Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Podcast #Poetry #Flash Fiction – Dolphins and Winning by Sally Cronin

Some more poetry and flash fiction from one of my collections.

Today dolphins hunt and play in the ocean and a young man discovers the true meaning of winning.



of sea dwellers
undulate with grace
synchronized skill to hunt
to herd their prey into shoals
with deadly force clicks and whistles
well practiced over millions of years
hunger needs sacrifice to be sated
with full bellies it is now time to play
oceanic clowns on hunt for fun
to frolic and gambol in waves
crests to surf and depths to dive
somersaults in the sun
a school of dolphins
classmates and kin
bound for life
in their

Free Tartan Track Athletics photo and picture

Winning by Sally Cronin

They heckled the last in the pack on the track as he struggled to keep up with the rest of the runners. Even in the lead position Peter could hear their jeers and laughter. One more lap and the race would be over and it was going to be a triumph for him, but a bitter disappointment for his friend Michael. As the seconds ticked by Peter thought about what winning this race would mean for him. Then he dropped back and ran by the side of the person who really mattered and they would cross the line together.

©Sally Cronin 2023

One of the recent  reviews for my latest collection. 

Mark Bierman 6th February 2023

We’re just climbing out of a deep freeze that saw temperatures plummet to below -30 Celsius, that’s around -22 Fahrenheit for my southern friends. I can hear your teeth chattering from here.

So of course, I went skiing with my Dad. Just a pair of Canucks wrapped like Egyptian mummies, snow pants crinkling like cellophane giftwrap, careening downhill, as a toothy wind whistled across our goggles and helmets. A tad bit loopy? Perhaps. But a bonding and pleasant memory forged, another chapter written in our life stories . . . that’s a certainty.

In my opinion, that’s precisely what this wonderful compilation of poetry and short stories is about. A blend more satisfying than a cup of freshly brewed specialty coffee on a sunny back yard deck in late June. Perhaps I’m being watched by a marmalade cat who disapproves of my intrusion into her afternoon routine of prowling the garden.

The world spins billions of individual tales every day; most go unnoticed. That caterpillar munching on that leaf may struggle with a desire to remain wingless, despite the insistence of the butterflies that his inclination is unnatural.

Guilty secrets, locked for decades, in the conscience of an elderly woman are laid bare for a beloved few, while a village holds its collective breath as it awaits some devastating news.

We never know when a smile or small act of kindness may save a life.

Reading this book is like sitting on the front porch with a trusted friend as he shares some cherished lore. Every now and again, he pauses to give you an earnest glance before speaking in a gentle voice. “And this is the way of things, not all bad, and not all good.”

I recommend this book to those who appreciate fine wordsmithing about discovering gems hidden in the guise of the mundane.

Have I enticed you to learn more and grab your copy?  

Thank you for listening and if you would like to know more about my books and their reviews you can find them on my books page My books and reviews 2023


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Podcast #Poetry #Flash Fiction – The Waltz and Romantic Gestures by Sally Cronin

Some more poetry and flash fiction from one of my collections.

Today, as Valentine’s Day is around the corner… a bit about love new and enduring.

The Waltz

to hold you in my arms
as we drift away in a waltz.
Such joy
as hearts beat in time to music
the notes a precious gift
and a prelude
to love.

Romantic Gestures.

For sixty years red roses, hearts and grand gestures had been his way of showing how much he loved her. Now as he sat beside her hospital bed he was at a loss. He desperately wanted to make her last moments as love filled as possible; but grand gestures were of no use now. She stirred and turned her head to look at him, attempting to speak. He leant closer to her and heard the words ‘You are the love of my life.’ He smiled and nodded as he kissed her frail hand gently. ‘And you too my darling’.

©Sally Cronin 2023

One of the recent  reviews for my latest collection. 

