Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – #Focus #Manifesting by D.G. Kaye

Explore the spiritual side of our natures and the universe as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find part Twenty-One of the series: Mercury Retrograde

Welcome back to my Spiritual Awareness series. Today I’m going to talk about Manifesting.

Manifesting is the practice of focusing on what you want. There’s an old saying that says ‘We get what we focus on’. . . And to expand on that I always say, so you may as well focus on good things and desires. We must take action to manifest what we want. Just sitting around and wishing isn’t manifesting.

You’ve heard it said before – be careful what you wish for. So, to reiterate, we get what we focus on, so best to focus on the good things and all things good than to focus on something negative, because that’s not what we want the universe to bring us. What we attract is reflected from our thoughts.

We must ask our wants and wishes to the universe. Once we put it out there, there’s no need to keep asking, only to keep our desires at the forefront, keeping our minds focused on outcomes we desire. Our messages – energy wavelengths, are sent forth to the universe from thoughts and/or words.

We must align ourselves with what we want, to make our visions become our reality. Intense worrying and negative thoughts about doubts about if we’ll be receiving, blocks the energy we’ve already sent forth for our desires.

The way we receive will be in unexpected ways.

So, what wishes shall we focus on? Think about what it is you want, and then think of all the wonderful things and possibilities that could open up if your manifestations came to fruition. Concentrate on how great it will make you feel, and quite possibly how others will feel too from such great bounty. In order to receive, we must keep connected with our desires, and believe they are coming, don’t dwell on it, just believe, and set our good intentions forth.

When relaxed, and at peace within, then take action by asking for something. Honest intentions put out to the universe will come to fruition. Manifesting a tangible outcome comes from the Law of Attraction and believing. And it takes more than just willpower and positive thinking.

How to Manifest:

Focus on something you want to happen in your life. Visualize your desire in vivid details. The premise of manifestation is not asking in question form, eg: – I want, I wish for, etc. . . . rather, acting as though you already have your desires. In essence you are giving thanks to the universe for your desire in a form that states that you already have your desire. For example: You don’t say, “I wish I had a million dollars”. Instead, you focus on the fact that you already have it, and how good it will make you feel, all the possibilities you can do with that money. You can visualize the money in your bank account, purse, wallet, etc. You can say, “thank you for keeping me abundant financially, I am abundant with all I need to be happy and healthy with all the money I need”. By living what we wish for and believing it, will bring it.

Manifesting is about letting go of control and allowing ourselves to become the magnet from the universe for what we desire. It’s all about energy, and where we put it. It goes with the old adage – what we give off in energy is what we receive. Just like low vibing people will remain living in a low vibing lifestyle, being high energy in vibes we give off to the universe will always attract back the vibe we give off. If we are feeling as though we are lacking in some aspect of our lives and tend to be jealous of what others have and wondering why our life isn’t like that of someone who seems to have it all, those are not positive thoughts for our own life, hence, we will only get back more of what we give off – and what we don’t want. The universe will always deliver to us, people, situations, and outcomes that match our vibrational frequencies. Remember, we are always manifesting with whatever thoughts are on our minds, so please remember to keep your thoughts positive! We must feel like we’ve already attained what we desire, like believing in something that hasn’t yet been proven.

How Can I put forth my wishes?

You can verbally ask aloud, or you can write down what your manifestations are, and of course, you can meditate on them. Many people like to use a vision board using clippings and images of their desires to add to their ‘wish stories’. There is no right or wrong way to manifest, only that we keep our desire in mind as though we’ve already received, while we’re waiting to receive, by staying in the present and feeling abundant.

Visualization is one of the most important parts of manifestation. If you can’t allow yourself to visualize your hearts desire, you aren’t helping it manifest. Visualize how this object of your desires will make you feel, focus on that feeling. Let’s say it’s a new job we’re wishing for. Use all the senses to help manifest this desire. Picture your office, chair, plants, view, desk, colleagues, etc. Picture yourself at that desk, the color of your chair, how it feels to be there, etc. Then repeat on your desired thoughts often. Manifesting is believing that you can think your dreams into your visualized reality, because we can. Manifesting is based on the concept that we tend to go where our thoughts lead us in life. Our mindsets shape our thoughts and ultimately, our behaviors and what we receive.

The 369 method of manifestation is based on divine numbers and a practice used to keep our attentions at our forethoughts. It consists of writing out our desires three times in the morning, six times during the day and nine times in the evening.

 The law of attraction is one of the 12 universal laws of hermetic philosophy. It’s based on the thought that the energy we give out will come back to us, very much like karma.

Give it a try! Start by writing your desire(s) on a piece of paper in a positive manner. I do this myself and revisit my written down desires monthly to check up on what I’ve achieved from my desires. Typically, they always fall into place for me because I give it my thought attention a few times a day. Here’s an example of an ongoing desire I’ve always had, but has become a thought constantly on my mind for the past year:

I want to go to Spain, I used to say, when I go to Spain . . ., or, I am going to Spain. I haven’t booked a trip yet, but have spent plenty of time searching out the places I’d like to go in Spain, and lately, it has been on my mind bigly, particularly in the past year. For the last year I have begun saying, when I go to Spain . . . My intentions to go in the past year got muddled up because of other’s people’s circumstances that were beyond my own control, yet the desire didn’t leave just because original plans got foiled. Now, the universe is flashing signs at me related to Spain – songs, commercial ads, conversations coming up about travels to Spain, even books I’m coming across. I know in my energetic soul I am going even though I’m not sure yet where in Spain, or when exactly, but opportunities are coming my way. In fact, one of my new friends from the gym asked me a week ago if we should go to Spain together because she’s always wanted to go there. You see? The universe keeps hearing me talk and dream about Spain and has sent me a new friend who shares the same desire. This is a great example of how keeping the intention alive eventually becomes a reality.

I hope this article has given you reason to put your attention on what you what in life, not on the things you don’t want, and that anyone can manifest their best outcomes by keeping focus on abundance we have as opposed to what we’re lacking.

