not work anymore to describe my reading, I still plow through several books a month. How can anyone not read? But I’m getting off topic. So armed with my ideas I began to write. This was challenging on a couple of levels. Creating a story and getting it on paper.

Today creativity is my major challenge. Then, getting words on paper.

Each typed page needed to be proofed before it left the typewriter and, unless you were a perfect typist which I wasn’t, involved a lot of white paint—correction fluid—from a little bottle called Wite.Out. Wite.Out was a secretary’s and writer’s best friend. Yes, back in the dark ages people were called secretaries instead of admin assists.

After typing out the manuscript, which usually involved several hundred pages, came the rewrites. Say you did a serious change on page ten that involved adding a scene or scenes that ran into extra pages. If you were lucky, you only had to retype that chapter then go back and use your trusty Wite.Out to change the following page numbers of the rest of your manuscript. Yup, the good ole days.

Next step was finding a home for your story. Again, there was no computer to do a quick search of who wanted what. The Writer’s Market Guide was, and probably still is for those who don’t publish Indie, an invaluable tool. I spent hours combing through pages looking for the appropriate home for my genre.

After I drew up a list, I began to send out my stories. Remember this was still the ice age, and typewriters and carbon paper still roamed the earth. There were no emails, no attaching three chapters and hitting the send button. Instead, it was purchasing legal size envelopes, stuffing your letter and chapters inside and heading for the post office. Then waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more, for a response that sometimes never came.

In that respect, things haven’t changed, have they? Often times when you did get a response, it was a form rejection letter—something else that I imagine hasn’t changed—and you started back at square one. Other times, the publishing company or agent wanted to see the entire manuscript. Then it was off to the supply store to buy a box to mail your manuscript in and have copies made. It was a fairly pricey and time-consuming process.
Researching was also more challenging than it is now. The information was there, but not at your finger -tips. Instead of tapping a few keys and doing a search, you had to track down physical books, which usually meant hitting the library or a bookstore.

And there was no self-publishing unless you went vanity and paid for it.

Since those days I have added to my toolbox and am always on the lookout for new tools. I have a few that I’d like to share, which you may already know of and use.

For synonyms, I use. Power Thesaurus
For covers: Pixel Studio I love this group. They are so helpful and their prices are unbelievably reasonable.
For those of you who make your own covers, trailers and or memes: Bookbrush
AND For general information and support for most aspects of writing and publishing, IWSG  Insecure Writers Support Group.

So, back to the beginning: If I’d known then what I know now, I would have probably waited a few years to start writing.😉

©Sandra Cox 2022

My thanks to Sandra for this entertaining retro perspective of publishing before word processing dispensed with the services of typex and the like… having experienced similar frustrations, I am sure many of you who are of a similar age will relate.. for those who never experienced the joys of manual typewriters then I am sure it reads like a horror story lol… I know Sandra would love to hear from you.

About Sandra Cox

Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and several cats in sunny North Carolina.

Her novels consist of All Things Western and More. She is an Eppie finalist, award winner and category best-seller.

A small selection of Sandra’s books

One of the reviews for Mateo’s Blood Brother – Sandra’s latest release

Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2022

You may have read Sandra Cox’s Mateo’s Law. After badgering Sandra for a year, she finally published the sequel to this paranormal police mystery called Mateo’s Blood Brother. It’s one of those books where you read the first line…

“A shadow fell across the desk. Unexpected. Eerie in the predawn gloom. Nerves thrumming…”

…and go make another pot of coffee because you know you’re going to be up all night.

I made a big mistake starting it at 7 pm.

Mateo’s Blood Brother (2022) opens with wolves howling. To Sheriff Mateo Grey, sheriff of a sparsely populated county in Montana and a shapeshifter, that could be real wolves or it could be his father or a former girlfriend, Delilah–both also shapeshifters. His father is fine but he tried to kill Delilah so she’s probably mad at him.

Mateo has finally found the perfect woman and they are engaged. She knows about his special skills and he’s made amends with his childhood friend, Jesse, Chief of Police of the Blackfeet Nation. Mateo’s life is as good now as its ever been, but his wolf instinct tells him he’d better solve the ‘issue’ with Delilah before really calling his life settled. No doubt she wants revenge for breaking up with her and then pushing her off a cliff, and Delilah has a nasty temper, one that will spill over to Mateo’s best friend Jesse and everyone else Mateo loves. Once Delilah’s attacks start–and they do–it takes more than just Mateo and Jesse to stop her, but luckily, they have friends they didn’t know about and some they hadn’t counted on. Even then, to survive takes a special tool they hadn’t expected to ever use.

If you love your modern westerns infused with native strength, paranormal excitement, and wolves, you’ve found your book. And the cover says everything you need to know about the cunning, majesty, and intrigue of wolves. 