Lauren Scott – 9th February 2023

Variety is the Spice of Life by Sally Cronin is a poignant collection of poetry and short stories. Reading Sally’s entrancing writing is as calming and illuminating as sitting on a slab of granite in the wilderness, witnessing the sun slowly rise to begin another glorious day. The clever cover alone caught my eye – perfect for this blend of poems and prose. Then I turned the pages, and Sally had me at “Key words” which is a short piece packed with power of how words can make our hearts sing or how they can cause our hearts to shatter. Sally writes about life and all it embodies: nature, loss, relationships, and our furry animal friends. The scenes portrayed through her beautiful writing had me drying a tear, reminiscing, and smiling.

A few favorite poems that come to mind are “Expeditions” which inspires us to step out of our comfort zones. “Above the World” speaks of memories from Sally’s youth but evokes wonderful recollections for me of recent backpacking trips with my husband. “Face in the mirror” is accompanied by a lovely, delicate picture of Sally and her mother, which brought forth priceless memories of my mom who passed away over a decade ago. “Seasons” is thought-provoking and speaks not only of nature’s changing seasons, but how life transforms over the years – how hope can be discouraged by “chill winds, the evil that is done by humans.” “Drought” undeniably hit home but ends on a much-needed high note.

Sally’s stories with their realistic and charming characters are beyond engaging as well. I love them all, but the stories that shine are “The Neighborhood Watch,” highlighting the marmalade cat with an impressive left hook. “Miss Lloyd’s Robin” is about a delightful robin, the benefits of forgiveness, and newfound friendship. “The Home Help” touches on loss of hope, unexpected surprises, learning to trust, and renewed excitement for what lies on the horizon.

Variety is the Spice of Life prompts a precious memory or chuckle or a nugget of understanding, whether it’s a poem or story that resonates, brings enjoyment, or simply touches the heart. I love Sally’s writing and highly recommend this collection for lovers of engaging stories and sentimental verse.  

Thank you for listening and if you would like to know more about my books and their reviews you can find them on my books page My books and reviews 2023


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Podcast #Poetry #Flash Fiction – Lullaby and The Charm Bracelet by Sally Cronin

Some more poetry and flash fiction from one of my collections.

Today, the first songs a baby may hear is its mother or father singing them to sleep, with some enhancements depeding on the babies needs at the time…. and taking the first step into a new world or environment is made easier if you are sent on your way with love.

Lullaby and The Charm Bracelet by Sally Cronin


to sing
a lullaby
you must first consider
preferences of the baby

a jolly song
aimed to make them chortle
to wave their hands around with glee

slow and gentle
soothing a fractious mood
or the soreness of teething gums

deep toned
to reassure
those fearing the shadows
now allayed by a father’s voice

a foreign tongue
but words that mothers sing
to babies all around the world


The Charm Bracelet.

Keira stood in line with the other teenagers. Dressed in plain cotton overalls, the queue stretched back for miles. Above them, lining the cliff edges, were their families, held back by a tall fence. She looked down at the silver charm bracelet her mother had placed around her wrist as she had said her tearful goodbyes.

‘This will remind you of the old world my daughter, and our love.’

Keira finally reached the head of the line and was called forward by the guardians.
Placing her hand over the bracelet, she stepped through the portal, into the new world.
©Sally Cronin 2023

One of the recent  reviews for my latest collection. 

A beautiful collection of short stories and poetry that cover life, love, loss and the natural world around us. The title encapsulates the content wonderfully it is a beautifully written book with my favourites being the short stories particularly the elderly couple and their beloved pet and the healer both of which tugged at my heartstrings… 

Thank you for listening and if you would like to know more about my books and their reviews you can find them on my books page My books and reviews 2023


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Podcast #Poetry #Flash Fiction – Light Lingers and Poisoned Apples by Sally Cronin

Some more poetry and flash fiction from one of my collections.

Each day we gain a few precious minutes of daylight and nature welcomes it too… and biting into a poisoned apple carries consequences….

