Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Round Up – June 27th – July 3rd 2022 – Chart Hits 1998, Roberta Flack, Podcast Story, #Waterford 1930s, Reviews, Guest Posts, Health and Humour

Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed on Smorgasbord this week.

As well as decluttering in the house this week I have also been working through my posts and files, updating and cleaning up links.. I found a promotional video that I thought I would dust off and share on social media again.. the view has changed but the invitation is the same.

Other than that it has been a quiet week getting on with the house redecorating (my role at this point is purely supervisory lol) I just make sure the working half of the partnership is fed and watered on a regular basis.. strawberries seem to be a great motivator..

I did have a mishap this week and clearly whilst I am more than happy to lay the blame at the feet of WordPress, it is more likely I hit the wrong button. A post I was working on published and whilst I was able to delete from the automatic postings to social media of course an email notification was sent to thousands!

I have now inserted a fail safe and schedule the post for the correct date before I format. That way if anything goes wrong it won’t hit the airwaves.

I did send a notification out to all those who receive then to apologise and hope you will pop in on the 16th to read the finished post.. a heartwarming I Wish I Knew Then by Hugh Roberts.

Thanks to my friends William Price King and Debby Gies for their music and humour contributions this week and you can find out more about them on their own sites. .

William Price King joined me on The Breakfast show this week for the second part of the hits from 1997 and for the third part of the series about Roberta Flack. You can also find William – Blog– IMPROVISATION– William Price King on Tumblr

Debby Gies shared some great funnies earlier in the week and is taking us to The Bahamas tomorrow morning.. Over on her blog you can you can catch up with her posts including her book review for Ending Forever by Nicholas Conley, a social media rant and a surprise and an exploration of epistolary writing.. D.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor will be joining me on Wednesday with a repeat of her wonderful series A-Z of foods with the letter B. Carol is in England for a month to visit her family but has left her blog well stocked. This week a recipe for Chicken with Mango, a look ahead at July’s Friday food reviews including special food celebrations, Spices in the Larder, the cuisine of Denmark and Saturday Snippets with ‘Glory’ the theme. You can find all her posts Carol Cooks2

Thanks too for all your visits, comments and shares this week… they mean a great deal..♥

On with the show…..

Chart Hits 1998 Part One – Celine Dion, Shania Twain, Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston, Boyzone.

William Price King meets the Music Legends – Roberta Flack – 70s and 80s Collaborations

– Tales from the Irish Garden – The Royal Wedding by Sally Cronin

Memoir #Waterford #Ireland 1920s – The Colour of Life – My Grandfather’s Story 1930 by Geoff Cronin

#Ireland 1930s – The Colour of Life – The Crane by Geoff Cronin

Size Matters: The Sequel by Sally Cronin -#Obesity #Weightloss Introduction.

The Obesity epidemic – Part One – Finding a point to intervene in the life cycle

July 2nd 2022 – #Writing D.G. Kaye with Wendy Van Camp, #Review Olga Nunez Miret, #Stress David Kanigan, #Idioms Janet Morrison, #WIP Stevie Turner, #Personalities Cheryl Oreglia

#Romance #Music – Flowers and Stone by Jan Sikes

Smorgasbord Book Reviews Round Up – June 2022 – #Shortstories Stephen Geez, #Malaya Apple Gidley, Fantasy C.S. Boyack, #Thriller Simon Van de Velde, #Poetry Balroop Singh

I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now! #Equality by Noelle Granger

I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now! #Life #Loss by Staci Troilo

#Humour – Gerard Philey’s Euro-Diary: Quest for a Life by Brendan James

First in Series – #Fantasy Yvette M. Calleiro, #Fantasy Audrey Driscoll

First in Series – #Psychological Thriller Lucinda E. Clarke, #Paranormal Romance Staci Troilo

#Romance Linda Bradley, #Paranormal Thriller Mae Clair

Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Therapy Dogs and Age Memoire

June 30th 2022 – Another Open Mic Night with author Daniel Kemp – Law Suits and Pit Stops


Thanks very much for dropping and I hope you will join me again next week.  Sally

41 thoughts on “Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Round Up – June 27th – July 3rd 2022 – Chart Hits 1998, Roberta Flack, Podcast Story, #Waterford 1930s, Reviews, Guest Posts, Health and Humour

  1. What a busy week, Sally! I was impressed with your promotional video and cringed a little at the WordPress snafu (been there, done that!). Thanks for the recap. A few to circle back to. Have a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great promo video, Sally! I’ve made the very same mishap and like you go for the date to be released now. Thanks for another great week xo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As usual you gave us a wonderful and exciting week of entertainment, Sally. Thanks for making me a part of it. Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for another great week of material, Sally. Halfway through the year already? Seems impossible.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sal, love the Smorgasbord video! And no worries on the blog sendout in error, I have to think it’s happened to almost all of us. I know how many times I click on an emailed post to find a 404 page, lol. Thanks for another fab week, and always thrilled to be part of. ❤ xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great video! When you’re decorator is finished could you send him over here? I could guarantee a steady supply of strawberries… (As for mishaps, you’re talking to a proper Olympic grade champion here!) ♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

  7. What an amazing promo video. It doesn’t get any more professional than that, Sally. And the mishap–anyone who says that’s never happened to them is (lying) — I’m saying the quiet part out loud!

    Liked by 2 people

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