Below, find a few videos that may help you better manifest:

 How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want In Life | Dolores Cannonhypnotherapist, medium past life regressionist and psychic researcher – The law of the universe, energy, and the laws of attraction. #Recommended  

Most Effective Manifestation Technique: How to Visualize and Feel the Emotions of Having your Desire by Devi Sietaram. Great direction on visualizing your desires.


My thanks to Debby for talking us through this process… a powerful tool we can use to visualise and realise our hopes and wishes.

About D.G. Kaye

D.G. Kaye is a nonfiction memoir writer who writes about life, matters of the heart and women’s issues. Her intent is to inspire others by sharing stories about events she encountered, and the lessons that came along with them. She loves to laugh and self-medicate with a daily dose of humor. When she’s not writing intimate memoirs, you’ll find her writing with humor in some of her other works and blog posts.

Kaye’s childhood kept her observant about her surroundings. Growing up in a tumultuous family life kept her on guard about the on-and-off-going status of her parents’ relationship. She began writing notes, and journaled about the dysfunction she grew up in. By age seven she was certain she was going to grow up to become a reporter. But life has a funny way of taking detours. Instead, she moved away from home at eighteen with a few meager belongings and a curiosity for life, finished university and changed careers a few times along the way, always striving to work her way up to managerial positions. Her drive to succeed at anything she put her mind to led to having a very colorful and eventful life.

Ever the optimist, D.G. conquered quite a few battles in life; health and otherwise, and her refusal to accept the word ‘No’, or to use the words ‘I can’t’, keeps her on a positive path in life. She hopes to inspire others with her love of telling stories with lessons to empower others, by sharing her own experiences.

In 2021, she lost the love of her life. “When the grief overcame me, I found my only way to move forward was through my writing (that book currently in the works) and communing with others who understand this journey. Through this and my own search for seeking comfort, I began podcasting – Grief, The Real Talk. This is a podcast for those of us who’ve worn the shoes, and for all those who wish to understand the journey of a griever.

Books by D.G. Kaye

One of the reviews for Twenty Years After I do

Pete Springer 5.0 out of 5 stars Many Pearls of Wisdom for any Couple  Reviewed in the United States

Twenty Years: After “I Do” is a memoir by D.G. Kaye regarding her 20-year marriage to Gordon, a kind man 20 years her senior. While I believe the author wrote this book for people in a similar situation that have a spouse considerably older or younger, I think it is an essential read for any married couple.

Having read previous books by this writer, I knew I would get honesty and humor—two elements that make any read better. Kaye doesn’t try to sugarcoat anything and describes the many challenges married partners face, particularly in her situation, having a much older husband.

Some priceless nuggets included the importance of a sense of humor, communicating about and listening to each other’s problems, giving each additional space to follow individual hobbies and passions, and being flexible enough to take on different roles over the years.

I liked that there were so many relatable topics—health challenges, hearing loss, and depression, just to name a few. 

Read all the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – follow Debby: Goodreads – Blog: D.G. Kaye WriterTwitter: @pokercubster Linkedin: D.G. Kaye – Facebook: D.G. Kaye – Podcast: YouTube –   All Links: Linktree



Thanks for dropping in today and it would be great if you could share Debby’s post.. thanks Sally



Smorgasbord Laughter is the Best Medicine – Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Rejects and Driving Tips

Firstly, some funnies from Debby Gies followed by a joke or two from Sally. Thanks to those who share the funnies on the internet.

D.G. Writes is where you will find an archive full of wonderful posts across several subjects including writing tips, social issues and book reviews.My thanks to Debby for excellent foraging


D. G. Kaye – Buy: Amazon US And: Amazon UK Blog: D.G. WritesGoodreads: D.G. Kaye on Goodreads – Twitter: @pokercubster

Debby’s new series Spiritual Awareness. Spiritual Awareness – Are you familiar with Astral Projection?

Now for some fun from Sally….from the archives

What not to do when driving!

A police officer was inspecting a car crash where two people had been injured and taken off in an ambulance to hospital. As he looked at the wreckage a little monkey came out of the brush and hopped around the crashed car.

The officer looked down at the monkey and said, “I wish you could talk.” The monkey looked up at the officer and nodded his head.

“You can understand what I’m saying?”asked the officer.
Again, the monkey nodded.

“Well, did you see what happened?”
The monkey nodded. He pretended to have a can in his hand and turned it up to his mouth.

“They were drinking?” asked the officer.
The monkey nodded. The monkey then pinched his fingers together and held them to his mouth, sucking deeply.

“They were smoking marijuana too?” asked the officer.
The monkey nodded. He made a kissing sign with his lips

“So they were playing around as well!?” asked the astounded officer. Again, the monkey nodded.

Now wait, you’re saying your owners were drinking, smoking and playing around before they wrecked the car?”

The monkey nodded. “What were you doing during all this?” asked the officer.

The monkey held up his hands on an imaginary steering wheel.

Sally’s books: Amazon US –  Amazon UK – More reviews : Goodreads – Podcast – Sally Cronin on Soundcloud – Twitter: @sgc58


Thank you for joining us today and we hope you are leaving with a smile on your face.. Debby and Sally.

Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Fey – Angel Messages Part Two – Earth Angels and Lightworkers by D.G. Kaye

Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find Part one of the Angel series: Spiritual Awareness – Fey – Angel Messages Part One

Earth Angels and Lightworkers

Welcome back to my angel series in my Spiritual Awareness series here at Sally’s Smorgasbord. Today I’m going to distinguish the difference between heavenly and earth angels.

We are all spiritual beings of light, but not everyone is deemed a Lightworker or an Earth Angel.

Earth angels are born into the physical world to become beacons for humanity and the earth to help spread light, love, and peace. Earth angels are known as evolved spiritual beings and highly evolved souls who’ve spent time in higher spiritual dimensions of love and light. They vibrate with light and were summoned to earth to serve as lightworkers on earth. This does not mean that they are or were spiritual angels from another realm, only that they are highly evolved souls from past life experiences, born on earth to learn and share new life lessons to help others.