#Poetry #Flash Fiction – Light Lingers and Poisoned Apples by Sally Cronin 


Light Lingers

in our world
longer each day
to initiate
the sequence of rebirth
of all things under the earth
where dormant bulbs unfurl their shoots
pushing upwards into the crisp air
rotating buds to seek elusive sun.

Poisoned Apple

It is common in this modern world, to be offered promises that seem as wholesome as a bowl of shiny apples. However the red skinned fruit may hide toxic untruths and evil intent. Once it is swallowed, the poisoned apple will stick in your throat, causing you to spout the heinous words hidden within; spreading the evil like a virus. The only antidote to its venom; is to establish the truth, and wash the words down with random acts of kindness. We must all think carefully before embarking on a dangerously addictive diet of fake news and ill intentions.
©Sally Cronin 2023

One of the recent  reviews for my latest collection. 

Jacquie Biggar Bookbub

Sally Cronin brings her signature heartwarming style to a new collection of poetry and short stories exploring human emotion and nature in all its vagaries.

Many of the poems feature animals, their grace and beauty brought to life with a few well-chosen words, but my favorite is the dedication to her mother:

Face in the mirror

face in the mirror
a smile of recognition
but twinge of remorse
at the passing of the years
each line a story
or reminder of laughter
how closely they match
another’s facial mapping
I’ve morphed into my mother.

Cronin, Sally. Variety is the Spice of Life: A blend of poetry and prose (p. 20). Moyhill Publishing. Kindle Edition.

The short stories come with messages of love and support and familial bonds. The Green Hill is sweet with an ending that tugs on the heartstrings, while The Neighborhood Watch with a marmalade cat who exacts revenge on his injured friends left me with a satisfied grin 

This is a highly recommended collection of stories and poems to enrich your reading experience. 


Thank you for listening and if you would like to know more about my books and their reviews you can find them on my books page My books and reviews 2023


Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Podcast #Poetry #Flash Fiction – Waiting for Spring and Good Morning Your Eminence by Sally Cronin

Some more poetry and flash fiction from one of my collections.

Most of us in the northern hemisphere would be happy to see spring sooner rather than later… and when you see a magpie it is unlucky not to pay your respects.

Waiting for Spring

the wind strips bare
branches of stubborn leaves
and now naked trees stand forlorn
for magical buds to appear
when the tempest has passed
and sun returns

Good morning Your Eminence

As I pass him on my way to the village, I remember to say ‘Good morning your eminence’. To ignore him is to invite untold misfortune. Wise ones tell of signs of impending death if he is seen close to your window. And should that be open to the spring air, thefts of gold and silver. I laugh at the warnings, for I am young and carefree, but ancient beliefs stir in my blood, for lone magpies bring sorrow. So I pay him respect, wishing him a mate for life, to bring joy to those who see them together
©Sally Cronin 2023

One of the  reviews for my latest collection. 

So much to say … I’m not sure where to begin.

Sally Cronin’s latest collection of poetry and short stories is one of the most delightful that I’ve read. First, the poetry. While reading this book, I took notes on every poem, jotting down how I felt and what impressions it gave me. However, now that I’m writing a review, I am finding it difficult to put those notes into one paragraph and make any cohesive sense. So let me try this another way.

What I loved most about the poetry is the author’s gift for nuanced descriptions of nature and its creatures as if we’re seeing them with brand new eyes. Her poem “The Robin – Size doesn’t matter” really resonated with me. In my childhood, robins were abundant where I lived, but reading this poem felt as though I was meeting them anew, just as I felt reading about bees, butterflies, starlings and other creatures.

The author is brilliantly observant and knows how to extract what is most special about the world she sees. And I love the pieces of art she creates with her lines of poetry. Most clever.

I don’t want to give too much away about the short stories, but each one delighted me in a different way. I especially loved “The Secret” and wanted it to go on. But to summarize, all of the stories had connections with nature woven throughout – and I found each one to be touching and heartwarming.


Thank you for listening and if you would like to know more about my books and their reviews you can find them on my books page Sally’s Books and Reviews 2022