Read the reviews and buy the books : Amazon UK –And: Amazon US- follow Sandra Cox: Goodreads – Blog: Sandra Cox Blogspot – Twitter:@Sandra_Cox


Thanks for dropping in today and it would be great if you could share Sandra’s retro look at publishing…thanks Sally.

Smorgasbord Bookshelf 2022- Share an Extract from your latest book – #Western #Paranormal Mateo’s Blood Brother by Sandra Cox

In this series you are invited to share an extract of 500 words from your most recent book published within the last 12 months. Details at the end of the post.

The aim of the series

  1. To showcase your latest book and sell some more copies.
  2. Gain more reviews for the book.
  3. Promote a selection of your other books that are available.

Today an extract from the latest release by Sandra Cox.. the paranormal western Mateo’s Blood Brother a sequel to Mateo’s Law.

In addition Sandra has a giveaway, in the form of a lovely bracelet for book lovers… I will be pulling a name out of a hat from those that comment in the first week after posting.

About the book

They were friends, close as brothers. Then they weren’t.

Mateo and Jesse are cautiously working their way back to friendship when Jesse discovers the unthinkable. Delilah, the sultry shifter who’d had affairs with both men, is still alive. The tumble she took over a mountain ridge—a fall that nearly killed Mateo—should have finished her.

Now, there’s no choice but for the two men to work together to take down a she-devil straight from hell. As the stakes escalate and the hunt becomes more intense, another wolf appears on the scene. Always where Jesse’s at. Always when he’s in trouble. Jesse is divided between ending Delilah, a new love interest, discovering the identity of a certain brown wolf and staying alive.

An extract from Mateo’s Blood Brother

A shadow fell across the desk. Unexpected. Eerie in the predawn gloom.

Nerves thrumming, Sheriff Mateo Grey’s head shot up and he reached for his gun.
A lanky man in jeans and a tan uniform-shirt, with coal-black hair pulled back in a tail, leaned against the doorframe of Mateo’s office. A shield attached to his brown leather belt. The scent of fresh air and earthy musk followed him in. He moseyed over and dropped boneless into the hard, wooden chair, in front of the desk.

“What the hell, Jesse? You sneak around like a—”


“Cat was what I was about to say. Don’t try to snag me with political incorrectness.” Mateo shook himself, leaned back in his worn office chair and drilled the Chief of Police of the Blackfeet Nation with a hard stare.

Jesse snorted and handed him a paper cup, with Belle’s Beans printed on the side, then took a sip of his own. Not a drop had spilled when he collapsed into the chair, reminding Mateo of the man’s innate feline grace.

“Thanks.” Fragrant steam rose from the opening, the cup warm against Mateo’s hand. His tight jaws relaxed. Belle served the best coffee in the county.

He took a long swallow. The caffeinated liquid rolled down his throat, hit his belly and kick-started him into hyperdrive.

“Okay, Jesse, hit me.”

Tight lips set in a lean face twitched. “I’ve been wanting to for months.”

“Years more like.” Mateo flashed a grin.

Growing up, the men had been close as brothers. Best friends. Blood brothers. Then they weren’t. His fault.

Cautious and slow, they were working their way back to friendship.

Jesse grinned back, nodding in acknowledgement.

“Surprised to see you here. What can I do for you?” He and Jesse had a contentious relationship and even though they were moiling their way toward a more even footing, they weren’t there yet.

“What makes you think I want anything?”

“You know the old saying, beware law enforcement officers bearing gifts.”

“At least I didn’t bring donuts.”

Mateo gave a crack of laughter and, just like that, the lingering tension of a moment before broke.

“Where is everyone?” Jesse peered through the open doorway, a long gash on the worn, stained frame, left by a previous, unhappy visitor.

“It’s not seven yet. Nobody here but me and the dispatcher. But they’ll be streaming in any minute.” He pointed at the large-faced, black-rimmed, round clock that adorned the plain white walls of his office.

“How’s Blair?”

The question sidetracked Mateo as no doubt it was meant to, as a vision of his fiancée with tousled hair and covers pulled up to her nose rose in his mind, along with another body part. Having his fiancée as his chief deputy was both a blessing and a curse. Stubborn as a mule, she didn’t take kindly to being told what to do. But offsetting that, his chief deputy—his woman—was brave, smart and able to handle herself. Not to mention sexy as hell.

He squirmed in his chair and got himself back on track.

“She’s fine. Now, what is it you’re not telling me? It’s not like you to beat around the bush.”

Silence built. Tension swelled.

Mateo thrummed his fingers on the desk, waiting. The drumming echoed in the quiet.
Jesse stared over Mateo’s left shoulder as if waiting for divine intervention. None was forthcoming. Finally, he straightened his shoulders and turned his gaze to Mateo.

“She’s alive.”