Angel studies tell us lightworkers originate from the 7th and 9th dimensions of angelics, incarnated into physical form with an appointed mission to awaken others with life lessons and by events to help share divine truth. Being an earth angel means to be called through the soul to help others by spreading messages of compassion and kindness to help make a difference on earth. You can also note that just because someone is an earth angel, doesn’t necessarily mean they are without faults of their own or that they grow actual angel wings, they are human. Earth angels still experience the same ups and downs in life as every other human.

Earth angels are helpers in the living world with a past history of helping and healing in a previous life, and their gifts of angelic energy are used to raise vibrations of humanity. Many earth angels who are aware of their gifts were chosen to spread goodness during this sweeping period of change and growth, and to help deflect negativity by sharing alternatives to hopelessness and indifference. Earth angels are here in this transitional time to assist the world of merging eras, and to help bring mother earth and humanity into a higher vibrational place of love and peace through loving energy.

If you can answer ‘yes’ to most of these questions below, you may well be an earth angel:

  • You are always willing to help others with ideas, solutions, and support
  • You are one who seeks to better situations
  • You often aren’t comfortable with asking for help for yourself
  • Your senses are always tuned into high vibrational energy
  • You have the ability to lift other people’s spirits
  • You always look for the good, even when it’s difficult to envision
  • You are gifted in the arts, writing or healing
  • You feel other people’s pain and are empathetic to those who suffer
  • You often attract needy people
  • You abhor confrontation
  • You sometimes struggle to remain grounded (angels don’t stand on their feet, they float)
  • You aren’t selfishly competitive and always wish others well in their endeavors
  • You are sensitive to energies
  • You often feel alienated from those who don’t understand you
  • You may feel overwhelmed in crowds because of too much energy emitted
  • You grew up feeling you could never relate to your immediate family, or that you were sent to an emotionally distant and dysfunctional family to teach them life lessons
  • People you’ve met briefly feel an openness to confide in you
  • You are a born teacher
  • You uplift others
  • You often feel like a lone wolf
  • Others often seek your guidance
  • You’ve had a difficult childhood
  • You abhor discord and can’t tolerate violence
  • You’re naturally intuitive

If you can answer yes to most of the above questions and strive to: enlighten others, often find yourself wondering why you were put on earth or feeling that you aren’t living in a place where your heart longs to be, you believe in magic, and allow your intuition to guide you, you can most definitely consider yourself a lightworker or earth angel.

I know for certain I am an earth angel, not only because I can tick off all the boxes above, but because I possess the sense of knowing. And it’s all been confirmed to me through the years and by various past life readings.

Are you an earth angel?

Five facts about Earth Angels

Angel signs that help you know if you’ve met an earth angel

If you are interested in learning more about earth angels, I highly recommend reading Doreen Virtue’s – Earth Angels – Amazon

©D.G.Kaye 2022

My thanks to Debby for another fascinating post on the spiritual side of our natures.

About D.G. Kaye (Debby Gies)

Debby Gies is a Canadian nonfiction/memoir author who writes under the pen name of D.G. Kaye. She was born, raised, and resides in Toronto, Canada. Kaye writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart and women’s issues.

D.G. writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and she shares the lessons taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcome challenges in her life, and finding the upside from those situations, while practicing gratitude for all the positives.

When Kaye isn’t writing intimate memoirs, she brings her natural sense of humor into her other works. She loves to laugh and self- medicate with a daily dose of humor.

I love to tell stories that have lessons in them, and hope to empower others by sharing my own experiences. I write raw and honest about my own experiences, hoping through my writing, that others can relate and find that there is always a choice to move from a negative space, and look for the positive.


“Live Laugh Love . . . And Don’t Forget to Breathe!”

“For every kindness, there should be kindness in return. Wouldn’t that just make the world right?”

Books by D.G. Kaye

One of the reviews for Twenty Years After “I Do”

Martha Perez 5.0 out of 5 stars HEARTFELT MEMOIR  Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022

Twenty years started with a promise. D.G. Kaye had no limits for the love of her life.
A heartfelt personal memoir is written beautifully by the author D.G. Kaye. This story is my favorite book by far this year. She shares taking the plunge and commenting on the love of her life, and truth be told, we never could predict the future. Gorden is a lot older than D.G. Kaye. I could feel her worrisome mind. She did take the chance.

The way she talked about her husband and the unconditional love between them is beautiful, even though a marriage is a lot of work. Each chapter of her words was the good, the bad, and the ugly, but her life with Gorden was a lovely daily sprinkle of glitter with love, laughter, stability, health-giving and age differences, respect, and lots of honey past, today, and future.

The author talks about the strength of the struggles they both endured, yet they embrace handling life together with love, kindness, and creative planning.

Kaye is awe-inspiring with her sincere overpowering words that touch my heart and soul. Life is not perfect; by reading her love story, I could honestly say she came close to the happiness that people wait for a lifetime with faithfulness, honoring their vows to smile and laugh at the end of the day.

The simple things in life are watching the sunset, having morning coffee together, hugs, and making love are a lot more than the little things in a couple’s life. I truly loved reading this book. I learned from others and my own mistakes. The author’s story is a touching and beautiful tribute to her marriage.

Keeping a marriage together and having compassion in everyday life is an emotional task; they choose to handle their day-to-day lives gracefully and in harmony. I highly recommend the extraordinary book. 

Read all the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – follow Debby: Goodreads – Blog: D.G. Kaye Writer – About me: D.G. Kaye – Twitter: @pokercubster Linkedin: D.G. Kaye – Facebook: D.G. Kaye – Instagram: D.G. Kaye – Pinterest: D.G. Kaye


Thanks for dropping in today and it would be great if you could share Debby’s post.. thanks Sally



Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness – Fey – Angel Messages Part One – Signs that our Angels are Around by D.G. Kaye

Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

You can find Part Four of the series: How Do You Know If You Are An Empath – The Signs

Signs that our Angels are Around and are Connecting with Us

Welcome back to my next series of episodes in my spiritual awareness series. In this article I’m going to talk about angels and how to recognize them.

Can You Feel When Your Angels are Around You? Do you know how to recognize signs when angels are communicating with you?

