Smorgasbord Weekly Round Up – 6th – 12th May 2024 – Car Shenanigans, Hits 1970s, Iconic Duets, Blood Health, Short Story, Reviews and Funnies

Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed this week on Smorgasbord.

I hope your week has gone well. If you read last week’s post you will know I had to cut short my visit to the UK at the ferry port when I realised I didn’t have any headlights or sidelights. I checked out and the guy on the gate put me down as a know show. We had a flexible ticket and David was able to move the crossing to the Wednesday without charge. However, we managed to get the car into the garage but it was unlikely to be fixed in time.

My next thought was to fly. I usually go into Gatwick airport and get a train, but I saw there was a rail strike from Wednesday to Friday so that was not an option either. I talked to my sisters and we decided we would move my visit to September as they have a few things on anyway. Then my decision not to fly was reinforced on the Wednesday when an IT meltdown took place at all the UK airports resulting in two days mayhem.

I got my car back on Friday and the garage we always use had done a thorough job of checking out the fault and checking the electrical connections. It is fine again but my confidence in the car is not great. It is 15 years old and although it has been serviced and taken car of, it is likely other things will go wrong. The garage had a car sourcing service and so they are now reaching out across Ireland to dealers looking for a much newer model of the Nissan Note… Buying the car through them comes with peace of mind on service history and they will also check the car out before I buy. Something you can’t necessarily do when buying privately.

So there it is. Life throwing up road blocks and whilst I am so sorry not to have seen my family this week and enjoy all the activities they had arranged, I am glad I was not travelling hundreds of miles on UK motorways on a Bank Holiday weekend and break down.

Apart from that we have had some lovely sunny days this week so I have taken full advantage of those. I have been editing one of my WIPs ready for a summer release and have begun a sequel to Tales from the Irish Garden…

As always my thanks also goes to my friends who contribute to the blog

William Price King  William joined me for the Breakfast Show on Tuesday and his series of iconic Duets on Friday. You can also find William Blog– IMPROVISATIONWilliam Price King on Tumblr

Debby Gies Debby will be here on May 27th with the next in her series Life Lessons 101 and joined me this week for some funnies… You can catch up with her Sunday Book Review for the historical novel An American Beauty: A Novel of the Gilded Age by Shana Abe D.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor will be here on Wednesday with the next of her A-Z  World Cuisines and this week Bulgaria. Head over to check out her own posts including her latest A-Z in the series taking a look at the cuisine of my own home Ireland. CarolCooks2

Thanks again for your support this week… as always appreciated.

On with the show…

The Breakfast Show Rewind with William Price King and Sally Cronin – Chart Hits 1973 – Part One – Billy Paul, O’Jays, Elton John and Helen Reddy

William Price King with The Duet – #1970s – 1970 – Simon and Garfunkel – Bridge Over Trouble Water , Bobbie Gentry & Glen Campbell

Smorgasbord Short Stories – Life’s Rich Tapestry – #Dogs #Secondchances – Charlie The Junkyard Dog by Sally Cronin

fruit and veg banner

Cardiovascular Disease – The Circulatory System – Nitrate and Potassium foods and wholegrains -Get your blood flowing by Sally Cronin

Her Covered Bones: An Australian Outback #Crime #Thriller (Opal Fields Book 6) by Fiona Tarr

#Photography #Poetry Square Peg in a Round Hole: Poetry, Art & Creativity by Robbie Cheadle

Book Reviews from May 2023 – #Dystopian #Scifi C.S. Boyack, #Shortstories D.L. Finn, #Memoir Darlene Foster, #Thriller Georgia Rose, #Crime Jan Newton

#Memoir #Humour Live and Let:Tales of a Pembrokeshire Holiday Let by Judith Barrow

Author News and Reviews – Jacquie Biggar, Gwen Plano, Mae Clair

– #Life #MentalHealth – Caleb by Melanie McGauran

Thursday Doors – Cedar Crest Alzheimer’s Special Care Center by Miriam Hurdle

#Potluck #Writing Today We Love Memoirs by Jacqui Murray

Hosts Sally Cronin and Debby Gies – Doormats and Grizzly Bears


Thank you very much for dropping in today and I hope you will join me again next week.. Sally.