©Sandra Cox 2022

One of the recent reviews for the book

D. W. Peach 5.0 out of 5 stars Unique shapeshifters and great action  Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2022

I thought the first book in this series was great and couldn’t wait to get my hands on the second. It didn’t disappoint. Mateo, the wolf-shifter sheriff of Grizzly is still a major part of the story but the focus is now on Jessie, his fully human blood brother. After a long period of estrangement, they’re working on their friendship, and they haven’t much choice about sticking together since the shifter-she-wolf they’d thought was dead is back for revenge. She’s targeting them and everyone they hold dear.

I enjoyed the characters the first time around and did so again. Jessie and Mateo share the story’s POV. They’re believable, emotionally authentic, and distinct. I can easily say the same about the secondary characters, even those with small parts. The shifters, including a new and mysterious brown wolf, are appealing with their deep connections to the natural world. I enjoyed experiencing the action through Mateo’s animal senses as well as his human ones and was especially intrigued by his father.

The author is well known for her western romances, but in this series, romance is secondary to the other elements of the plot. I’d characterize the book as contemporary western, paranormal fiction, and there’s plenty of action to keep the pace moving along. I read the book in two sittings while ignoring everything else I had to do. I hope the author will write more for this series. Highly recommended to readers who enjoy paranormal fiction with great characters, a touch of romance, and a quick pace.  

 Head over to read the reviews and buy the book: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

A small selection of Sandra’s books

Read the reviews and buy the books : Amazon UK –And: Amazon US- follow Sandra Cox: Goodreads – Blog: Sandra Cox Blogspot – Twitter:@Sandra_Cox

About Sandra Cox

Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and several cats in sunny North Carolina.

Her novels consist of All Things Western and More. She is an Eppie finalist, award winner and category best-seller.

Thank you for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books.. Sally

What will be in the post and how to get in touch

      • I will top and tail in the usual way with your other books and links, bio, photo and social media.
      • I will also select a review from Amazon or Goodreads that I feel has the best selling pitch for the book.
      • If your book is very recent and as yet has not received a review then I will share one from a previous book.
      • This series is open to all authors both those on the Bookshelf or new to the blog
      • I suggest an extract of approximately 500 words or a poem that you feel best reflects the theme of your collection.
      • If you have an illustration or images you can attach to the email for me to include. No need to send the cover as I will have that or will access from Amazon.
      • If you have not featured on the blog before then I will need Amazon link, Goodreads, blog or website plus your social media links (main three you use)
      • Please send your extract and any accompanying images to

Smorgasbord Bookshelf – New Book on the Shelves – #Western #Paranormal Mateo’s Blood Brother by Sandra Cox

Delighted to share the news of the latest release by Sandra Cox.. the paranormal western Mateo’s Blood Brother a sequel to Mateo’s Law. On pre-order for April 22nd.

About the book

They were friends, close as brothers. Then they weren’t.

Mateo and Jesse are cautiously working their way back to friendship when Jesse discovers the unthinkable. Delilah, the sultry shifter who’d had affairs with both men, is still alive. The tumble she took over a mountain ridge—a fall that nearly killed Mateo—should have finished her.

Now, there’s no choice but for the two men to work together to take down a she-devil straight from hell. As the stakes escalate and the hunt becomes more intense, another wolf appears on the scene. Always where Jesse’s at. Always when he’s in trouble. Jesse is divided between ending Delilah, a new love interest, discovering the identity of a certain brown wolf and staying alive.

Head over to pre-order the book for April 22nd: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK

A small selection of Sandra’s books

One of the many reviews for Mateo’s Law

D.L. Finn 5.0 out of 5 stars I hope more stories are coming with these characters!  Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2020

“Mateo’s Law” is an exciting paranormal, western romance that I read in two sittings. It is set in a small town in Montana, where Blair moved to join the force as a deputy. She is in a long-distance relationship but is attracted to the sheriff, Mateo. When something attacks a town resident, they investigate it together, but Blair is unaware of Mateo’s secret of being a shapeshifter. I love it when Mateo is in his alternative form, and I felt his freedom. The scenery is lush and the town a place I’d want to call home. Blair and Mateo have great chemistry, conversations, and working relationship. I was definitely rooting for Blair and Mateo and hope more stories are coming with these characters. If you love a paranormal page-turning romance, you won’t want to miss this!

Read the reviews and buy the books : Amazon UK –And: Amazon US- follow Sandra Cox: Goodreads – Blog: Sandra Cox Blogspot – Twitter:@Sandra_Cox

About Sandra Cox

Sandra is a vegetarian, animal lover and avid gardener. She lives with her husband, their dog and several cats in sunny North Carolina.

Her novels consist of All Things Western and More. She is an Eppie finalist, award winner and category best-seller.


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will be leaving with some books… thanks Sally