Angels are pure spiritual beings. They are not ghosts of anybody’s past, but benevolent celestial beings who interact between God and heaven and earth. They are God’s creations as messengers, created from light, and therefore, they have not evolved from a once human form. Angels are not to be confused with other spirits and lost loved ones that may visit us that also leave us signs. But, they are able to show up in both apparition and human form, and are always around us whether we believe or are aware of their presence or not. All celestial beings are made of energy, this is why and how they are able to transmit and flow to wherever they need to be. Just as when humans die, their souls don’t because energy doesn’t die.

Angels will never impose on our free will. If we wish to speak to, or ask something of our angels, all we have to do is speak to them either verbally, aloud, or by sending our thoughts to them. They can hear us and receive, and if we are tuned in with them, they will often show up in some form, sign, or deed when we need them.

How Do We Know Our Angels are Around?

There are many different signs that an angel or even a lost loved one can leave us to let us know they are visiting or leaving us a message. These signs can be anything from feeling an unexpected drop in temperature change around us, giving us a chill or shivers, a warm sensation as though there is a human beside us, a familiar scent that comes about that has no relevance to the natural scent in our particular present surroundings, finding a feather on our path, through dreams, repeated number sequences, flashes of light, something falling off a shelf for no particular reason, and so many more.

Angels can also appear in human form, taken for as a complete stranger whose purpose is to help or teach us a lesson. These forms are referred to as earth angels. Music is a great transmitter of angelic signs. That certain song that will play on the radio in a particular moment you may be thinking about someone or troubled about, is often a message from the angels letting us know that person is thinking of us, or perhaps alerting us to give them a call. Often, when we receive these signs, we are tempted to call them coincidences, when they are in fact, messages from our angels.

Most people have one sense that is more prominent than another when it comes to sensing the presence of angels and spirit. Some people actually see visions of angels. I have never had the honor to see one of these presences, but I do have other senses that pick up on energies. I can recall several times in my life where I’ve been saved from something terrible and noted it as ‘saved by the grace of God’, where in fact, it was my guardian angel who helped me. We all have a guardian angel assigned to us whether we believe in them or not.

My personal gift for sensing spirit is by scent and by touch. I have had two people I loved very much, now in heaven, come to visit me on several occasions, my father, and my Aunty Sherry. When they visit me, I can smell the room being taken over by the scent of my aunt’s perfume or the smell of a smoke-filled room with the scent of my father’s favorite cigarette brand. It’s uncanny and sometimes not easy to explain to others but it’s true.

I also can feel my body go cold and begin to shiver when I sense a presence around me or when I get a foreboding of something unpleasant to come. It’s like a warning sign that comes over me in the pit of my stomach – a feeling of doom, a sixth sense type of feeling. I’ve been physically touched by spirits, and I also receive messages through my intuition and in my dreams that I make note of so I can remember and try to analyze what the message portends.

Anyone can tune into their angels by tuning into themselves. You must keep an open mind and heart and be ready and willing to receive.

Recently, I was taken aback with a most beautiful message I received from my own beloved husband. It was my girlfriend who noticed it as we stood beside my car talking, on the passenger side. She pointed out the hand-drawn heart on the back window. I tried to wipe it off but realized it was drawn from the inside of my car, where nobody has sat in that back seat since before my husband passed.

Watch the videos below and learn about the myriad of ways angels communicate with us.

There are many signs used to attract our attention such as: Music, numbers, feathers, coins, clouds, butterflies, birds, sparks of light and more! Learn how to recognize these signs.

Have you ever found a feather randomly on the ground as you were walking somewhere? Have you found a coin on the ground? Ever looked up at the sky and found a distinct pattern in the clouds that resembled something of significance to you? These are all forms of communication from angels leaving subtle messages for us. Often, they appear at opportune times in our lives when we may feel sad or troubled and the angels want us to know they are around and there for us.

Whether we believe in angels or not, we all have our own guardian angels assigned to us. We have only to get to know them.

There are oodles of books available about angels and I would highly recommend reading Doreen Virtue’s books for a great introduction to angels and beyond. I began my journey of learning about angels through reading Virtue’s books for the past few decades. It seems that she is turning into a ‘holier’ direction now and gone full on deep spiritual and no longer writes about the angels, but I did notice some of her myriad books on angels still available on Amazon in print only.

You can visit Doreen Virtue’s page HERE

I would also recommend books by Kyle Gray. He is a well-known British angel expert, and his book, Raise Your Vibration is a great read to introduce you to awareness and connecting with the spiritual.

12 Undeniable Signs the Angels are communicating with us:

Signs our Angels are connecting with us:

How to recognize signs and messages our guardian angels are with us:

Do you have an experience of an encounter with angels you’d like to share?

©D.G.Kaye 2022

My thanks to Debby for another fascinating post on the spiritual side of our natures.

About D.G. Kaye (Debby Gies)

Debby Gies is a Canadian nonfiction/memoir author who writes under the pen name of D.G. Kaye. She was born, raised, and resides in Toronto, Canada. Kaye writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart and women’s issues.

D.G. writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and she shares the lessons taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcome challenges in her life, and finding the upside from those situations, while practicing gratitude for all the positives.

When Kaye isn’t writing intimate memoirs, she brings her natural sense of humor into her other works. She loves to laugh and self- medicate with a daily dose of humor.

I love to tell stories that have lessons in them, and hope to empower others by sharing my own experiences. I write raw and honest about my own experiences, hoping through my writing, that others can relate and find that there is always a choice to move from a negative space, and look for the positive.


“Live Laugh Love . . . And Don’t Forget to Breathe!”

“For every kindness, there should be kindness in return. Wouldn’t that just make the world right?”

Books by D.G. Kaye

One of the reviews for Twenty Years After “I Do”

Martha Perez 5.0 out of 5 stars HEARTFELT MEMOIR  Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022

Twenty years started with a promise. D.G. Kaye had no limits for the love of her life.
A heartfelt personal memoir is written beautifully by the author D.G. Kaye. This story is my favorite book by far this year. She shares taking the plunge and commenting on the love of her life, and truth be told, we never could predict the future. Gorden is a lot older than D.G. Kaye. I could feel her worrisome mind. She did take the chance.