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Round Up – 24th – 30th July 2023 – Garden flowers, Big Band Era, Authenticity, Podcast, IBS, Recipes, Reviews and Funnies

Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed this week on Smorgasbord.

I hope that you have enjoyed your week. I know that some of you are experiencing unseasonally cold weather for your summers and a lot more rain than expected.. whilst some are suffering horrendous wildfires and extreme heat. There seems to be no happy medium at the moment and I only hope that next week will improve whatever your situation.

On the home front.

My late spring flowers were passed their best so I have saved the bulbs for next spring and made a visit to our local garden centre to buy some bird seed and take advantage of their sale. I spent this morning tidying pots and adding the new plants and here they are… the larger flowers are Dahila Maxi and the smaller ones are Dianthus Car Oscar…  I will need to change a few more out over the next few weeks and will get a few more of these in different colours. They should see me through the rest of the summer especially as the roses are budding up again.

As always my thanks to my friends who contribute to the blog…

William Price King joined me this week for the Big Band Era and the last part of the Leontyne Price series . You can also find William Blog– IMPROVISATIONWilliam Price King on Tumblr

Debby Gies​ has moved to a summer schedule of every three weeks with her column and was here on Monday on Monday 7th August. Debby also shared some of her funny finds in the laughter column. On her own blog you can find a wonderful recap of the reviews she has received during the month for her own book Fifteen First Times and also her book review for the poignant book set in WWII by Paulette Mahurin The Girl from Huizen. Head over toD.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor will be here on Wednesday 7th August with her next post in the Green Kitchen seriesCarol is on a well deserved mini-break with her family but left her usual informative and entertaining posts for us to enjoy, including her Monday Musings with a link to a delicious lemon drink recipe and a look at the Fish and Chip trade which is facing both rising energy costs and the rise in fish prices due to a number of reason. In Thursday Thoughts with a sobering forecast of where the mental and physical health of the population of the UK will be in the next two decades. Catch up with this post and the rest of the week Thursday Thoughts 27th July

Toni Pike was here on Wednesday with her series on Personal Power and this week, Authenticity and how to be your Authentic self.. Head over to check out Toni Pike’s Books

Many thanks to Malcolm for sharing his humour with us.

Malcolm Allen was here on Thursday with his unique brand of humour which never fails to raise a smile.

Thank you too for all the visits, comments and shares to your own social media.. ♥

On with the show….

The Big Band Era with William Price King and Sally Cronin – 1940s – Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman with Peggy Lee, Donald O’Connor

William Price King Meets the Legends – #Opera – Leontyne Price – Part Four – The 1970s and Beyond

Personal Power – Authenticity and How To Be Authentic #healthyliving by Toni Pike

Tales from the Garden – The Last Summer Ball and the Winter Fairy – Part One by Sally Cronin

Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Part Two – Nutrients and strategies to manage the condition by Sally Cronin

Recipes that Pack a Punch – Breakfast and Dessert – Smoothies and Fresh Fruit Salad by Sally Cronin

#Shortstories #History #Romance – A Room in Blake’s Folly (Blake’s Folly Romance Book 1) by J. Arlene Culiner

Previous Reviews from 2022 – #Literary #Thriller – The Silent Brother by Simon Van der Velde

Previous Reviews from 2022 – #YA #Scifi – The Colony Series Book One – Subject A36 by Teri Polen

#Thriller – Darkness: SFV-1 Series – BOOK TWO by Terry Tyler

New Book on the Shelves – #Cultural #Spain Olive Leaf Tea: Time to Settle (New Life in Andalusia Book 3) by Sabina Ostrowska

Summer Book Fair 2023 – #Photography #Poetry #Flash M.J. Mallon, #Poetry #Shortstories Colleen Chesebro, #Africa #Poetry #Essays Robbie Cheadle

#Aging Carol Taylor, #Treeart Jennie Fitzkee, #Cycling Cheryl Oreglia, #Horror Olga Nunez Miret, #Cacti Cindy Knoke Posted on July 29, 2023

Hosts Sally Cronin and Debby Gies – Cat Judgement and Papal Dispensation 

Host Malcolm Allen – July 2023 – #Funnies Apples and Basements

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine Weekly Round Up – 26th June – July 2nd 2023 – Lilies, Big Band Era, Rebirth, Green Kitchen, Personal Power, Podcast, Health, Reviews and Funnies

Welcome to the round up of posts you might have missed this week on Smorgasbord.