The way she talked about her husband and the unconditional love between them is beautiful, even though a marriage is a lot of work. Each chapter of her words was the good, the bad, and the ugly, but her life with Gorden was a lovely daily sprinkle of glitter with love, laughter, stability, health-giving and age differences, respect, and lots of honey past, today, and future.

The author talks about the strength of the struggles they both endured, yet they embrace handling life together with love, kindness, and creative planning.

Kaye is awe-inspiring with her sincere overpowering words that touch my heart and soul. Life is not perfect; by reading her love story, I could honestly say she came close to the happiness that people wait for a lifetime with faithfulness, honoring their vows to smile and laugh at the end of the day.

The simple things in life are watching the sunset, having morning coffee together, hugs, and making love are a lot more than the little things in a couple’s life. I truly loved reading this book. I learned from others and my own mistakes. The author’s story is a touching and beautiful tribute to her marriage.

Keeping a marriage together and having compassion in everyday life is an emotional task; they choose to handle their day-to-day lives gracefully and in harmony. I highly recommend the extraordinary book. 

Read all the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – follow Debby: Goodreads – Blog: D.G. Kaye Writer – About me: D.G. Kaye – Twitter: @pokercubster Linkedin: D.G. Kaye – Facebook: D.G. Kaye – Instagram: D.G. Kaye – Pinterest: D.G. Kaye


Thanks for dropping in today and it would be great if you could share Debby’s post.. thanks Sally



Smorgasbord Posts from Your Archives 2022- ‘Lucky Dip’ – #Depression #Semicolon by D.G. Kaye

Since this series began in January 2018 there have been over 1000 Posts from Your Archives where bloggers have taken the opportunity to share posts to a new audience… mine.

The topics have ranged from travel, childhood, recipes, history, family and the most recent series was #PotLuck where I shared a random selection of different topics. This series is along the same lines… but is a ‘Lucky Dip’

In this series I will be sharing posts from the half of 2022

It is an opportunity to showcase your writing skill to my readers and also to share on my social media. Which combined is around the 50,000 mark. If you are an author your books will be mentioned too, along with their buy links and your other social media contacts. You can find out how to participate at the end of the post.

Today author D.G. Kaye shares the thought provoking background to the semicolon image that is used on social media to represent depression and suicide prevention… She also includes links and numbers to call for anyone who is facing  this increasingly common mental health crisis.

The SemiColon Translation – Not Just a Punctuation Mark

I’ve been seeing the semicolon symbol a lot on social media, and I’m identifying with it and sharing its other story here today. It’s also a symbol of courage that simply uses the punctuation mark to tell the world, our story isn’t over. It could have ended with a period, but the semicolon allows the story to continue.

Grammarly shared a post about this stating:

“A semicolon is used when an author could have chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you, and the sentence is your life.”

It was posted in 2015 by Grammarly, but has subsequently been recirculating and being used for suicide prevention advocating – the new significance of survival. – Project Semicolon

This punctuation mark has become a symbol for hope for anyone suffering depression, addiction, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and more of the same. You may have come across some of these posts on social media. Marketing has joined in with creating everything from jewelry, Tshirts, and more with the semicolon design. Many sufferers of depression have also tattooed this symbol somewhere on their person. The symbol was created to change the stigma and to help inspire others who walk the fine line of suicidal thoughts, and for showing solidarity against suicide, depression, addictions and other mental health struggles, inspiring strength for the suffering.

Grammarly shares a post about this symbol and talks about Amy Bleuel who began the nonprofit ‘project suicide’ back in 2013. She created the symbol to be used for more than just a punctuation mark after her own father committed suicide. Sadly, she took her own life in 2017.

Our world is getting infinitely harder for many of us to cope in. The statistics on suicide are growing enormously, and these don’t even apply to the same category with those who suffer actual mental illness. One does not have to suffer mental illness to take themselves to the dark side. I can attest to how devastating events in life can push our minds to some places we’d never thought we’d ever go to when provoked by emotional distress, loneliness or grieving.

The significance related to the punctuation mark is, a story of horrific pain is a mere pause in life, but life can continue. Problems, events, situations are temporary, but suicide is permanent. A reminder that life will go on and not be ended, symbolizing a continuation of life even when life throws us unbearable times.

Please, if you are someone contemplating self harm, or know someone who has reached this dark place, share this post and call your country’s national suicide prevention hotline:

In the U.S. call 1-800-273-8255 AFSP Get Help

In Canada call 833-456-4566 Talk Suicide Canada

In the U.K. there are various numbers listed on the NHS website NHS – Mental Health Help

There is always hope. Most of the suicides can be prevented if the distressed person could just have someone to talk to. If you know someone who has experienced, or living a tragedy, life altering situation, or severely depressed, and they aren’t acting like their usual selves, closing themselves off to friends and loved ones, or just disappears from their social circles, please check up on them.

These numbers can be called when desperation reigns, be it thoughts about suicide, surviving a suicide attempt, or deep distorting thoughts for the grieving. blog Why a semincolon tattoo is the most beautiful tattoo

Be kind


About D.G. Kaye (Debby Gies)

Debby Gies is a Canadian nonfiction/memoir author who writes under the pen name of D.G. Kaye. She was born, raised, and resides in Toronto, Canada. Kaye writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart and women’s issues.

D.G. writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and she shares the lessons taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcome challenges in her life, and finding the upside from those situations, while practicing gratitude for all the positives.

When Kaye isn’t writing intimate memoirs, she brings her natural sense of humor into her other works. She loves to laugh and self- medicate with a daily dose of humor.

I love to tell stories that have lessons in them, and hope to empower others by sharing my own experiences. I write raw and honest about my own experiences, hoping through my writing, that others can relate and find that there is always a choice to move from a negative space, and look for the positive.


“Live Laugh Love . . . And Don’t Forget to Breathe!”

“For every kindness, there should be kindness in return. Wouldn’t that just make the world right?”

Books by D.G. Kaye

One of the recent reviews for Twenty Years After “I Do”

Sunshine 5.0 out of 5 stars HEARTFELT MEMOIR Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022

Twenty years started with a promise. D.G. Kaye had no limits for the love of her life.
A heartfelt personal memoir is written beautifully by the author D.G. Kaye. This story is my favorite book by far this year. She shares taking the plunge and commenting on the love of her life, and truth be told, we never could predict the future. Gorden is a lot older than D.G. Kaye. I could feel her worrisome mind. She did take the chance.

The way she talked about her husband and the unconditional love between them is beautiful, even though a marriage is a lot of work. Each chapter of her words was the good, the bad, and the ugly, but her life with Gorden was a lovely daily sprinkle of glitter with love, laughter, stability, health-giving and age differences, respect, and lots of honey past, today, and future.

The author talks about the strength of the struggles they both endured, yet they embrace handling life together with love, kindness, and creative planning.

Kaye is Awe-inspiring with her sincere overpowering words that touch my heart and soul. Life is not perfect; by reading her love story, I could honestly say she came close to the happiness that people wait for a lifetime with faithfulness, honoring their vows to smile and laugh at the end of the day.

The simple things in life are watching the sunset, having morning coffee together, hugs, and making love are a lot more than the little things in a couple’s life. I truly loved reading this book. I learned from others and my own mistakes. The author’s story is a touching and beautiful tribute to her marriage.

Keeping a marriage together and having compassion in everyday life is an emotional task; they choose to handle their day-to-day lives gracefully and in harmony. I highly recommend the extraordinary book.

Read all the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – follow Debby: Goodreads – Blog: D.G. Kaye Writer – About me: D.G. Kaye – Twitter: @pokercubster Linkedin: D.G. Kaye – Facebook: D.G. Kaye – Instagram: D.G. Kaye – Pinterest: D.G. Kaye

Thanks for joining us today and it would be great if you could share Debby’s post… and I know she would love to hear from you thank you Sally.

How to feature in the series?

  • All I need you to do is give me permission to dive in to your archives and find two posts to share here on Smorgasbord. (
  • Rather than a set topic, I will select posts at random of general interest across a number of subjects from the first six months of 2022. (it is helpful if you have a link to your archives in your sidebar by month)
  • As I will be promoting your books as part of the post along with all your information and links so I will not be sharing direct marketing or self- promotional posts in the series.
  • If you are an author I am sure you will have a page on your blog with the details, and an ‘about page’ with your profile and social media links (always a good idea anyway). I will get everything that I need.
  • As a blogger I would assume that you have an ‘about page’ a profile photo and your links to social media.
  • Copyright is yours and I will ©Your name on every post… and you will be named as the author in the URL and subject line.
  • Previous participants are very welcome to take part again.
  • Each post is reformatted for my blog and I don’t cut and paste, this means it might look different from your own post especially if you are using the block editor
  • If I do share a post which contains mainly photographs I will share up to five and link back to the original post for people to view the rest.

N.B – To get the maximum benefit from your archive posts, the only thing I ask is that you respond to comments individually and share on your own social media.. thank you.



Smorgasbord Blog Magazine – Spiritual Awareness -How Empaths Can Shield Negative Energies by D.G. Kaye

Explore the spiritual side of our natures as D.G. Kaye shares her experiences and research into this element of our lives.

Welcome back to my second post in my empath series. As I discussed in Spiritual Awareness – Communicating through Spiritual Energy #Empaths, there are ways to help us shield ourselves from some of the negative energies that grab hold of us. So today I’m writing about empathic shielding.

How Empaths Can Shield Negative Energies


As empaths we absorb thoughts, feelings, and emotions of others. We are highly sensitive to energies, people, places, and nature.

For those of us who are empaths and often find ourselves being caught up in people’s orbits who constantly lean to us when their life is in turmoil, just know there is help for us to shield ourselves from being drained by low energies, we have only to learn how to use these tools.

The difference between being empathetic and being an empath is empathetic people feel for someone’s unhappy situation whereas an empath actually takes in the vibes of that someone, almost like a sponge absorbing feelings, and feels their emotion within, regardless of the emotion they are giving off whether happy, sad, angry etc.

When we’re around negative people giving off their vibes and toxic energy, there are a few things we can do to repel those energies from penetrating into our own emotions.

How can we avoid attracting these negative energies when we’re empaths who tend to attract too many feelings? Only what we allow ourselves to give our power to is what can affect us. What permits other’s energy to enter us is when we sympathize with them, leaving us feeling compelled to help. We as empaths, have a dire need to fix people, creating a bond between us and the person in need. We absorb their need for help and that energy stays within us, depleting our own positive energy.

A good head start to avoiding energy draining is to stay protected by first paying attention to our senses. If we begin to feel sensory overload from toxic energy, we must train ourselves to create a mental shield for protection. If we are able to pick up energies, we are certainly capable of learning how to create mental shields. Besides learning how to shield, it’s important to learn to recognize whose energies around us are stealing our good energy and learning how to keep those people out of our spaces. To limit the amount of people who steal our energy, we must learn to practice avoiding such people. But there will always be times when people will enter our orbit and we may not be able to avoid them, and in those times, it’s time to turn on the shielding.


In order to stay grounded and not enable bad energies to seep into our psyches we must first ground ourselves and set intention. By setting intention we first focus on our desire to shield and sending good vibes out to the universe. Often, setting these intentions will drive vibrations, sometimes making the negative person wanting to leave our presence on their own volition, not wanting the good we project. But we won’t always get that lucky so we must learn how to deflect.

Picture yourself centered surrounded by pink light. Close your eyes and visualize yourself being poured over with pink light from above your head right down all around you, down through your feet, finishing and sealing yourself in with that light going just below the ground. This ensures you are completely sealed as though you are in a bubble. It may help to envision liquid pink bubbles of light being poured over your head and protecting you like a big round soap bubble. Pink light is ethereal and provides a semi-permeable shield, meaning while it repels negative energies it can still allow your good vibes and loving energy to flow out of it becoming a filter of sorts.

The beauty of shielding is that it can be done anywhere, and nobody has to know what we’re doing. We can be out in public, at somebody’s home or halfway around the world and we have this ability to use it anywhere. We can also use the shielding in our own home when we’re feeling overwhelmed from a guest in our home or from negative energies which may have been left behind after someone left or even if we’re just watching TV and listening to negative news.