It is hard to believe that we are into July already. This year has flown by and I am beginning to realise that the old myth about time speeding up as you get older is true. A quiet week on the home front but it has been a busy few months with work on the house so a break is a good thing.  My lilies have bloomed and are providing a lovely display in several pots. Every year they recuperate and grow more bulbs in darkness in the back garden under a good layer of soil and as soon as the sun begins to warm thing up they push through and delight time after time, adding another crop of bulbs for next year.

The new podcast posts will be back at the end of the summer but in the meantime I have begun a short series of book marketing recordings I made back in 2014 and never aired.

I have added this week’s podcast to the page which offers free pdf copies of Book Marketing and Blog Set up for Authors and Public Relations for Authors. Smorgasbord PR for authors

As always my thanks to my friends who contribute to the blog…

William Price King joined me this week for the Big Band Era with Duke Ellington, The Andrew Sisters, Bob Hope. On Friday the final part of the ABBA story and next Friday William returns to his classical roots with the start of a new series about the inspiring American soprano Leontyne Price . You can also find William Blog– IMPROVISATIONWilliam Price King on Tumblr

Debby Gies​ has moved to a summer schedule of every three weeks with her column and was here on Monday with an exploration of the concept of rebirth. Debby also shared some of her funny finds in the laughter column. On her own blog you can find her Sunday book review for the intriguing short story and poetry collection In the Tree’s Shadow by D.L. Finn​, Also you can listen to Debby’s latest podcast exloring the real stages of grief. Head over toD.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor was here on Wednesday with her next post in the Green Kitchen series. On her own blog you can find some excellent posts on Bees, Hummingbirds, money back for glasses bottles and eco friendly packaging.. Catch up with all her excellent posts Carol Taylor’s Weekly Round Up 25th June to July 1st

Toni Pike was here on Wednesday with her series on Personal Power and this week, Standards – a vital part of living your truth… Head over to check out Toni Pike’s Books

Many thanks to Malcolm for sharing his humour with us.

Malcolm Allen was here on Tuesday with his unique brand of humour which never fails to raise a smile.

Thank you too for all the visits, comments and shares to your own social media.. ♥

On with the show….

The Big Band Era with William Price King and Sally Cronin – 1940s – Duke Ellington, The Andrew Sisters, Bob Hope.

William Price King Meets the Legends – ABBA – Part Five – Thank You For The Music and Mama Mia films

Spiritual Awareness – Soul Contracts – Choosing our Family Before Birth by D.G. Kaye

Carol Taylor’s Green Kitchen Rewind – Bread, Homemade Peanut Butter and Home Grown Vegetables and Herbs.

Personal Power – Standards – a vital part of living your truth by Toni Pike

Tales from the Garden – Trouble in Paradise Part Two

#Blood #Anemia – Iron Deficiency and B12 Deficiency by Sally Cronin

#WWII #Netherlands – The Girl From Huizen by Paulette Mahurin

Book Reviews – June Round Up – #Murder #Mystery N.A Granger, #Nostalgia #History Alex Craigie, #Crime #Thriller Fiona Tarr, #Romance #Venice Tonya Penrose

New Book on the Shelves – #Thriller – Infected: SFV-1 Series – BOOK ONE by Terry Tyler

#Nostalgia #History Alex Craigie, #Murder #Paranormal Richard Dee, #Memoir #Greece by Sally Jane Smith

#WWII #Netherlands Paulette Mahurin, #CrimeThriller Carol Balawyder, #Memoir .Donna O’Donnell Figurski

#Shortstories by John Maberry, #AsianHistory #GayRomance Ritu Bhathal, #Mystery Jill Piscitello

Host Malcolm Allen – June 2023 – Animal Magic and Logic

Hosts Sally Cronin and Debby Gies – Relatives and sobriety tests


Thanks for dropping in today and I hope you will join me again next week..Sally