At home, we can also use objects to keep our work or living space clean from negative energies by setting up an area we like to spend time in with plants (energy absorbers), negative energy repelling crystals and protective stones, and objects symbolic to us specifically such as: Buddhas or angels or any other meaningful items we desire to provide psychological shielding. If we find we are often drawing in negative energies, keeping protective crystals on our person, in our pocket, purse or under our pillow help to deflect negative energy. You will never see me without wearing a stone or crystal somewhere on my person.

Do keep in mind that we don’t have to wait till we feel like we’re in the midst of toxic energy to begin shielding. We can practice shielding at home and do it as a once a week precaution. Take a good minute to prepare your intention and clear you mind and spend a few more minutes envisioning the shield you cast around yourself and focusing on positive messages.


Journaling – As a writer, I’m going to add, don’t underestimate the power of journaling. It’s another method of getting what bothers us out of our conscience and sent out into the universe.

Smudging – Burning sage is an age-old secret for dissipating negative energies. Scientific studies have been done on sage for disinfecting air and claim that up to 94% of airborne bacteria can also be eliminated by burning sage because burnt sage releases negative ions. It’s no surprise the Latin name for sage is ‘salvia’ which is derived from the word ‘healing’.


Meditation – This can help you prepare for mental shielding. Entering a calm state first will help you perform your shielding, making the practice more effective.


Ask for protection – Don’t be shy or afraid to ever ask Archangel Michael – our protector angel, to shield you with his purple light when you feel you need immediate shielding. Whether you are aware of your protective angels or not, we all have angels around us. Archangels are unlimited in their abilities to be there for anyone who calls on them. All you need to do is ask, Please surround me with your protective shield now Archangel Michael.

This article will offer you some more helpful tools to clear negative energy from your home:
Energy Muse – How to remove negative energy from your home

Here is another video that will teach you how to clear your space to shift energy:

In conclusion, learn how to set boundaries to keep negative people out of your circles. I know well from experience that is not always possible, but I’ve come a long way learning to dodge situations when my radar detects negative energies. Like anything else in life, we must train ourselves to become aware of our feelings and the energies that surround us to learn to avoid energy suckers. In those instances when we do find ourselves trapped in a situation with a negative or toxic person, practice your shielding.

In the next installment of this empath series, I’ll be sharing about – Empaths and Energy Sucking Vampires and Narcissists. In this episode we’ll learn why people who drain our energies are often referred to as Vampires.

©D.G.Kaye 2022

My thanks to Debby for another fascinating exploration of the world of an empath . I know she would love to hear from you.

About D.G. Kaye (Debby Gies)

Debby Gies is a Canadian nonfiction/memoir author who writes under the pen name of D.G. Kaye. She was born, raised, and resides in Toronto, Canada. Kaye writes about her life experiences, matters of the heart and women’s issues.

D.G. writes to inspire others. Her writing encompasses stories taken from events she encountered in her own life, and she shares the lessons taken from them. Her sunny outlook on life developed from learning to overcome challenges in her life, and finding the upside from those situations, while practicing gratitude for all the positives.

When Kaye isn’t writing intimate memoirs, she brings her natural sense of humor into her other works. She loves to laugh and self- medicate with a daily dose of humor.

I love to tell stories that have lessons in them, and hope to empower others by sharing my own experiences. I write raw and honest about my own experiences, hoping through my writing, that others can relate and find that there is always a choice to move from a negative space, and look for the positive.


“Live Laugh Love . . . And Don’t Forget to Breathe!”

“For every kindness, there should be kindness in return. Wouldn’t that just make the world right?”

Books by D.G. Kaye

One of the recent reviews for Twenty Years After “I Do”

Sunshine 5.0 out of 5 stars HEARTFELT MEMOIR Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022

Twenty years started with a promise. D.G. Kaye had no limits for the love of her life.
A heartfelt personal memoir is written beautifully by the author D.G. Kaye. This story is my favorite book by far this year. She shares taking the plunge and commenting on the love of her life, and truth be told, we never could predict the future. Gorden is a lot older than D.G. Kaye. I could feel her worrisome mind. She did take the chance.

The way she talked about her husband and the unconditional love between them is beautiful, even though a marriage is a lot of work. Each chapter of her words was the good, the bad, and the ugly, but her life with Gorden was a lovely daily sprinkle of glitter with love, laughter, stability, health-giving and age differences, respect, and lots of honey past, today, and future.

The author talks about the strength of the struggles they both endured, yet they embrace handling life together with love, kindness, and creative planning.

Kaye is Awe-inspiring with her sincere overpowering words that touch my heart and soul. Life is not perfect; by reading her love story, I could honestly say she came close to the happiness that people wait for a lifetime with faithfulness, honoring their vows to smile and laugh at the end of the day.

The simple things in life are watching the sunset, having morning coffee together, hugs, and making love are a lot more than the little things in a couple’s life. I truly loved reading this book. I learned from others and my own mistakes. The author’s story is a touching and beautiful tribute to her marriage.

Keeping a marriage together and having compassion in everyday life is an emotional task; they choose to handle their day-to-day lives gracefully and in harmony. I highly recommend the extraordinary book.

Read all the reviews and buy the books: Amazon US – and: Amazon UK – follow Debby: Goodreads – Blog: D.G. Kaye Writer – About me: D.G. Kaye – Twitter: @pokercubster Linkedin: D.G. Kaye – Facebook: D.G. Kaye – Instagram: D.G. Kaye – Pinterest: D.G. Kaye


Thanks for dropping in today and it would be great if you could share Debby’s post.. thanks Sally



Smorgasbord Laughter Lines – September 21st 2021 -Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Lessons and inflight service

First Debby Gies with some funnies she feels you should not miss.. ..D.G. Kaye Writer Blog is where you will find an archive full of wonderful posts across several subjects including writing tips, social issues and book reviews.

My thanks to Debby for spotting these.. and please give her a round of applause.

If you have not discovered the non-fiction books by D.G. Kaye: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK Blog: D.G. WritesGoodreads: D.G. Kaye on Goodreads – Twitter: @pokercubster

Check out Debby’s latest relationship column here on Smorgasbord: September 2021 – The Relationship with Ourselves -Self-Care

Now something from Sally

A helping hoof

A man was driving down a country road in the middle of dairy farm country when his car stalled inexplicably. He got out and raised the hood to see if he could find out what had happened. A brown and white cow slowly lumbered from the field she had been grazing in over to the car and stuck her head under the hood beside the man. After a moment the cow looked at the man and said, “Looks like a bad carburettor to me.” Then she walked back into the field and began grazing again.

Amazed, the man walked back to the farmhouse he had just passed, where he met a farmer. “Hey, mister, is that your cow in the field?” he asked. The farmer replied, “The brown and white one? Yep, that’s old Daisy.” The man then said, “Well my car’s broken down, and she just said, ‘Looks like a bad carburettor to me.’” The farmer shook his head and said, “Don’t mind old Daisy, son. She don’t know a thing about cars.”

Inflight service

On a long distance flight on British Airways to Australia a mother took her young son to the toilet and told him she would be back in five minutes for him. He was finished in two minutes and headed off by himself down one of the aisles in the opposite direction to where his mother was sitting.

In the meantime a business man entered the toilet and locked the door. After the five minutes were up, the mother went to the toilet and knocked on the door and called out, ‘Do you need a hand with your zipper?’

From behind the door, a startled male voice said, ‘Good heavens, that’s what I call service!’


I hope this has left you with a smile on your face and please feel free to pass it on…thanks Debby and Sally.


Smorgasbord Laughter Lines – June 24th 2021 – Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Texts and Eye Tests

Welcome to laughter lines with some gems from Debby Gies who has been keeping an eye open for funnies online and some jokes from Sally.

    If you have not discovered the non-fiction books by D.G. Kaye: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK Blog: D.G. WritesGoodreads: D.G. Kaye on Goodreads – Twitter: @pokercubster

Check out Debby’s column here on Smorgasbord D.G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships 2020

Now something from Sally

Mistaken Identity!

A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a beautiful blond woman wave at him and say hello.

He’s rather taken aback, because he can’t place where he knows her from. So he says,

“Do you Know me?”

To which she replies, “I think you’re the father of one of my kids.”

Now his mind travels back to the only time he has ever been unfaithful to his wife and says, “My God, are you the stripper from my bachelor party that whispered sweet nothings in my ear and dragged me into the back room of the bar?”

She looks into his eyes and calmly says, “No, actually I’m your son’s math teacher.”

Eye Test

A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver’s license.

First, of course, he had to take an eyesight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters:

‘C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.’

“Can you read this?” the optician asked.

“Read it?” the Polish guy replied, “I know the guy.”

Thanks for dropping in and we hope you are leaving with a smile on your face… Debby and Sally.

Smorgasbord Laughter Lines – June 1st 2021 – Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Alexa and Hell

Welcome to laughter lines with some gems Debby Gies has discovered online and a few bits of humour from Sally.

If you have not discovered the non-fiction books by D.G. Kaye: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK Blog: D.G. WritesGoodreads: D.G. Kaye on Goodreads – Twitter: @pokercubster

Check out Debby’s column here on Smorgasbord D.G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships 2020

Now something from Sally

For those of you who are not sure what to expect!!!

Is Hell Exothermic?

Actual question on a University of Washington chemistry midterm: “Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer with a proof.”

Most of the students’ proofs involved Boyle’s Law (gas cools when it expands and heats up when compressed) or some variant.

One student, however, wrote the following:

“First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So, we need to know the rate that souls are moving into hell and the rate they are leaving. I think we can safely assume that once a soul gets into Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving.

As for how many souls are entering Hell, let’s look at the different religions that exist in the world today. Some of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there are more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all people and all souls go to Hell.

With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume of Hell because Boyle’s Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand as souls are added.

This gives two possibilities:

1) If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.

2) Of course, if Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over.

So which is it?

If we accept the postulate given to me by Ms. Therese Banyan during my Freshman year, that “it will be a cold night in Hell before I sleep with you,” and taking into account the fact that I still have not succeeded in that area, then 2) cannot be true, and so Hell is exothermic.

The student got the only A.

Thanks for dropping in and we hope you are leaving with a smile on your face… Debby and Sally.

Smorgasbord Laughter Lines – May 13th 2021 – Hosts Debby Gies and Sally Cronin – Exodus and Mary Poppins

Welcome to laughter lines. Debby was sent some great reminders of the last year and possible for some time to come!.       

If you have not discovered the non-fiction books by D.G. Kaye: Amazon USAnd: Amazon UK Blog: D.G. WritesGoodreads: D.G. Kaye on Goodreads – Twitter: @pokercubster

Check out Debby’s column here on Smorgasbord D.G. Kaye Explores the Realms of Relationships 2020

Now something from Sally

Mary Poppins…

Mary Poppins was travelling home but, due to worsening weather, she decided to stop at a hotel for the night.

She approached the receptionist and asked for a room. “Certainly madam”, he replied courteously. “Is the restaurant open still?” inquired Mary. “Sorry, no”, came the reply, “but room service is available all night. Would you care to select something from this menu?”

Mary smiled and took the menu and perused it. “Hmm, I would like cauliflower cheese please”, said Mary.

“Certainly, madam”, he replied.

“And can I have breakfast in bed?” asked Mary politely. The receptionist nodded and smiled.

“In that case, I would love a couple of poached eggs, please”, Mary mused. After confirming the order, Mary signed in and went up to her room for the night.

The night passed uneventfully and the next morning Mary came down early to check out. The same guy was still on the desk.

“Morning madam…sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you”, Mary replied.

“Food to your liking?”

“Well, I have to say the cauliflower cheese was exceptional. I don’t think I have had better. Shame about the eggs, though….they really weren’t that nice at all”, replied Mary truthfully.

“Oh…well, perhaps you could contribute these thoughts to our Guest Comments Book. We are always looking to improve our service and would value your opinion”, said the receptionist.

“OK, I will…thanks!” replied Mary….who checked out and then scribbled a comment into the book. Waving, she left to continue her journey. Curious, the receptionist picked up the book to see the comment Mary had written:


Thanks for dropping in and we hope you are leaving with a smile on your face… Debby and Sally.